



It’s one of the most discussed new features in High Sierra: Safari’s new Intelligent Tracking Prevention. Advertisers are upset about it, claiming it’s “bad for the ad-supported online content and services consumers love.” Apple is undeterred by the rhetoric. But what does the feature actually do?

它是High Sierra中讨论最多的新功能之一:Safari的新智能跟踪防护。 广告商对此感到不安,声称它“不利于消费者喜爱的广告支持的在线内容和服务。” 苹果公司对这种言论没有犹豫。 但是该功能实际上有什么作用?

Basically, Intelligent Tracking Prevention changes which sites can and can’t use particular cookies, and in some cases deletes cookies that aren’t doing anything useful for you. To quote the official explanation, from Apple’s High Sierra feature list:

基本上,Intelligent Tracking Prevention会更改哪些站点可以使用和不能使用特定的cookie,并且在某些情况下会删除对您没有任何帮助的cookie。 要引用官方解释,请从Apple的High Sierra功能列表中进行

Remember when you looked at that green mountain bike online? And then saw annoying green mountain bike ads everywhere you browsed? Safari now uses machine learning to identify advertisers and others who track your online behavior, and removes the cross‑site tracking data they leave behind. So your browsing stays your business.

还记得您在网上看过那辆绿色山地自行车吗? 然后在您浏览的所有地方都看到烦人的绿色山地自行车广告? Safari现在使用机器学习来识别广告商和跟踪您在线行为的其他人,并删除他们留下的跨站点跟踪数据。 因此,您的浏览不影响您的业务。

This sounds good in the abstract, but how does it actually work? Apple’s official explanation on outlines the technology in language intended for developers; here’s what users need to care about.

听起来听起来不错,但是它实际上是如何工作的呢? 苹果公司在Webkit.org上的官方解释以旨在用于开发人员的语言概述了该技术。 这是用户需要关心的。

什么是跨站点跟踪? (What Is Cross-Site Tracking?)


Intelligent Tracking Prevention works to prevent what’s called cross-site tracking, a feature where a cookie served up by one website can track you across the wider web.

Intelligent Tracking Prevention可以防止所谓的跨站点跟踪,跨站点跟踪是一种功能,一个网站提供的Cookie可以在整个网络中跟踪您。

Why is this possible? Because when you load a web page not every element you see comes from the exact site you’re looking at. Ads, for example, tend to come from third party ad networks, which might pull recently viewed items from Amazon, eBay, or other sites. Social media buttons are generally hosted by those social networks. Most sites make use of Google Analytics, and other tools to track user numbers.

为什么会这样呢? 因为当您加载网页时,并不是您看到的每个元素都来自您正在查看的确切站点。 例如,广告往往来自第三方广告网络,该网络可能会从亚马逊,eBay或其他站点提取最近查看的商品。 社交媒体按钮通常由那些社交网络托管。 大多数网站都使用Google Analytics(分析)和其他工具来跟踪用户数量。

It’s part of how modern websites are built, and it’s not a problem in and of itself. In some cases these third party services may access cookies stored by your browser, which also isn’t a problem in and of itself.

这是现代网站建设方式的一部分,本身并不是问题。 在某些情况下,这些第三方服务可能会访问您的浏览器存储的cookie,这本身并不是问题。

In fact, many features useful rely on this. If you’ve ever used your Google or Facebook account to log into another site, you’ve used cross site cookies in a tangible way that makes your life easier.

实际上,许多有用的功能都依赖于此。 如果您曾经使用过Google或Facebook帐户登录到另一个站点,那么您已经以一种有形的方式使用了跨站点cookie,这使您的生活更加轻松。

That’s why this is complicated: the cross site ads are creepy, but other cross site functionality makes the web a better place. How is a browser supposed to tell the difference?

这就是为什么这很复杂:跨站点广告令人毛骨悚然,但是其他跨站点功能使网络变得更好。 浏览器应该如何区分?

智能跟踪预防实际上会做什么? (What Will Intelligent Tracking Prevention Actually Do?)

So how will Intelligent Tracking Prevention actually work? Ironically, by tracking you—though all information stays on your machine, meaning nothing is uploaded to Apple. Safari will use your browsing history to work out which sites you’re interested in, and use that information to save, partition, or delete cookies depending on context.

