



We’ve all done it: you misplace something important and you spend a lot of time (with a lot of stress) backtracking to locate it again. With Bluetooth tracking devices you can make the hunt a lot easier, less stressful, and even avoid losing the thing in the first place. Read on as we highlight the pros and cons of Bluetooth trackers.

我们都做到了:您将重要的东西放错了位置,并且花了很多时间(承受很大的压力)回溯以重新定位它。 借助蓝牙跟踪设备,您可以使狩猎更加轻松,减轻压力,甚至可以避免丢东西。 在我们重点介绍蓝牙跟踪器的优缺点时,请继续阅读。

什么是蓝牙追踪器以及它们如何工作? (What Are Bluetooth Trackers and How Do They Work?)

Bluetooth trackers are a relatively new product and the concept of them is just beginning to take hold in the consumer conscious. Before we dive into comparing features and products let’s take a moment to go over the general concept, what Bluetooth trackers are and, importantly, what they are not.

蓝牙跟踪器是一个相对较新的产品,它们的概念才刚刚开始在消费者意识中占据一席之地。 在深入比较功能和产品之前,让我们花点时间讨论一下通用概念,什么是蓝牙跟踪器以及重要的是,什么不是。

什么是蓝牙追踪器? (What are Bluetooth Trackers?)

The rise of Bluetooth Low Energy (known as BLE or Bluetooth 4.0) really opened up the door to what could be done with Bluetooth devices.


Now instead of just the old staples (like Bluetooth headsets, speakers, and computer peripherals) manufacturers can pack Bluetooth into tiny devices that can survive off a small battery for upwards of a year without a battery swap or recharge.


One of those applications is tiny Bluetooth trackers wherein you can attach small tags to your keys, purse, or insert them into gear containers, instrument cases, or other objects you wish to keep track of (and not be separated from). The tags are linked to your smartphone (and potentially to a tracking service hosted by the manufacturer) via BLE and form a radio-based link between you and your stuff.

这些应用程序之一是微型蓝牙跟踪器,您可以在其中将小标签粘贴到钥匙上,钱包上,或将它们插入齿轮箱,仪器箱或其他您想跟踪(而不是与之分离)的物体中。 这些标签通过BLE链接到您的智能手机(并可能链接到制造商提供的跟踪服务),并在您和您的东西之间形成了基于无线电的链接。

它们如何工作? (How Do They Work?)

Thanks to the BLE system the Bluetooth tracker can stay in near constant communication with your smartphone (which isn’t particularly taxing to either your phone battery life or the device’s battery thanks to how truly low energy the whole exchange is). Because the tracking devices stay in constant communication with your phone then it’s easy for your phone (when paired with the appropriate software from the tracker vendor) to sound the alarm when you become separated from tracker and the object it’s attached to.

得益于BLE系统,蓝牙跟踪器可以与智能手机保持近乎恒定的通信(由于整个交换的能量非常低,因此这对手机电池寿命或设备电池的负担特别小)。 由于跟踪设备与您的手机保持持续通信,因此,当您与跟踪器及其连接的对象分离时,电话(与跟踪器供应商提供的相应软件配对)很容易发出警报。

Based on the particulars of specific Bluetooth tracker you purchased and the accompanying software, the devices can do everything from chirp when you need to locate them, alert you when you stray too far from the tracking tag, remind you where the tag was last seen, and even anonymously alert you if other users of the same tracking service are near your lost item.


他们不能做什么? (What Can’t They Do?)

Before we proceed it’s important to highlight a very key detail (that is initially a little confusing to consumers). Bluetooth tracking devices are not GPS devices. Again, let us reiterate that strongly to avoid any confusion about the matter: Bluetooth tracking devices are not GPS devices.

在我们继续之前,重要的是要突出一个非常关键的细节(一开始会给消费者带来一些困惑)。 蓝牙跟踪设备不是GPS设备。 再次,让我们重申这一点,以免造成任何混淆:蓝牙跟踪设备不是GPS设备。


Let’s use a hypothetical situation involving a camera bag and both a Bluetooth tracker and a GPS tracker to highlight the differences.


Scenario A: You have a GPS tracking device tucked in a small inner pocket inside your camera bag. The pricey GPS unit includes both geospatial tracking via the GPS satellite system as well as a modest cellular radio so that it can phone home to the manufacturer and tell you where your camera bag is.

