fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

Amazon offers a Bluetooth controller to pair with their Fire TV and Fire TV Stick media units, but if you’re not a fan of shelling out $40 for a controller (especially if you already have some game controllers laying around) you don’t have to. Read on as we show you how to pair both wired, wireless, and Bluetooth third party controllers.

亚马逊提供了一个蓝牙控制器来与他们的Fire TV和Fire TV Stick媒体设备配对,但是如果您不喜欢花40美元购买一个控制器(尤其是如果您已经摆放了一些游戏控制器),那您就没有了至。 请继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何将有线,无线和蓝牙第三方控制器配对。

我为什么要这样做? (Why Do I Want To Do This?)

Forty bucks for a game controller for your streaming media box/stick is a bit steep, especially if you’re not sure if you’re even ready to commit to turning your Fire TV/Fire TV Stick into a game machine.

流媒体盒/棒的游戏控制器要花40美元,这有点贵,尤其是如果您不确定是否准备将Fire TV / Fire TV Stick变成游戏机时。

Mobile gaming on the television set is still in its infancy (and in most instance a novelty at best if you’re limiting yourself to playing current generation Android games that have been ported to the platform you’re using as opposed to emulating older games). We hardly blame you if you don’t want to sink a bunch of money into buying Amazon-branded controllers when you can either reuse controllers you already have or purchase controllers that you can easily shift to a different system if you’re not particularly enamored with gaming on the Fire TV.

电视机上的移动游戏仍处于起步阶段(在大多数情况下,如果您将自己限于玩已经移植到您使用的平台上的现代Android游戏,而不是模仿旧游戏,那么充其量只是一种新颖) 。 如果您不想重复使用已有的控制器,也可以购买那些可以让您轻松转移到其他系统的控制器,如果您不特别着迷的话,我们几乎不会怪您。在Fire TV上玩游戏。

While we typically outline what you need for a tutorial first thing in the tutorial, the materials list varies based on what kind of controller(s) you’re pairing with your device. As such, we’ll go over what you need in each section.

虽然我们通常会在教程中首先概述您需要的知识,但材料清单会根据您要与设备配对的控制器的种类而有所不同。 因此,我们将在每个部分中介绍您需要的内容。

Also, if you’re here to pair a controller with your Fire TV Stick you should jump down to the last section focused on Bluetooth controllers as the lack of USB port on the Fire TV Stick precludes users from using anything but Bluetooth-based solutions. Again, for emphasis, you cannot pair wired or wireless (2.4GHz) controllers with the Fire TV Stick; you can only pair Bluetooth controllers.

另外,如果您要将控制器与Fire TV Stick配对,则应该跳到最后一部分,重点介绍Bluetooth控制器,因为Fire TV Stick缺少USB端口会阻止用户使用除基于Bluetooth的解决方案以外的任何方法。 再次强调一下,您不能将有线或无线(2.4GHz)控制器与Fire TV Stick配对。 您只能配对Bluetooth控制器。

有线控制器 (Wired Controllers)

Although the USB port on the Fire TV is unfortunately hobbled at the moment (it doesn’t, for example, support mounting of USB media) it’s still useful for the purposes of this tutorial as you can plug in USB input peripherals including game controllers.

尽管不幸的是,目前Fire TV上的USB端口已晃动(例如,它不支持USB介质的安装),但对于本教程而言仍然有用,因为您可以插入USB输入外围设备(包括游戏控制器)。

RELATED: How to Choose the Perfect USB Hub for Your Needs

相关: 如何根据需要选择完美的USB集线器

Right out of the box the Fire TV supports a variety of wired controllers including the official Xbox 360 controller and the Logitech F310 and many other Logitech controllers like the F510 and Dual Action (no longer in active production but many people own them and they’re widely available used). Although you can’t pair wireless PlayStation 3 controllers without rooting your device the Fire TV includes a keymap for the PlayStation 3 controller; although we didn’t have a third-party wired PlayStation 3 controller on hand to test it out we’re inclined to think it would work given the presence of the keymap file for the controller.

