黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

iMessage got a huge update in iOS 10, adding things like third-party app integration, rich links, and a number of fun graphical effects for messages. If you’re seeing messages that say something like “(sent with Invisible Ink)” instead of seeing the actual Invisible Ink effect, we’ve got a couple of fixes for you to try.

iMessage在iOS 10中进行重大更新,添加了第三方应用程序集成,丰富的链接以及许多有趣的消息图形效果等功能。 如果您看到的消息显示为“(用不可见墨水发送)”而不是看到实际的不可见墨水效果,则我们提供了两个修复程序供您尝试。

在所有iOS设备上注销并重新登录到iMessage (Sign Out and Back In to iMessage on All Your iOS Devices)

Most often, not message effects stems from a server error on Apple’s end. You can correct this by signing out and back in to iMessage. You’ll need to sign out on all devices your account is used on, and then sign back into each of them. Here’s how to do it.

大多数情况下,消息的影响不是源于Apple端的服务器错误。 您可以通过注销并返回iMessage来更正此问题。 您需要在使用帐户的所有设备上注销,然后重新登录到每个设备。 这是操作方法。

Fire up your Settings app and then tap “Messages.”


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

On the Messages screen, tap the “Send & Receive” item.


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

At the top, tap the address with which you’re signed into iMessage.


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

On the Message Account pop-up, tap “Sign Out.”


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

After a moment, you’ll be signed out of iMessage. Repeat this process on all the devices you use that account for with iMessage before continuing.

片刻之后,您将退出iMessage。 在继续使用该帐户之前,请在用于该帐户的所有设备上重复此过程。

After signing out on all your devices, tap “Use your Apple ID for iMessage” on this same page to sign back in.

在所有设备上注销后,在同一页面上点击“使用Apple ID用于iMessage”以重新登录。

黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

Enter your Apple ID and password, and then tap “Sign In.”

输入您的Apple ID和密码,然后点击“登录”。

黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

After you sign in, fire up your Messages app. Messages you’ve already received won’t change, so you’ll need to get someone to send you a new message using an effect so you can test it out. Hopefully, you’ll see the full message effect now.

登录后,启动您的消息应用程序。 您已经收到的消息不会改变,因此您需要让某人使用效果发送新消息给您,以便对其进行测试。 希望您现在将看到完整的消息效果。

黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

And if it looks good, go ahead and repeat those last couple of steps to sign back into iMessage on your other devices.


关闭减少运动辅助功能设置 (Turn Off the Reduce Motion Accessibility Setting)

Some people have also reported that having the Reduce Motion setting turned on interferes with their ability to see message effects. The Reduce Motion setting is intended to disable unnecessary animations–like the parallax effect on your home screen. Some folks turn it on because those types of animations bother them, others to boost performance or help increase battery life. If you do use the Reduce Motion setting and it interferes with message effects, you’ll just have to decide which is more important to you.

有人还报告说,启用“降低动作”设置会影响他们查看消息效果的能力。 “减少运动”设置旨在禁用不必要的动画,例如主屏幕上的视差效果。 有些人之所以打开它是因为这些类型的动画会打扰他们,其他人则是为了提高性能或延长电池寿命。 如果您确实使用了“减少动作”设置并且会干扰消息效果,则只需确定哪个对您更重要。

That said, many people don’t experience the problem and message effects work fine even when Reduce Motion is turned on. It’s an easy enough thing to check, though. Maybe it will work for you if signing out and back in to iMessage didn’t.

也就是说,即使启用了“减少运动”,许多人也不会遇到问题,并且消息效果也很好。 不过,这很容易检查。 如果没有注销并重新登录iMessage,则可能对您有用。

In your Settings app, tap “General.”


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

On the General settings screen, tap “Accessibility.”


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

On the Accessibility settings screen, see whether the “Reduce Motion” item is turned on or off. If it’s turned on, go ahead and tap “Reduce Motion.”

在“辅助功能设置”屏幕上,查看“减少运动”项目是打开还是关闭。 如果已打开,请继续并点击“降低运动”。

黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

Turn the “Reduce Motion” toggle off.


黑苹果不能imessage_如何修复iMessage在iOS 10中不显示消息效果

Now, can go test your messages again to see if effects are working. Like we said, this seems to be working for some people, but not others. So far, all the instances we’ve seen on our own devices were corrected by either turning Reduce Motion off or signing out and back into iMessages on your devices. So, hopefully, this will get you fixed up and sending invisible messages in no time.

现在,可以再次测试您的消息以查看效果是否正常。 就像我们说的那样,这似乎对某些人有效,但对其他人却无效。 到目前为止,通过关闭“还原运动”或注销并重新登录到设备上的iMessages,可以更正我们在自己的设备上看到的所有实例。 因此,希望这可以使您立即解决并发送不可见的消息。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/271781/how-to-fix-imessage-not-showing-message-effects-in-ios-10/