方案A:您将GPS跟踪设备塞在相机包内的小内袋中。 昂贵的GPS装置既包括通过GPS卫星系统进行的地理空间跟踪,也包括适度的蜂窝无线电,因此它可以打电话给制造商,并告诉您相机包在哪里。

You leave the camera bag at a restaurant. As soon as you realize your bag is no longer at your side you whip out your smartphone and fire up the tracking app. Not only does the tracking app tell you if the bag is still at the restaurant but if anyone picks up your bag and walks off with it as long as the GPS tracker has battery life left (and the person with your bag doesn’t find and remove it) you can get real time tracking results indicating where your bag is at the present moment and not just where it was last with you.

您将相机包留在餐厅。 一旦意识到您的行李不再在您身边,您就甩开智能手机并启动跟踪应用程序。 跟踪应用程序不仅会告诉您行李是否仍在餐厅,而且只要GPS追踪器的电池寿命还剩下(如果没有找到您的行李的人),是否有人捡起您的行李并带着它走下车删除它),您可以获得实时跟踪结果,该结果表明您的包目前在哪里,而不仅仅是最后一次出现在哪里。

Scenario B: You have a Bluetooth tracking device tucked in the same camera bag and you leave it in the same restaurant. You leave the restaurant and then realize you no longer have your camera bag. You whip out your smartphone and fire up the tracking app.

方案B:您将Bluetooth跟踪设备塞在同一相机包中,然后将其留在同一家餐厅中。 您离开餐厅,然后意识到您不再拥有相机包。 您拨动智能手机并启动跟踪应用程序。

The tracking app tell you the last place it had access to the tracking tag (the restaurant) but it cannot tell you if the bag is still there or not (and it cannot track the bag if it has left the restaurant). If you return to the location you last saw your camera bag and it is still in that location then the Bluetooth tracker will reconnect with the device when you get close and show you where it is. (Hopefully safe in the manager’s office!) If the bag is gone, however, there’s nothing the Bluetooth tracker or the companion app can do because the entire affair is proximity-based.

跟踪应用程序告诉您可以访问跟踪标签的最后一个位置(餐厅),但无法告知您行李是否仍在其中(如果行李离开餐厅,则无法跟踪行李)。 如果返回到您最后一次看到相机包的位置,但它仍在该位置,则当您靠近时,Bluetooth追踪器将与设备重新连接并向您显示它在哪里。 (希望在经理办公室很安全!)但是,如果行李没了,那么蓝牙跟踪器或配套应用程序将无法执行任何操作,因为整个过程都是基于邻近性的。

是蓝牙追踪器吗? (Is A Bluetooth Tracker For Me?)

Based on the aforementioned scenarios you can get a good sense of whether or not a Bluetooth tracker is for you. If you frequently misplace your keys and you need to remember where they are (like sitting on the bar at your favorite pub) or find them lost in your office (most Bluetooth tags can make noise to help you locate an object when you’re close to it), then a Bluetooth tracker is a really high tech and practical solution to your lost-object woes. It’s also an excellent fit for when you’re carrying something you don’t normally carry (like an extra bag for work) that you might be prone to forgetting somewhere because it isn’t part of your normal daily routine.

根据上述情况,您可以很好地了解蓝牙跟踪器是否适合您。 如果您经常放错钥匙,并且需要记住它们的位置(例如坐在您最喜欢的酒吧的酒吧上)或发现它们丢失在办公室中(大多数蓝牙标签会发出噪音,以帮助您在关闭时找到对象),那么蓝牙跟踪器是一种真正高科技的实用解决方案,可以解决丢失的物品的麻烦。 当您携带通常不携带的东西(例如一个额外的工作袋)时,由于不属于日常工作的一部分,您可能容易忘记该地方,它也非常适合。

If you want to secure an object, however, and have the ability to track that object if it is stolen then a Bluetooth tracker is not powerful or far reaching enough for your needs. It’s perfect for finding lost keys and the laptop bag you always misplace at corporate headquarters but it’s not an effective solution for monitoring a bag with $10,000 worth of camera equipment in it.