Fire TV即开即用,支持各种有线控制器,包括官方的Xbox 360控制器和Logitech F310以及许多其他Logitech控制器,例如F510和Dual Action(不再投入生产,但许多人拥有它们,广泛使用)。 尽管您无法在没有植根设备的情况下无法配对无线PlayStation 3控制器,但Fire TV包含了PlayStation 3控制器的键盘映射。 尽管我们手头没有第三方有线PlayStation 3控制器来进行测试,但由于存在控制器的键盘映射文件,我们倾向于认为它可以工作。

To use a wired USB controller you can simply plug the controller into the USB port on the back of the Fire TV. Multiple controllers with a USB hub also works; not only were we able to plug in more than one wired Xbox 360 controller this way but the support for 360 controllers is advanced enough that the correct player number was even illuminated on each controller.

要使用有线USB控制器,您只需将控制器插入消防电视背面的USB端口即可。 带有USB集线器的多个控制器也可以工作; 我们不仅能够以这种方式插入多个有线Xbox 360控制器,而且对360控制器的支持已经足够先进,以至于每个控制器上都可以显示正确的播放器编号。

Even if the controller doesn’t work well for navigating the Fire TV menus, we’d still recommend trying it out with some games before giving up on the controller (especially if the games/emulators you’re using allow for key remapping).

即使控制器不能很好地导航Fire TV菜单,我们仍然建议您在放弃控制器之前尝试一些游戏进行尝试(特别是如果您使用的游戏/模拟器允许重新映射键)。

无线控制器 (Wireless Controllers)

In addition to supporting directly wired controllers via USB, the Amazon Fire TV also supports wireless controllers via dongle (just like the Xbox 360 dongle we used in this tutorial). Using the wireless-to-dongle method works for Xbox 360 and Wii U Pro controllers.

除了通过USB支持直接有线控制器外,Amazon Fire TV还通过加密狗支持无线控制器(就像我们在本教程中使用Xbox 360加密狗一样)。 使用无线到加密狗方法适用于Xbox 360和Wii U Pro控制器。

RELATED: How to Hook Up a Wireless Xbox 360 Controller to Your Computer

相关: 如何将无线Xbox 360控制器连接到计算机

In order to take advantage of the connectivity you’ll need an appropriate dongle for each controller standard like this Xbox 360 Windows Receiver or this Wii U Pro Receiver. Plug the dongle into the USB port of the Amazon Fire TV, press the sync button on the dongle and the sync button on the wireless remotes, and you’re in business.

为了利用连通性,您需要为每个控制器标准(如Xbox 360 Windows ReceiverWii U Pro Receiver)配备合适的加密狗。 将加密狗插入Amazon Fire TV的USB端口,按加密狗上的同步按钮和无线遥控器上的同步按钮,您就可以开展业务。

Although we didn’t have any trouble pairing wireless Xbox 360 controllers to the Fire TV directly, some users have reported that they need to plug the dongle into a computer and pair the controllers to it first before swapping it over to the Fire TV. Like with the wired 360 controllers, there is full support including illuminating the correct player number.

尽管我们将无线Xbox 360控制器直接与Fire TV配对没有任何麻烦,但一些用户报告说,他们需要将加密狗插入计算机,并先将控制器与计算机配对,然后再将其更换到Fire TV。 与有线360控制器一样,它具有全面的支持,包括照亮正确的播放器编号。

蓝牙控制器 (Bluetooth Controllers)

If you have a Fire TV Stick this is the only way to add on a controller to your device. To demonstrate the steps we’ll be using the Bluetooth controller that came with previously reviewed Ouya microconsole, but you can use just about any generic Bluetooth controller. If you already have a controller on hand, we’d suggest attempting to pair it and see how it works before buying a new one (or attempting any sort of firmware updates if available).

如果您有Fire TV Stick,则这是在设备上添加控制器的唯一方法。 为了演示这些步骤,我们将使用先前审阅过的Ouya微控制台随附的蓝牙控制器,但是您几乎可以使用任何通用的蓝牙控制器。 如果您手头已有控制器,建议您在购买新控制器之前尝试将其配对并查看其工作原理(或尝试进行任何形式的固件更新(如果有))。

Nyko makes a version of their PlayPad Pro for the Amazon Fire TV (and Fire TV Stick) that runs $20 and works right out of the box with the Fire TV system. Alternatively (and because the Fire TV-specific pad is back ordered for months at the moment) you can buy the cheaper Playpad Pro for Android unit ($17) and flash it with a free firmware upgrade.

