使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI

I like to showcase interesting and cool open source projects that need more attention! Go give our friend a star on GitHub! NetCoreBlockly on GitHub is clever and fun!

我喜欢展示有趣且酷炫的开源项目,需要更多关注! 去给我们的朋友在GitHub上加个星星吧! GitHub上的NetCoreBlockly既有趣又有趣!

Blockly is a JavaScript library for building visual programming editors. If you've used languages like Scratch you've seen block-style programming environments. The picture below shows you a demo of calling a .NET Core WebAPI using Blockly code!

Blockly是一个JavaScript库,用于构建可视化程序编辑器。 如果您使用过Scratch之类的语言,那么您会看到块式编程环境。 下图显示了使用Blockly代码调用.NET Core WebAPI的演示!

Remember that once you have a WebAPI you can make it available in a number of ways. The "projection" of the methods that the WebAPI makes available can be presented visually, as Swagger/OData/GraphQL, however you like. Another project is WebAPI2CLI that lets you call WebAPI endpoints easily from a CLI (Command Line Interface) that is more high fidelity than curl or wget.

请记住,一旦有了WebAPI,就可以通过多种方式使它可用。 WebAPI提供的方法的“投影”可以可视化显示,例如Swagger / OData / GraphQL。 另一个项目是WebAPI2CLI ,它使您可以从保真度比curl或wget高的CLI(命令行界面)轻松调用WebAPI端点。

使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI

What .NET Core Blockly is doing is looking at the projection/interface of your WebAPI and generating Blockly blocks! That means that anyone (business users, student, tester, whatever) could try out your WebAPI with a simple drag and drop interface in their browser!

.NET Core Blockly在做什么,是在查看WebAPI的投影/接口并生成Blockly块! 这意味着任何人(企业用户,学生,测试人员等)都可以通过其浏览器中的简单拖放界面来试用您的WebAPI!

You can pull in Swagger, OData, or GraphQL interfaces.


I love seeing fun projects like this that make the web (and .NET code) easier to use! Go give them some stars and get involved!

我喜欢看到这样有趣的项目,这些项目使Web(和.NET代码)更易于使用! 去给他们一些星星,并参与其中

Sponsor: Upgrade from file systems and SQLite to Actian Zen Edge Data Management. Higher Performance, Scalable, Secure, Embeddable in most any programming language, OS, on 64-bit ARM/Intel Platform.

赞助商:从文件系统和SQLite升级到Actian Zen Edge数据管理。 更高的性能,可伸缩性,安全性,可在64位ARM / Intel平台上以大多数任何编程语言,OS嵌入。

关于斯科特 (About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI
使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI
使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI
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使用Blockly可视化编程编辑器调用.NET Core WebAPI

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/using-the-blockly-visual-programming-editor-to-call-a-net-core-webapi