.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/L

._build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/LAST.
一般解决是Options for Target ’ xxxx ',里面的Linker选项下面: 去掉勾选 Use Memory Layout from Target Dialog
,清空 Acatter File里面的内容 。但这样做也没有解决,发现project本来用是用nrf_deviceFamilyPack8.15,我改成来8.24.
1)打开NRF SDK提示:.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/L
.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/L
.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/L
3)发现编译错误._build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/LAST.
4)修改manage run-time environment
.\_build\nrf52832_xxaa.sct(7): error: L6236E: No section matches selector - no section to be FIRST/L