Nyko 为Amazon Fire TV (和Fire TV Stick)制作了他们的PlayPad Pro版本,价格为20美元,可直接与Fire TV系统一起使用。 另外(由于Fire TV专用键盘目前已缺货几个月,因此您可以购买更便宜的Android Playpad Pro装置(17美元)并通过免费固件升级对其进行更新。

The Playstation Dualshock 4 controller works out of the box (and the Playstation home button in the center of the controller even works as a Fire TV home button). Some users, however, report odd key mappings that can only be fixed if you have a rooted unit wherein you can install new key maps. If you’re using the controller with games that allow for in-game remapping this isn’t an issue.

Playstation Dualshock 4控制器是开箱即用的(控制器*的Playstation主页按钮甚至可以用作Fire TV主页按钮)。 但是,某些用户报告奇数键映射,只有在您拥有可以在其中安装新键映射的有根设备的情况下,才能修复此问题。 如果您将控制器与允许在游戏中进行重新映射的游戏一起使用,则这不是问题。

Unlike the plug and play ease of the wired controllers (and the plug and sync options for the wireless controllers), the Bluetooth controllers do need to be synced properly to the Fire TV or Fire TV Stick. Let’s take a look at the pairing process; the steps are identical for both the Fire TV and Fire TV Stick.

与有线控制器的即插即用功能(以及无线控制器的即插即用选项)不同,蓝牙控制器确实需要正确同步到Fire TV或Fire TV Stick。 让我们看一下配对过程; 对于Fire TV和Fire TV Stick,步骤是相同的​​。

fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

Navigate on your device to the Settings menu (the last item in the main left-hand navigation list you see when the device starts up). Select the settings menu and navigate to the right until you reach the “Controllers” section as seen in the screenshot above. Select the entry and then select “Bluetooth Game Controllers.”

在设备上导航到“设置”菜单(设备启动时看到的主左侧导航列表中的最后一项)。 选择设置菜单,然后向右导航,直到到达“控制器”部分,如上面的屏幕快照所示。 选择条目,然后选择“蓝牙游戏控制器”。

fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

Select “Add Bluetooth Controllers” in the subsequent menu.


fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

At this point the device is actively searching for available Bluetooth devices. Press and hold the pairing button on your Bluetooth controller and wait for the controller to sync to your device.

此时,设备正在积极搜索可用的蓝牙设备。 按住蓝牙控制器上的配对按钮,然后等待控制器同步到您的设备。

fire.fire_如何将第三方控制器与Fire TV和Fire TV Stick配对

Typically the controller will be identified generically as a “Gamepad” when the sync begins but will then, assuming the controller supplies a name, be given a more specific name as seen in the screenshot above where our controller was correctly identified as the “OUYA Game Controller.”

通常,当同步开始时,控制器通常会被标识为“游戏手柄”,但随后,假设控制器提供了名称,将被赋予一个更具体的名称,如上面的屏幕快照所示,其中我们的控制器被正确标识为“ OUYA游戏”管理员。”

At this point you should be good to go if you have a known compatible controller like the OUYA or the DualShock 4, otherwise it’s time to take the controller for a spin and test the functions. Remember, even a controller that works poorly navigating the default menus in the Fire TV can be remapped in some games (and most emulators) to work flawlessly for that particular game or emulator system.

在这一点上,如果您有一个已知的兼容控制器(例如OUYA或DualShock 4),应该会做得很好,否则是时候让该控制器旋转一下并测试功能了。 请记住,即使是在Fire TV中无法正常浏览默认菜单的控制器,也可以在某些游戏(和大多数模拟器)中重新映射,以确保该特定游戏或模拟器系统的正常运行。

For further reading and troubleshooting tips we’d recommend checking out the general Fire TV discussion boards over at XDA Developers with an emphasis on this controller compatibility thread.

有关进一步的阅读和故障排除技巧,我们建议在XDA Developers上查看常规的Fire TV讨论板, 重点是此控制器兼容性线程