但是,如果您想保护一个对象,并且能够跟踪该对象是否被盗,则蓝牙跟踪器功能不强大或无法满足您的需求。 它非常适合查找丢失的钥匙和您在公司总部经常放错的笔记本电脑包,但对于监视其中装有价值10,000美元的摄像设备的包来说,这不是一个有效的解决方案。

Again, for emphasis, Bluetooth trackers are like really fancy high-tech reminders of where your stuff was, can offer alerts if your stuff is currently leaving your vicinity, and they can help you find a lost object in your immediate environment (both by audible alerts and proximity location) but they are not a substitute for the much more expensive and expansive real-time tracking offered by GPS units if you need to keep an eye on expensive gear wherever it may end up.


要考虑的功能 (Features to Consider)

Now that we’ve talked about exactly what a Bluetooth tracker is, what it isn’t, and why you might want one, let’s take a look at the features found in Bluetooth trackers. Given the influx of these devices it’s important to have a clear picture of which features you need. Not everyone will want or need all of these features, but it’s better to know what you don’t need than to make an uninformed purchase.

既然我们已经确切地讨论了什么是蓝牙跟踪器,什么不是蓝牙跟踪器以及为什么要购买蓝牙跟踪器,所以让我们看一下蓝牙跟踪器中的功能。 考虑到这些设备的大量涌入,重要的是要清楚了解所需的功能。 并非每个人都会想要或需要所有这些功能,但是最好知道自己不需要什么,而不是进行不知情的购买。

电池用户可以更换吗? (Is The Battery User Replaceable?)

We’d consider this the highest priority (barring it getting overruled by an absolute-must-have-feature on a device without a user-replaceable battery). Bluetooth trackers run $20-50 or so and the batteries generally last about a year.

我们认为这是最高优先级(除非在没有用户可更换电池的设备上,它被绝对必要的功能所推翻)。 蓝牙追踪器的价格为20至50美元左右,电池一般可以使用一年左右。


If you can’t replace the battery then you’re stuck buying a new one every time the battery runs out. Considering coin cell batteries cost less than a dollar replacing a whole tracker for $20+ is a tough pill to swallow. Can you replace it? Recharge it?

如果您无法更换电池,那么每次电池用完时,您就不得不购买新电池。 考虑到币形电池的成本不到一美元,而以20美元以上的价格替换整个追踪器,这是一个令人费解的药。 你能代替它吗? 充电吗?

警报有多响? (How Loud Is The Alarm?)

A frequent complaint among consumer reviews of Bluetooth trackers is that the volume of the little speakers included in them is too low. Even if you don’t plan on relying on audio cues they’re important as the closer you are to the Bluetooth tracker the more difficult it becomes to exactly pinpoint the object (especially if it is small like a set of missing keys). A loud chirp or jingle when you’re right on top of it (but having no luck locating it) is very useful.

消费者对蓝牙跟踪器的评论中经常抱怨的是,其中包含的小扬声器的音量太低。 即使您不打算依赖音频提示,它们也很重要,因为您离蓝牙跟踪器越近,精确定位对象就越困难(特别是如果它像一组缺少的键一样小)。 当您正好在其上时发出响亮的chi声或叮当声(但找不到运气)非常有用。

什么是广告范围? (What Is The Advertised Range?)

There is no inherent limitation built into the Bluetooth protocol and, according to the Bluetooth consortium, Bluetooth devices can be optimized for 200 feet and beyond. That said radio signals are radio signals and both the limitations of crafting a tiny transmitter (and keeping it powered for a year) as well as environmental variables have a significant impact on real world use.

蓝牙协议没有内置的限制,根据蓝牙联盟的说法,蓝牙设备可以优化200英尺及以上的距离。 那就是说无线电信号就是无线电信号,制造微型发射机(并将其保持一年供电)的局限性以及环境变量都对现实世界的使用产生了重大影响。

A good rule of thumb is to assume you’ll get 50-70 percent of the range advertised by the manufacturer. If they say you’ll get 150 feet, plan on getting 75. If they say you’ll get 100 feet, plan on 50.

一个好的经验法则是假设您将获得制造商广告范围的50%至70%。 如果他们说您将得到150英尺,则计划增加75英尺。如果他们说您将得到100英尺,则计划增加50英尺。

该软件是否支持地理围栏? (Does The Software Support Geofencing?)

Knowing where your keys were last seen is great and all but what about getting an alert right at the moment you stroll away from them?


