



When you set your AirPods up fresh, they were assigned a default name based on the name of the device with which you initially paired them. Most of the time, that’s fine. But if you want to get a little creative, here’s how to change the name of your AirPods to something new.

当您重新设置AirPods时,会根据最初与它们配对的设备的名称为其分配默认名称。 大多数时候,这很好。 但是,如果您想获得一点创意,请按照以下方法将AirPods的名称更改为新名称。

Just like with iPhones, iPads, and Macs, Apple lets people name their AirPods however they want. That means you can choose something witty, but if you live in a household with multiple pairs of AirPods, giving them great names can be a way of identifying which are yours, and which are not.

就像iPhone,iPad和Mac一样,Apple允许人们随意命名AirPods。 这意味着您可以选择一些机智的东西,但是如果您居住在有多对AirPods的家庭中,给他们起好名字可以识别您的身份,哪些不是。

To start, make sure that your AirPods are connected to your iPhone or iPad and then open the Settings app before tapping “Bluetooth.”



Tap the “I” icon beside the entry for your AirPods. If you have a lot of Bluetooth devices, you may need to scroll down the page to find the entry you are looking for.

点击您的AirPods条目旁边的“我”图标。 如果您有很多蓝牙设备,则可能需要向下滚动页面以找到所需的条目。


Next, tap “Name” to progress to the next screen.



You can now enter the new name you wish to assign to your AirPods. Tap the cross beside the existing name to delete it, and then type the new name you want to assign to your AirPods. Once done, tap the back arrow to save the changes.

现在,您可以输入要分配给AirPods的新名称。 点击现有名称旁边的叉号以将其删除,然后键入要分配给AirPods的新名称。 完成后,点击后退箭头以保存更改。


That’s all there is to it. Now, whenever you connect your AirPods to a device, this is the name that will be used. The name isn’t device specific, either, so you won’t need to change the name again when you connect to another device, like a Mac.

这里的所有都是它的。 现在,无论何时将AirPods连接到设备,都将使用该名称。 该名称也不是特定于设备的,因此在连接到另一台设备(例如Mac)时,无需再次更改名称。