那么,智能跟踪预防将如何实际起作用? 具有讽刺意味的是,通过跟踪您-尽管所有信息都保留在您的计算机上,这意味着没有任何内容上传到Apple。 Safari将使用您的浏览历史记录来确定您感兴趣的站点,并根据上下文使用该信息来保存,分区或删除Cookie。

To Safari, domains you’re interested in are domains you yourself visit on a regular basis. Domains you never visit directly, but regularly use cross site resources from, are deemed things you’re not interested in. To quote the Webkit page again:

对于Safari而言,您感兴趣的域是您自己定期访问的域。 您从不直接访问但经常使用跨站点资源的域被视为您不感兴趣的事物。再次引用Webkit页面:

Let’s say Intelligent Tracking Prevention classifies as having the ability to track the user cross-site. What happens from that point? If the user has not interacted with in the last 30 days, website data and cookies are immediately purged and continue to be purged if new data is added. However, if the user interacts with as the top domain, often referred to as a first-party domain, Intelligent Tracking Prevention considers it a signal that the user is interested in the website and temporarily adjusts its behavior.

假设智能跟踪防护将example.com归类为能够跨用户跟踪网站。 从那时起会发生什么? 如果用户在过去30天内未与example.com进行交互,则会立即清除example.com网站数据和cookie,并在添加新数据后继续清除。 但是,如果用户与example.com作为*域(通常称为第一方域)进行交互,则智能跟踪防护会将其视为用户对该网站感兴趣的信号,并临时调整其行为。

The behavior is relatively simple, so let’s break it down:


  • If you visit a domain directly, Safari will assume you’re interested in the site, and will allow cross site tracking for the domain for 24 hours.

  • If you then don’t visit that domain for 24 hours, Safari will assume you’ve lost interest, and stop allowing cross site tracking for that domain.

  • If you don’t visit that domain for 30 days, Safari will delete the cookies for that domain entirely.


It’s a little weird, so let’s explore a concrete example. Let’s say you’re not a Facebook user, but occasionally click a Facebook link and read a public post. Under this scheme Facebook would be able to track your activity online using cookies for 24 hours, thanks to those “Like” buttons embedded on so many pages. After 24 hours Facebook would no longer be able to access these cookies, assuming you don’t head to again. After 30 days of not visiting Facebook the cookie will be deleted completely.

有点奇怪,所以让我们探索一个具体的例子。 假设您不是Facebook用户,但偶尔单击Facebook链接并阅读公开帖子。 在这种方案下,由于嵌入在许多页面中的“赞”按钮,Facebook可以使用Cookie在24小时内在线跟踪您的活动。 假设您不再访问,则24小时后,Facebook将不再能够访问这些cookie。 在不访问Facebook 30天后,该cookie将被完全删除。

Facebook is just one example of a site that uses cross site tracking, and this tracking is something regular Facebook users have learned to live with (if not love.) Ad networks aren’t the same: they run completely in the background, and most people never visit their domains directly. Safari’s Intelligent Tracking Prevention stops them from tracking you without breaking cookies for sites you actually use.

Facebook只是使用跨站点跟踪的网站的一个示例,这种跟踪是常规Facebook用户已经学会与之相处的内容(如果不是爱的话)。广告网络并不相同:它们完全在后台运行,并且大多数人们从不直接访问其域。 Safari的智能跟踪防护功能可以阻止他们跟踪您,而不会破坏您实际使用的网站的Cookie。

It makes sense when you think about it. Safari will keep cookies around for sites you regularly use, but quarantines and delete the cookies left there by advertisers and other tracking services. It’s a compromise between functionality and privacy.

当您考虑它时,这是有道理的。 Safari会为您经常使用的网站保留cookie,但会隔离并删除广告商和其他跟踪服务保留的cookie。 这是功能和隐私之间的折衷。

It’s worth noting that Apple is uniquely positioned to offer such a feature. Google, for example, makes liberal use of cross-site tracking for its own ad network—Chrome users shouldn’t hold their breath waiting for something similar on that browser.

值得注意的是,苹果在提供此类功能方面处于独特的位置。 例如,谷歌在其自己的广告网络中广泛使用跨站点跟踪-Chrome用户不应屏住呼吸等待该浏览器上的类似内容。

如何关闭智能跟踪预防 (How to Turn Off Intelligent Tracking Prevention)

Not sure you’re a fan of this feature, or wonder if it’s breaking a site you use regularly? It’s easy enough to turn off. Open Safari, then click Safari > Preferences in the menu bar.

不确定您是此功能的粉丝,还是想知道它是否破坏了您经常使用的网站? 关闭它很容易。 打开Safari,然后在菜单栏中单击Safari>首选项。


Uncheck the top option, “Prevent cross-site tracking,” and you’re done. The feature is still turned off. You could block third party cookies in every browser instead, but know that this is far more likely to break sites than Safari’s default method.

取消选中顶部选项“防止跨站点跟踪”,您就完成了。 该功能仍处于关闭状态。 您可以改为在每个浏览器中阻止第三方Cookie ,但要知道,这比Safari的默认方法更有可能破坏站点。

Photo Credit: Alejandro EscamillaJens Kreuter

图片来源:亚历杭德罗·埃斯卡米拉( Jean Kreuter)