This is where geofencing capabilities come in. A geofence is simply a virtual boundary around something created using radio frequency and/or GPS. If you an alert on your smartphone when you get too far from your secured object (or you would like an alert when it gets too far from you!) then you need a Bluetooth tracker with software support for geofencing.

这就是地理围栏功能的用处。地理围栏只是使用射频和/或GPS创建的物体周围的虚拟边界。 如果您在距离安全对象太远的情况下在智能手机上发出警报(或者,当您离安全对象太远时希望发出警报!),则需要具有地理围栏软件支持的Bluetooth跟踪器。

Companies use different terms like geofencing, proximity alerts, or leashing, but the basic premise is the same: you’ll get a push notification when you forget your stuff.


它可以找到您的手机或执行其他功能吗? (Can It Find Your Phone Or Perform Other Functions?)

While the majority of Bluetooth tracking devices are one trick ponies (and who can blame them when they’re to last a year on a single battery) there are what we would call “bonus” features on some current generation models.


One of those useful features is the ability to, in reverse and rather ironically, find your lost phone. Some Bluetooth trackers have a button you can press and hold to reverse the whole location process so when you have your keys (but not your smartphone) you can sound an alert on your phone to use the same find-by-ear process in reverse to locate your lost smartphone.

这些有用的功能之一是反过来(很讽刺地)找到丢失的手机的功能。 某些蓝牙跟踪器具有一个按钮,您可以按住该按钮以逆转整个定位过程,因此,当您拥有按键(而不是智能手机)时,可以在手机上发出警报,以使用相同的按耳旁听过程进行反向操作。找到丢失的智能手机。

它支持众包位置吗? (Does It Support Crowdsourced Location?)

We’ll be honest with you. Unless you live in New York City this feature is next to useless but we’ll highlight it here just so you’re aware of it and what it does. The premise is that when you lose your tagged object (your keys, your duffle bag, etc.) you use the companion software on your phone to flag the bluetooth tracker as lost. Then when another user of the same software/bluetooth tracker passes by and picks up the signal from your device you’ll get a status update based on the new location of the tracker.

我们将对您诚实。 除非您居住在纽约市,否则此功能几乎是无用的,但我们将在此处突出显示此功能,以便您了解它及其功能。 前提是当丢失标有标签的对象(您的钥匙,行李袋等)时,可以使用手机上的配套软件将蓝牙跟踪器标记为丢失。 然后,当同一软件/蓝牙跟踪器的另一个用户经过并从您的设备接收信号时,您将根据跟踪器的新位置获得状态更新。

That’s great in premise but in practice let’s be real. What are the chances that another person in your general geographic location is also using the exact same tracker and software (let alone a tracker at all) and that they’ll also not just be using the software but that they’ll pass by your lost object (with the tracker still attached) within 30-100 feet and remain there long enough for the tracker to ping their phone and update you with the location status? Nearly zero.

前提是很棒,但实际上我们是真实的。 您的一般地理位置中的另一个人也有可能使用完全相同的跟踪器和软件(更不用说跟踪器了),而且他们不仅将使用该软件,而且还会绕过您的丢失者在30-100英尺内的物体(仍连接了跟踪器)并保持足够长的时间,以便跟踪器ping他们的电话并向您更新位置状态? 几乎为零。

推荐型号 (Recommended Models)

Now that we’ve talked about what Bluetooth trackers are and what kind of features to look for, let’s take a look at the models we’ve field tested and what our recommendations are. One thing we’d like to get out of the way right from the start is that we weren’t 100 percent happy with any of the models we tested.

既然我们已经讨论了什么是蓝牙跟踪器以及要寻找什么样的功能,那么让我们看一下我们经过现场测试的模型以及我们的建议。 我们希望从一开始就摆脱困境的一件事是,我们对所测试的任何模型都不是100%满意。

The Bluetooth tracking market is still under significant development and as of the publication date of this article there isn’t a single device on the market that gets a high score in all of the categories we outlined in the previous section.



That said, there are devices that excel in each of the categories and when shopping you should focus on selecting a device that does the one or two must-have-features on your list very well instead of trying to find (or waiting for years for) a device that does it all.

