第一行代码 java 光盘_如何买卖光盘附带的数字电影代码

第一行代码 java 光盘_如何买卖光盘附带的数字电影代码

第一行代码 java 光盘

第一行代码 java 光盘_如何买卖光盘附带的数字电影代码

At the moment, we’re in a transition to an all-digital world of entertainment, and we’ll soon be able to more or less forget about DVDs, CDs, Blu-rays, and game cartridges. But while we sit in this transitory phase, movie studios are trying to get us to keep buying movies on disc by sweetening the pot with free codes for digital copies.

目前,我们正在过渡到全数字娱乐世界,我们很快就能或多或少地忘记DVD,CD,蓝光和游戏盒带。 但是,当我们处于这个过渡阶段时,电影制片厂正试图通过使用免费的数字拷贝代码来充实罐中的内容,以使我们继续购买光盘上的电影。

But what if you don’t want the code that comes free with your Blu-ray? Or alternately, what if you don’t give a toss about the Blu-ray but you want to save some cash on that $15-20 digital HD price? Luckily, the web is full of free markets that are taking advantage of these cracks in the digital economy.

但是,如果您不希望Blu-ray附带免费的代码,该怎么办? 或者,如果您不愿谈论Blu-ray,但又想节省15-20美元的数字高清价格,该怎么办? 幸运的是,网络上到处都是*市场,这些市场正在利用数字经济中的这些裂缝。

从网上市场购买代码 (Buying Codes From Online Marketplaces)

If you want to buy digital movie codes, especially for the somewhat cumbersome UltraViolet standard, you’re spoiled for choice. Various websites keep a huge database of active, legal codes from movies, allowing you to buy them like any digital item and get the code delivered via email or a sign-in account. Here are a few of them:

如果您想购买数字电影代码,尤其是对于有些繁琐的UltraViolet标准,那么您会选择很多。 各个网站都拥有庞大的电影有效法律代码数据库,您可以像购买任何数字商品一样购买它们,并通过电子邮件或登录帐户获取代码。 这里有几个:

You can also buy codes from ordinary user-to-user markets like eBay, or even Craigslist (if you like to live dangerously). Redbox recently started selling the Disney movie codes that come with the copies of movies they rent out, though for some reason you still need to go to the physical vending machines to actually get the code.

您也可以从普通的用户到用户市场(例如eBay或Craigslist)购买代码(如果您想过着危险的生活)。 Redbox最近开始出售其租借的电影副本附带的迪斯尼电影代码,尽管出于某些原因,您仍然需要使用实体自动售货机来实际获取代码。

第一行代码 java 光盘_如何买卖光盘附带的数字电影代码

Once you’ve received the code for the movie in your email inbox or account page, you can redeem it whenever you like. UltraViolet codes can be used on VUDU or Fandango. iTunes-only codes are, well, iTunes only, but Disney Anywhere codes can be redeemed on iTunes, VUDU, Google Play, or Amazon. From there it’s just a matter of opening the corresponding app on your phone or set-top box and watching the movie.

在电子邮件收件箱或帐户页面中收到电影代码后,您可以随时兑换它。 UltraViolet代码可以在VUDU或Fandango上使用。 仅限iTunes的代码仅是iTunes,但是可以在iTunes,VUDU,Google Play或Amazon上兑换Disney Anywhere代码。 从那里开始,只需在手机或机顶盒上打开相应的应用程序并观看电影即可。

出售自己的密码 (Selling Your Own Codes)

First of all, you should understand that selling the digital codes from your DVDs and Blu-rays isn’t going to be some avenue for extreme profit. You might pick up a few bucks here and there, but it won’t recoup the cost of the disc itself, and it’s honestly easier just to send the code to a friend or family member if you know you won’t be using it.

首先,您应该了解出售DVD和Blu-ray光盘中的数字代码不会成为获取利润的途径。 您可能在这里和那里花了几块钱,但它并不能弥补光盘本身的成本,而且如果您知道自己不会使用该代码,将代码发送给朋友或家人则更容易做到。

But if you’re set on selling that code, there are a few places to start. eBay is pretty good if you want to make sure you’re protected by PayPal or credit card payment systems: just make an auction or Buy It Now listing and wait. You’ll be competing on one of the biggest retail marketplaces in the world, mind you—if you actually want your code to sell you need to make it a dollar or two cheaper than the same movie is going for in other listings. Any other user-to-user market will work the same way.

但是,如果您打算出售该代码,则可以从一些地方开始。 如果您想确保自己受到PayPal或信用卡支付系统的保护,那么eBay会非常不错:只需进行拍卖或“立即购买”列表,然后等待即可。 请注意,您将在世界上最大的零售市场之一上竞争—如果您实际上想出售自己的代码,则需要使其比其他电影中的同一部电影便宜一两美元。 任何其他用户对用户市场都将以相同的方式工作。

第一行代码 java 光盘_如何买卖光盘附带的数字电影代码

There are also dedicated forums and social network groups for trading and selling UltraViolet, iTunes, and Disney Anywhere codes. Blu-ray.com, which is a combined storefront and user forum (not officially affiliated with the Blu-ray standard), offers a specific section of the forum for trading the codes that come with Blu-ray movies. There’s a very active Google+ community dedicated to the same topic, with moderators apparently running a very tight ship. In both cases, PayPal seems to be the exchange of choice: post which movies you have and how much you’d like for them, wait for a private message via the forum or Hangouts, and send the code when you get the PayPal alert.

