控制单元的设计 重点_控制单元设计

控制单元的设计 重点

控制单元设计 (Design of Control Unit)

Control unit generates timing and control signals for the operations of the computer. The control unit communicates with ALU and main memory. It also controls the transmission between processor, memory and the various peripherals. It also instructs the ALU which operation has to be performed on data.

控制单元产生用于计算机操作的定时和控制信号。 控制单元与ALU和主存储器通信。 它还控制处理器,内存和各种外围设备之间的传输。 它还指示ALU必须对数据执行哪些操作。

Control unit can be designed by two methods which are given below:


硬线控制单元 (Hardwired Control Unit)

It is implemented with the help of gates, flip flops, decoders etc. in the hardware. The inputs to control unit are the instruction register, flags, timing signals etc. This organization can be very complicated if we have to make the control unit large.

它是在硬件中借助门,触发器,解码器等来实现的。 控制单元的输入是指令寄存器,标志,定时信号等。如果必须将控制单元做大,这种组织可能会非常复杂。

If the design has to be modified or changed, all the combinational circuits have to be modified which is a very difficult task.


控制单元的设计 重点_控制单元设计

微程序控制单元 (Microprogrammed Control Unit)

It is implemented by using programming approach. A sequence of micro operations is carried out by executing a program consisting of micro-instructions. In this organization any modifications or changes can be done by updating the micro program in the control memory by the programmer.

它是通过使用编程方法来实现的。 通过执行由微指令组成的程序来执行一系列微操作。 在这种组织中,程序员可以通过更新控制存储器中的微程序来进行任何修改或更改。

硬接线控制和微程序控制之间的区别 (Difference between Hardwired Control and Microprogrammed Control)

Hardwired Control Microprogrammed Control
Technology is circuit based. Technology is software based.
It is implemented through flip-flops, gates, decoders etc. Microinstructions generate signals to control the execution of instructions.
Fixed instruction format. Variable instruction format (16-64 bits per instruction).
Instructions are register based. Instructions are not register based.
ROM is not used. ROM is used.
It is used in RISC. It is used in CISC.
Faster decoding. Slower decoding.
Difficult to modify. Easily modified.
Chip area is less. Chip area is large.
硬连线控制 微程序控制
技术是基于电路的。 技术是基于软件的。
它通过触发器,门,解码器等实现。 微指令产生信号以控制指令的执行。
固定指令格式。 可变指令格式(每条指令16-64位)。
指令基于寄存器。 指令不是基于寄存器的。
不使用ROM。 使用ROM。
在RISC中使用。 在CISC中使用。
解码速度更快。 解码速度较慢。
很难修改。 轻松修改。
芯片面积较小。 芯片面积大。

翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/computer-architecture/design-of-control-unit

控制单元的设计 重点