就是说,有些设备在每个类别中都有出色的表现,购物时,您应该专注于选择一种能够很好地满足列表中一个或两个必备功能的设备,而不是试图寻找(或等待数年) )可以完成所有操作的设备。

So which models did we field test and review? The leading Bluetooth tracker on the market as it was both first to market, created through a widely promoted crowdfunded campaign, and by far the best selling, is the Tile tracker. Because we hate to go with the best selling solution without testing the waters (and potentially saving you time and money in the process) we also purchased the Duet tracker and the iHere3 tracker, both popular and briskly selling models.

那么我们对哪些模型进行了测试和审查? Tile跟踪器是市场上领先的蓝牙跟踪器,它是通过广泛宣传的众筹活动而首次推向市场的,也是迄今为止最畅销的。 因为我们讨厌在没有测试水位的情况下使用最畅销的解决方案(并可能在此过程中节省您的时间和金钱),所以我们还购买了Duet追踪器和iHere3追踪器,它们都是流行的和畅销的型号。

Let’s take a look at what worked, what didn’t work, and what frustrated us about each of the models.


瓷砖 (The Tile)

We’ll be upfront with you. We wanted to dislike the Tile. We didn’t like how spartan the feature set was. We didn’t like that the battery was not rechargeable or user-replaceable. We thought the software could include more features.

我们将与您取得联系。 我们讨厌瓷砖。 我们不喜欢该功能集的简单程度。 我们不喜欢电池不能充电或不能用户更换。 我们认为该软件可能包含更多功能。

But despite our reservations about the Tile there there’s a reason it is a bestseller and why it has 4/5 stars with 2,000+ ratings on Amazon. It works. It might not be flashy. It might not have advanced features. But frankly if your choices in the market are “not a lot of features but consistent stable performance” or “doesn’t work at all”, we guess the choice is pretty clear, no?

但是,尽管我们对Tile持保留态度,但有一个理由使它成为畅销书,以及为什么它在亚马逊上拥有4/5颗星并获得2,000+评分。 有用。 它可能不会浮华。 它可能没有高级功能。 但是坦率地说,如果您在市场上的选择是“功能不多,但稳定的性能仍然稳定”或“根本不起作用”,我们认为选择很明确,不是吗?


It’s extremely small, barely bigger than the coin cell battery inside it. While it doesn’t appear to have a button there is a tiny button hidden under the “e” in the “tile” logo on the front of it. Pairing the Tile is very easy. You install the app. You press the “e” button for a few seconds. It chirps a little song at you. That’s it. No fiddling, no resetting the unit, no pairing and unpairing. It works. Period.

它非常小,几乎不比其内部的纽扣电池大。 尽管它似乎没有按钮,但是在它前面的“ tile”徽标中的“ e”下方隐藏着一个小按钮。 配对图块非常容易。 您安装该应用程序。 您按下“ e”按钮几秒钟。 它向您鸣叫一声。 而已。 无需摆弄,无需重置设备,无需配对和取消配对。 有用。 期。

On the downside, there are a lot of cool features that the Tile lacks. It doesn’t do geofencing. You can’t set up “home” zones where the device won’t alert you if you get separated from your keys (e.g. it won’t sound the alarm if you leave your keys in the kitchen and walk to the backyard).

不利的一面是,Tile缺少许多很酷的功能。 它不做地理围栏。 您无法设置“家”区域,如果您与钥匙分开,设备将不会向您发出警报(例如,如果您将钥匙放在厨房里并走到后院,它将不会发出警报声)。


But, like we said, it works consistently and in the entire sequence of tests we conducted the Tile never faltered once. We never had to reset or repair it. We never got frustrated that it didn’t work. It tells you where it last was. It has a locator function to help you find the Tile once you’re physically close to it. It has an audible alarm. You can mark a Tile as completely lost and if other Tile users come near it you’ll get an anonymous and updated location.

但是,就像我们说的那样,它始终如一地工作,并且在进行测试的整个过程中,Tile从未动摇过。 我们从来不需要重置或修复它。 我们从来没有为它的失败而沮丧。 它告诉您最后的位置。 它具有定位器功能,可帮助您在物理上靠近图块时找到它。 它有声音警报。 您可以将图块标记为完全丢失,如果其他图块用户走近它,您将获得一个匿名的更新位置。

The alarm isn’t very loud but instead of simple beeping sound it plays a shrill little tune. Despite the fact that the Tile wasn’t the loudest we swear the different tons of the tune made it easier to locate it when searching via audio feedback.

