


您是3D建模师,编码员,声音设计师还是纹理艺术家? 您是否有自己的解决方案,其他人会发现它们有用且省时? 在努力开发自己的游戏的同时,您可以通过在Asset Store上共享和出售自己的作品来赚钱和赚钱。 我们的一些出版商每月赚取数千美元,现在通过产品销售来谋生。 作为Asset Store发行商,您可以与Unity达成良好交易:将销售利润中的70/30分配给您,获得70%的收益。 查看以下提示,以开始成为Asset Store成功故事的方式。 (Are you a 3D modeler, coder, sound designer, or texture artist? Do you have a solution of your own that other people will find useful and time-saving? While you’re hard at work on your own games, you can earn funding and street cred by sharing and selling your creations on the Asset Store. Some of our publishers make thousands of dollars a month and now earn their livelihood through the sales of their products. As an Asset Store publisher, you get a pretty good deal with Unity: a clean 70/30 split of the profits from your sales, with you receiving 70%. Take a look at the following tips to get started on your way to becoming an Asset Store success story.)

提交过程 (The submission process)

We have made the submission process faster and easier for you with the Asset Store Tools package. This package provides the framework to assist you in preparing your content for submission to the store. You must include documentation or at least a readme.txt file in your project. Document what your asset does, and include instructions for setup, installation, and how to use it. It also helps to include a scene file that demonstrates your asset at work.

借助资产商店工具包,我们使您的提交过程变得更快,更轻松。 该软件包提供了框架,可帮助您准备内容以提交给商店。 您必须在项目中包含文档或至少一个readme.txt文件。 记录资产的用途,并包括设置,安装和使用方法的说明。 它还有助于包括一个场景文件,以演示您的工作资产。

成为特色 (Get featured)

The most successful publishers on the Asset Store have put considerable effort into the packaging of their content by creating strong, well-designed key images and well-written description text. Links to additional material, such as Unity Web Player demos, and YouTube or Vimeo videos, are especially helpful in demonstrating tools or editor extensions to your audience. If you haven’t got the graphics skills to do it yourself, consider hiring a designer. Some publishers have hired graphic artists to create their key images, and have more than recouped on their investment.

资产商店中最成功的发行商通过创建强大的,精心设计的关键图像和编写良好的描述文字,在内容包装方面付出了巨大的努力。 指向其他资料的链接,例如Unity Web Player演示以及YouTube或Vimeo视频,对于向观众展示工具或编辑器扩展特别有用。 如果您自己没有图形技能可以自己做,请考虑雇用一名设计师。 一些出版商已经聘请图形艺术家来创作他们的关键图像,并且收回了不菲的投资。

获得好评 (Get great reviews)

Generally, we have noticed a few key trends among the packages which get great reviews. Naturally, you need to find a demand and fill it with a quality asset. But that’s not all – providing updates with bug-fixes and new features, responding promptly to questions and issues brought up by your customers, and generally being as professional as possible pays back huge dividends. To become a popular and effective seller, look at your asset publishing as a business in which you nurture great products and customer service. If your package is an editor extension or scripting library, create easy-to-use, well-documented tutorials to go with them. Listen to your customers’ needs, answer them, shape the product to make them happy, and you’ll see this reflected in customer comments and star ratings.For more in-depth information, please read through the Asset Store Submission Guidelines.

通常,我们注意到软件包中的一些关键趋势得到了好评。 自然,您需要找到需求并用优质资产填充需求。 但这还不是全部–提供具有错误修复和新功能的更新,及时响应客户提出的问题,通常,尽可能专业化可以带来丰厚的回报。 要成为受欢迎且有效的卖家,请把您的资产发布看做是培育优质产品和客户服务的业务。 如果您的软件包是编辑器扩展或脚本库,请创建易于使用且文档齐全的教程。 倾听客户的需求,回答他们,塑造产品使他们满意,您会在客户评论和星级中看到这一点。有关更多详细信息,请阅读《 资产商店提交指南》

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2012/04/07/tutorial-how-to-publish-and-make-money-on-the-asset-store/
