禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

禁用windows 索引

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

Windows Search makes searching for files on your PC a lot faster, but if you find that things slow down when Windows indexes files or that Search isn’t working as expected, there are a few steps you can take.

Windows Search使您在PC上搜索文件的速度大大提高,但是如果发现Windows 索引文件时速度变慢或Search不能按预期工作,则可以采取一些步骤。

通过仅包括某些位置来加快索引编制 (Speed Up Indexing by Only Including Certain Locations)

The best way to trim down the amount of processor time the indexing service uses is by trimming down the number of files being indexed. For example, if you don’t regularly perform searches of files on your C: drive, there’s really no need to be indexing the whole thing. Personally, I love the search function for my main documents folder and the Start Menu, but that’s about it. Why bother indexing everything else?

减少索引服务使用的处理器时间的最佳方法是减少索引文件的数量。 例如,如果您不定期在C:驱动器上执行文件搜索,则实际上无需索引整个内容。 就个人而言,我喜欢主文档文件夹和“开始”菜单的搜索功能,仅此而已。 为什么还要麻烦索引其他所有内容?

You can read all about selecting locations in our full guide to choosing which files Windows Search indexes, where you can also learn about selecting what file types get indexed and other advanced options . But in short, to open up indexing options, hit Start, type “indexing,” and then click “Indexing Options.”

您可以阅读完整的指南中有关选择位置的全部内容, 以选择Windows Search索引文件 ,还可以了解选择要索引的文件类型以及其他高级选项的信息。 但简而言之,要打开索引选项,请单击“开始”,键入“ indexing”,然后单击“ Indexing Options”。

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

In the “Indexing Options” window, click the “Modify” button.


禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

And then use the “Indexed Locations” window to select the folder you want included in the index.


禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

At the very least, you might want to include the Start menu to make it easier to launch programs just by typing their names. The rest is up to you, but most people go ahead and include folders with person files, such as Documents, Pictures, Videos, and so on. If you keep your personal files stored on another drive, note that those files are typically not indexed by default unless you’ve actually moved your personal document folders to that location.

至少,您可能希望包括“开始”菜单,以使仅通过键入程序名称即可更轻松地启动程序。 其余的取决于您,但是大多数人都会继续使用,并包含带有个人文件的文件夹,例如文档,图片,视频等。 如果您将个人文件存储在另一个驱动器上,请注意,默认情况下,通常不会将这些文件编入索引,除非您实际上已将个人文档文件夹移动到了该位置

如果不使用它,请完全禁用Windows搜索 (Disable Windows Search Altogether if You Don’t Use It)

If you really don’t use Windows Search at all, you can disable indexing completely by turning off the Windows Search service. This will stop the indexing of all files. You’ll still have access to search, of course. It will just take longer since it has to search through your files every time. If you’re thinking of disabling Search because it’s slowing things down, we recommend trimming down what files are getting indexed and seeing if that works for you first.

如果您真的根本不使用Windows搜索,则可以通过关闭Windows搜索服务来完全禁用索引。 这将停止所有文件的索引编制。 当然,您仍然可以搜索。 这将花费更长的时间,因为它每次都必须搜索您的文件。 如果您由于速度慢而考虑禁用搜索,建议您减少正在索引的文件,然后先看看它是否对您有用。

You should also note that other apps–notably Microsoft Outlook–use Windows Search to allow searching within those apps, so you’ll have to do without fast searching in those, as well.

您还应该注意,其他应用程序(尤其是Microsoft Outlook)使用Windows搜索来在这些应用程序中进行搜索,因此您也必须在这些应用程序中不进行快速搜索。

That said, if you’re planning on using another search app or you just don’t search often and would rather not have the service running, Windows Search is easy to disable. Hit Start, type “services,” and then click the result.

也就是说,如果您打算使用其他搜索应用程序,或者只是不经常搜索并且宁愿不运行该服务,则可以轻松禁用Windows搜索。 单击开始,键入“服务”,然后单击结果。

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

On the right-hand side of the “Services” window, find the “Windows Search” entry and double-click it.

在“服务”窗口的右侧,找到“ Windows搜索”条目,然后双击它。

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

In the “Startup type” drop-down menu, select the “Disabled” option. This will prevent Windows Search from loading the next time you start your computer. Click the “Stop” button to go ahead and stop the Windows Search service now. When the service has stopped, click “OK.”

在“启动类型”下拉菜单中,选择“禁用”选项。 这将防止Windows Search在下次启动计算机时加载。 单击“停止”按钮继续并立即停止Windows搜索服务。 服务停止后,单击“确定”。

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

And that’s it. Windows Search is now disabled, a fact that Windows is happy to remind you about (and offer to fix) when you do perform searches.

就是这样。 Windows搜索现已禁用,这是Windows很乐意在执行搜索时提醒您(并提供修复)的事实。

禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

If you want to turn Windows Search back on, all you have to do is return to it in the Services window, change the “Startup type” option back to “Automatic,” and then click Start to start the service back up.


如果遇到问题,请重建Windows搜索索引 (Rebuild the Windows Search Index if You’re Experiencing Problems)

If you are encountering problems with searching–unexpectedly slow searches, not finding things that should be indexed, or searches actually crashing–your best bet is to completely rebuild the search index. It will take a while to rebuild, but it’s usually worth it. Before you rebuild the index, though, it may be worth taking the time to trim down your index locations to just what you need to make the indexing process faster.

如果您在搜索时遇到问题-出乎意料的是缓慢的搜索,没有找到应建立索引的内容,或者搜索实际上崩溃了-您最好的选择是完全重建搜索索引。 重建需要一些时间,但通常是值得的。 但是,在重建索引之前,可能值得花时间将索引位置缩小到恰好需要使索引处理更快的位置。

Open up the “Indexing Options” window by hitting start and typing “Indexing Options,” and then click the “Advanced” button.


禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

In the “Advanced Options” window, click the “Rebuild” button.


禁用windows 索引_如何加快,禁用或重建Windows搜索索引

After that, it’s just a matter of waiting while Windows rebuilds the index from scratch. You can keep using your PC normally, of course, but searching will continue to be spotty until the index is fully rebuilt. Also, Windows tries to do indexing while your PC is not being used, so it may be best to rebuild the index before going to sleep and just leaving your PC on for the night to do its job. You should be back to searching by the morning.

在那之后,仅需等待Windows从头开始重建索引即可。 当然,您可以继续正常使用PC,但是在完全重建索​​引之前,搜索将仍然很混乱。 另外,Windows会在不使用PC的情况下尝试建立索引,因此,最好在入睡之前将索引重建,然后仅将PC放置在夜间进行工作。 您应该在早上回到搜索。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/speed-up-or-disable-windows-search-indexing-in-vista/

禁用windows 索引