警报不是很大,但是它发出的是尖利的微调,而不是简单的蜂鸣声。 尽管Tile不是最响亮的事实,但我们发誓不同吨的音乐使通过音频反馈进行搜索时更容易找到它。

Our biggest complaint about the Tile isn’t the lack of features or the not-super-loud alarm, it’s that the battery isn’t rechargeable or user-replaceable and the Tile costs $25. The company behind the Tile says they’re working on a plan to replace Tiles for existing customers at a discounted rate but as of right now that plan isn’t in place which means every Tile has a shelf life and a replacement cost of $25.

我们对Tile的最大抱怨不是缺乏功能或非响亮的警报,而是电池无法充电或用户无法更换,而Tile的价格为25美元。 Tile背后的公司表示,他们正在制定以折扣价为现有客户更换Tiles的计划,但是截至目前,该计划尚未到位,这意味着每个Tile都有保质期,更换成本为25美元。

二重唱 (The Duet)

The Duet has a much broader feature set than the Tile but it was a bit frustrating to set up. While the Tile paired immediately and without hiccup to both our iPhone and our Android phone, the Duet refused to pair properly with our iPhone (although it paired fine with the Android phone right out of the gate).

Duet具有比Tile更为广泛的功能集,但设置起来有些令人沮丧。 虽然Tile可以立即与我们的iPhone和Android手机配对且没有打扰,但Duet拒绝与我们的iPhone正确配对(尽管它与Android手机配对很好)。

In fact we were positive the Duet was a defective product simply because it wouldn’t work for more than two seconds at at time and multiple reviewers on Amazon reported the exact same lackluster experience. Only after we restarted our iPhone and repaired the device did it work as advertised. Given that people rarely restart their smartphones we can see how that little quirk led to so many negative reviews as people presumed the device was defective.

实际上,我们肯定Duet是有缺陷的产品,仅仅是因为它一次不能运行超过两秒钟,并且亚马逊上的多个审阅者报告了完全一样的乏味体验。 只有在重新启动iPhone并修复设备后,它才能像广告中所述的那样工作。 鉴于人们很少重启智能手机,我们可以看到这个小怪癖如何导致许多负面评价,因为人们认为该设备存在缺陷。


On the positive side of things, once we did jump through that irritating hoop the device functioned as promised and it has a pretty robust feature set. In addition to the very basic “Where is my device?” function the Duet really shines with two additional useful functions. First, you can press the button on the Duet to find your phone. Given that we more frequently misplace our phone than we misplace our car keys it’s really useful to click the little button and have your phone immediately start announcing its presence.

从积极的方面来看,一旦我们确实跳过了令人讨厌的问题,该设备就会按预期运行,并且具有相当强大的功能集。 除了非常基本的“我的设备在哪里?”之外功能Duet确实具有两个附加的有用功能。 首先,您可以按Duet上的按钮找到您的手机。 由于我们放错电话的频率比放错车钥匙的频率高,因此单击小按钮并让您的电话立即开始宣布它的存在非常有用。


The second very useful feature is the ability to set safe zones via Wi-Fi addresses. Let’s say you don’t want the Duet to sound the alarm if you are separated from your tracker while you’re at home or at work (but you still want the alarm to work everywhere else). You can add the Wi-Fi networks at home and work to the safe list so while your phone is connected to those networks it will not alert you if you are separated from the device.

第二个非常有用的功能是可以通过Wi-Fi地址设置安全区域的功能。 假设您不希望二重奏在家里或工作中与跟踪器分开时发出警报(但您仍然希望警报在其他任何地方都可以使用)。 您可以在家中添加Wi-Fi网络并将其添加到安全列表中,因此,当您的手机连接到这些网络时,如果您与设备分开,则不会提醒您。

Like the Tile it will show you the last location of the tagged device, it has a locator function to help you find the device when you are physically close to it, it also has a report-as-lost function, and you can press a button in the phone app to make the device beep. The beep is fairly soft and monotone but serviceable. Unlike the Tile you can replace the battery with a simple coin cell battery. The Duet retails for $30.