还有专门的论坛和社交网络团体,用于买卖UltraViolet,iTunes和Disney Anywhere代码。 Blu-ray.com是一个合并的店面和用户论坛(未正式与Blu-ray标准关联),提供了论坛的特定部分用于交易Blu-ray电影随附的代码。 有一个非常活跃的Google+社区致力于同一主题,主持人显然运转非常紧张。 在这两种情况下,PayPal似乎都是一种选择:发布您拥有的电影以及想要多少电影,在论坛或环聊上等待私人消息,并在收到PayPal警报时发送代码。

Of course, when you sell directly to people over the web, you run the risk of getting scammed, both for buying and selling. But since the prices for full movies are often less than a digital HD rental, and if you’re selling the code you weren’t planning on using anyway, the risk is minimal. Just remember never to offer your personal information, especially bank account numbers, credit card numbers, home addresses, and government identification.

当然,当您通过网络直接向人们出售产品时,您冒着被骗的风险,无论是买卖。 但是,由于整部电影的价格通常低于数字高清电影的租金,并且如果您出售的是您计划不使用的代码,则风险很小。 请记住,永远不要提供您的个人信息,尤其是银行帐号,信用卡号,家庭住址和*身份证明。

这合法吗? (Is This Legal?)

The legal consensus on selling digital movie codes from Blu-ray and DVD packaging seems to be a resounding “eh.” The terms of service of the movies definitely indicate that the movie studios don’t want you to do this. “Not for sale or resale” is pretty clear-cut. In fact, Disney is currently suing Redbox to try to stop them from offering the digital movie sales mentioned above, and eBay’s policy seems to be inconsistent at best.

关于销售蓝光和DVD包装的数字电影代码的法律共识似乎是一个响亮的“ eh”。 电影的服务条款明确表示电影制片厂不希望您这样做。 “不用于出售或转售”非常明确。 实际上,迪士尼目前正在起诉Redbox ,试图阻止它们提供上述数字电影销售,而且eBay的政策充其量似乎是前后矛盾的

That being said, the doctrine of first sale (which is active in the United States, with similar laws and statutes in other countries) pretty clearly applies to the movie code, since it’s a separate item from the movie disc itself. So selling the code is probably legal, in the sense that it’s a thing that you own—just because it’s a bundled item from the Blu-ray or DVD doesn’t affect its value as a separate item. But thanks to the byzantine rules and laws surrounding copyright, it might be illegal to redeem the code for a streaming movie if you don’t have the disc that it was sold with. Movie industry lawyers would certainly make that argument, if indeed they found it worthwhile to prosecute this relatively small slice of a secondary market at all. That doesn’t seem very likely, at least in the short term—movie studios are more interested in finding and prosecuting pirates than people who go out of their way to “buy” a movie, even in such a circuitous manner.

话虽这么说,但首次销售原则(在美国很活跃,在其他国家/地区具有类似的法律和法规)显然适用于电影代码,因为它与电影光盘本身是分开的。 因此,在某种意义上说,出售代码可能是合法的,因为这是您拥有的东西-仅因为它是Blu-ray或DVD的捆绑产品,所以不会影响其作为单独产品的价值。 但是由于拜占庭式的版权法规和法规,如果您没有随碟一起出售的光盘,则赎回流电影的代码可能是非法的。 电影业律师当然会提出这样的论点,如果他们确实确实值得起诉所有相对较小的二级市场。 至少在短期内,这似乎不太可能—电影制片厂比那些以“ bu回”方式“买”电影的人更感兴趣寻找和起诉海盗。

But yes, redeeming a movie code you obtained without actually buying the movie disc probably violates the terms of service, and technically either the studio or the service you redeemed the code on (VUDU, iTunes, Google Play) could revoke your ownership or suspend your account if they find out. Since there’s no way for the studios or the service to know who bought the movie at a retailer and who redeemed the code, however, the practical danger of this is pretty low.

但是,是的,赎回您未实际购买电影光盘而获得的电影代码可能违反了服务条款,从技术上讲,工作室或您赎回其代码的服务(VUDU,iTunes,Google Play)可能会撤消您的所有权或中止您的所有权帐户,如果他们发现了。 由于电影制片厂或服务提供商无法知道谁在零售商那里购买了电影以及谁赎回了代码,因此这样做的实际危险性很低。

Special thanks to Professor Derek Bambauer of the University of Arizona for guidance on the final section of this article. Prof. Bambauer founded the James E. Rogers College of Law’s Intellectual Property Clinic, which offers free legal assistance to entrepreneurs and start-ups. 

特别感谢亚利桑那大学的Derek Bambauer教授对本文最后一节的指导。 Bambauer教授创立了詹姆斯·E·罗杰斯法学院的知识产权诊所,为企业家和初创企业提供免费的法律援助。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/335037/how-to-buy-and-sell-digital-movie-codes/

第一行代码 java 光盘