


Have you ever needed to repeatedly access a folder that is nested deep inside a giant hierarchy of folders? Sure, you can always create a shortcut to that folder, but did you know you can actually assign a drive letter to a folder instead? Today we’ll show you how to do this.

您是否曾经需要重复访问嵌套在巨大的文件夹层次结构中的文件夹? 当然,您始终可以为该文件夹创建快捷方式,但是您知道实际上可以为该文件夹分配驱动器号吗? 今天,我们将向您展示如何执行此操作。

This ability has existed in Windows via the subst command for quite a while, so this will also work for you XP users as well.


Map a Drive Letter the Easy Way


The easiest way to assign a drive letter to a folder is to use a simple utility called Visual Subst, which gives you a nice graphical interface to assign drive letters, but also does something that the command line version can’t… you can set your virtual drives to apply again at startup.

将驱动器号分配给文件夹的最简单方法是使用一个名为Visual Subst的简单实用程序,该实用程序为您提供了一个漂亮的图形界面来分配驱动器号,但同时也执行了命令行版本无法执行的操作……您可以设置虚拟驱动器在启动时再次应用。

You can download and run the utility without needing to install it, and then simply use the Browse button to select your path, and click the green plus symbol after choosing the drive letter.



At this point you should see the drive letter show up in the list. (Note that you can delete it by highlighting and choosing the red X icon, or change the path / letter by using the Save button.

此时,您应该看到驱动器号出现在列表中。 (请注意,您可以通过突出显示并选择红色的X图标将其删除,或者使用“保存”按钮更改路径/字母。


If you want to save the drives, you’ll want to select the “Apply virtual drives on Windows startup” option.


Now when you open up your Computer window, you should see the new drive show up in the list.



The contents of the new M: drive will actually be the contents of my desktop folder.


Download Visual Subst from ntwind.com

从ntwind.com下载Visual Subst

Assign Drive Letters from the Command Prompt


If you are more the keyboard ninja type, or just want to know how to use the command line version, you can use the subst command to map drive letters the same way by using the following syntax:


subst <driveletter> <folder path>

替代<驱动器字母> <文件夹路径>

For example, to map the M: drive to my desktop folder I would use the following command:


subst M: c:\users\geek\desktop

替代M:c:\ users \ geek \ desktop

If you just want to see which drive letters are assigned, you can use subst without any arguments, as shown here:



To delete a drive letter you can use the /D switch instead of a path… for instance, to delete the M: drive that I just created, I would use the following syntax:

要删除驱动器号,可以使用/ D开关而不是路径…例如,要删除我刚刚创建的M:驱动器,我将使用以下语法:

subst M: /D

替代M:/ D

Now when you use the subst command to see the current drives, you’ll see nothing in the list.



I’ve found the subst command to be very useful, not just in shortening folder paths but also in one instance where I wanted to delete my second partition… I just reassigned the D: drive letter to point to C: and copied all the data over. That way the application shortcuts still worked without having to reinstall the application.

我发现subst命令非常有用,不仅在缩短文件夹路径上,而且在一个我想删除第二个分区的实例中……我只是重新分配了D:驱动器号以指向C:并复制了所有数据过度。 这样,应用程序快捷方式仍然有效,而无需重新安装应用程序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/map-a-drive-letter-to-a-folder-the-easy-way-in-windows/