像图块一样,它会向您显示被标记设备的最后位置,它具有定位器功能以帮助您在物理上靠近该设备时找到该设备,它还具有报告丢失的功能,您可以按手机应用程序中的按钮以使设备发出哔哔声。 蜂鸣声相当柔和,单调但可以使用。 与Tile不同,您可以使用简单的纽扣电池更换电池。 Duet的零售价为30美元

iHere3 (The iHere3)

The iHere3 also suffered from the “What iPhone?” syndrome that the Duet initially suffered from. Until we rebooted our iPhone it refused to pair properly; it paired fine with our Android test phone.

iHere3也遭受了“什么iPhone?”的困扰。 二重奏最初遭受的综合症。 在我们重新启动iPhone之前,它拒绝正确配对。 它可以与我们的Android测试手机搭配使用。

Size wise it was the biggest tracker we tested and was, give or take, the same size as the Tile and the Duet stacked together (roughly the size of a small automotive key fob). The two features that set the iHere3 apart from the two previous devices are the multi-function button located in the center of the device and a rechargeable battery.

尺寸方面,它是我们测试过的最大的跟踪器,大小与堆叠在一起的Tile和Duet相同(大约是小型汽车钥匙扣的大小)。 使iHere3与之前的两个设备区分开的两个功能是位于设备*的多功能按钮和可充电电池。


The large (and consciously iPhone 4-esque) button located in the center of the device can be used to perform a variety of functions as specified by the phone software. You can use it to find your phone (like the Duet’s button). You can use it to trigger a voice recorder (on the phone not on the actual tracker) or to trigger the phone’s camera (which makes it perfect for pairing with a camera tripod or selfie stick for snapshots).

位于设备*的大按钮(有意识地使用iPhone 4式按钮)可用于执行电话软件指定的各种功能。 您可以使用它来找到您的手机(例如Duet的按钮)。 您可以使用它来触发录音机(在电话上而不是实际的跟踪器上)或触发电话的相机(这使其非常适合与相机三脚架或自拍杆配对拍摄快照)。


You can also use the “Car Finder” feature where clicking the button on the iHere3 saves your current GPS location and then later, when you can’t find your car, you can open the iHere3 phone app and it’ll point you back to your car with a simple directional arrow and indicator showing you how many feet away the car is. While you can find apps in the App Store to perform the same function, the one-click-on-your-key-chain trick with the iHere3 is really handy.

您还可以使用“汽车搜索器”功能,单击iHere3上的按钮可保存您当前的GPS位置,然后,当您找不到汽车时,可以打开iHere3手机应用程序,它将指向您您的汽车上有一个简单的方向箭头和指示器,可向您显示汽车有几英尺远。 虽然您可以在App Store中找到执行相同功能的应用程序,但iHere3的一键式钥匙链技巧确实非常方便。

The iHere3 comes with a little USB cable that has a post-style terminal at the end you insert into the iHome3 to recharge it. The projected battery life is up to six months and it recharges completely in about an hour. The alarm sound on the iHere3 is, by far, the loudest of three trackers we tested and has a simple four-note rising chime. Even when under an object or in a bag the alarm was loud enough to be heard. The iHere3 retails for $25.

iHere3带有一条USB电缆,在插入iHome3进行充电时,该电缆的末端有一个后置式端子。 预计电池寿命最长为六个月,大约一个小时即可充满电。 到目前为止,iHere3上的警报声音是我们测试的三个追踪器中声音最大的,并且具有简单的四音高音。 即使在物体下方或在袋子中时,警报也足够响亮以至于无法听到。 iHere3的零售价为25美元

Bluetooth trackers are still in their infancy but the potential for such simple and low-power devices is great. If you’re looking for a foolproof and low-fuss solution, we recommend the Tile. If you’re looking for rich features, we recommend you look elsewhere and either wait for the market to mature or take the good and bad of less polished products like the Duet.

蓝牙跟踪器仍处于起步阶段,但这种简单,低功耗设备的潜力很大。 如果您正在寻找一种万无一失的解决方案,我们建议您使用Tile。 如果您正在寻找功能丰富的产品,我们建议您将其放在其他地方,或者等待市场成熟,或者采用诸如Duet之类的打磨程度较低的产品的优缺点。

Have experience with other Bluetooth trackers we didn’t list here? We’d love to hear about it. Jump into the comments below and share your experiences with your fellow readers.

有其他我们未在此处列出的蓝牙跟踪器的经验吗? 我们希望知道这一点。 跳到下面的评论中,并与其他读者分享您的经验。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/222869/htg-explains-what-bluetooth-tracking-devices-are-and-why-you-might-want-one/
