macos sierra_如何在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号

macos sierra_如何在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号

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macos sierra_如何在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号

If you regularly use Apple Mail, Word, or some other application where you do a lot of writing, macOS Sierra comes with a few new options: auto-capitalization and auto-periods. You just have to manually enable them.

如果您经常使用Apple Mail,Word或其他需要大量编写代码的应用程序,则macOS Sierra会提供一些新选项:自动大写和自动句号。 您只需要手动启用它们。

These options already exist in iOS, so if you use an iPhone or iPad, you already be acquainted with auto-capitalization and auto-periods.


macos sierra_如何在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号

To enable auto-capitalization and auto-periods in macOS Sierra, first open the System Preferences and click “Keyboard”.

要在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号,请首先打开系统偏好设置,然后单击“键盘”。

macos sierra_如何在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号

In the keyboard preferences, click the “Text” tab. In the upper-right corner, you will see the two options, “capitalize words automatically” and “add period with double-space”. Check either or both options if you want to enable them.

在键盘偏好设置中,单击“文本”选项卡。 在右上角,您将看到两个选项,“自动将单词大写”和“使用双倍空格加句号”。 如果要启用它们,请选中其中一个或两个。

macos sierra_如何在macOS Sierra中启用自动大写和自动句号

Auto-capitalization is easy enough to understand. It means that at the beginning of every sentence, or whenever you use a proper noun, macOS will automatically capitalize that word. The auto-period feature means that every time you double-space at the end of a sentence, macOS will insert a period.

自动大写很容易理解。 这意味着在每个句子的开头,或者每当您使用专有名词时,macOS都会自动将该单词大写。 自动周期功能意味着,每当您在句子末尾加倍空格时,macOS都会插入一个句点。

These options are off by default since most people can handle capitalization and periods themselves. But if you want to ensure that your Mac is looking out for you, then you may like to have them on.

默认情况下,这些选项是关闭的,因为大多数人可以自己处理大小写和期间。 但是,如果您想确保Mac正在寻找您,那么您可能希望启用它们。


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