

You’re browsing the applications running using Activity Monitor when you notice something you don’t recognize: nsurlstoraged. What is this, you might be wondering, and why is it using network and CPU resources? First, don’t panic: this is part of macOS.

当您发现无法识别的内容时,您正在浏览使用活动监视器运行的应用程序:nsurlstoraged。 您可能想知道,这是什么?为什么要使用网络和CPU资源? 首先,不要惊慌:这是macOS的一部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Activity Monitor, like kernel_task, hidd, mdsworker, installd, WindowServer, blued, launchd, backup, opendirectoryd, powerd, coreauthd, configd, mdnsresponder, UserEventAgent, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

这篇文章是一部分我们正在进行一系列解释各种进程在活动监视器中发现,像kernel_taskhiddmdsworkerINSTALLDWindowServer发蓝launchd会备份opendirectoryd的powerdcoreauthdconfigdmdnsresponderUserEventAgent ,和其他许多人。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

This particular resource, nsurlstoraged, is a daemon, which means in runs in the background of your system. To be more specific, nsurlstoraged is the daemon in charge of managing local storage for web applications. To quote the man page, which you can find by typing man nsurlstoraged from the Terminal:

这个特殊的资源nsurlstoraged是一个守护程序,它意味着在系统后台运行。 更具体地说,nsurlstoraged是负责管理Web应用程序本地存储的守护程序。 要引用手册页,您可以通过从终端输入man nsurlstoraged来找到该手册页:

nsurlstoraged is a per-user daemon which manages the user’s HTTP storages.


On the modern internet, websites can store some files locally on your computer: it’s part of HTML5. On macOS, nsurlstoraged is the daemon that makes this local storage possible. Safari is the main application that actually uses this capability, but a number of other Apple programs also use it: Mail, Calendar, and iCloud, for example.

在现代互联网上,网站可以在您的计算机上本地存储一些文件:它是HTML5一部分。 在macOS上,nsurlstoraged是使该本地存储成为可能的守护进程。 Safari是实际使用此功能的主要应用程序,但是其他许多Apple程序也使用它:例如,邮件,日历和iCloud。

If nsurlstoraged is using up a lot of CPU, you might have a corrupt cache. But thankfully, ther’s a quick fix. First, force quit Safari; if nsurlstoraged CPU usage drops you know that Safari is the problem; if not, force quit other applications until you see CPU usage drop.

如果nsurlstoraged正在使用大量CPU,则可能是缓存已损坏。 但值得庆幸的是,这是一个快速解决方案。 首先,强行退出Safari ; 如果nsurlstoraged CPU使用率下降,则说明Safari是问题所在; 如果不是,请强制退出其他应用程序,直到看到CPU使用率下降为止。

Next, head to ~/Library/Caches/—here’s how to access the hidden ~/Library folder if you don’t know—and find the cache for whatever program is causing the problem. For Safari, this is com.apple.safari:

接下来,转到〜/ Library / Caches /(如果不知道的话,这里是访问隐藏的〜/ Library文件夹的方法),并找到引起问题的任何程序的缓存。 对于Safari,这是com.apple.safari:


Drag the appropriate folder to the trash, then re-start the program that was causing the problem. All should be well now.

将适当的文件夹拖到垃圾箱,然后重新启动引起问题的程序。 现在一切都应该很好。

Photo credit: guteksk/Shutterstock.com

图片来源: guteksk / Shutterstock.com

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/340189/what-is-nsurlstoraged-and-why-is-it-running-on-my-mac/