sql 优化 Oracle

<select id="getProposalMainList" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    SELECT main_id, user_id, proposal_name, total_amount, total_fee, create_time, modify_time,
    create_by, modify_by, state, pdf_url, is_delete, holder_age, holder_sex, holder_social_security,
    holder_job_detail, holder_name, holder_job_code, holder_job_cate
    SELECT main_id, user_id, proposal_name, total_amount, total_fee, create_time, modify_time,
    create_by, modify_by, state, pdf_url, is_delete, holder_age, holder_sex, holder_social_security,
    holder_job_detail, holder_name, holder_job_code, holder_job_cate, row_number() over( ORDER BY
    create_time DESC ) therow
    FROM (
    SELECT ipm.main_id, ipm.user_id, ipm.proposal_name, ipm.total_amount, ipm.total_fee,
    ipm.create_time, ipm.modify_time, ipm.create_by, ipm.modify_by, ipm.state, ipm.pdf_url,
    ipm.holder_name,ipm.holder_job_code,ipm.holder_job_cate,row_number() over( PARTITION BY ipm.main_id ORDER BY
    ipm.create_time DESC ) RN
    ipc_proposal_main ipm,IPC_PROPOSAL_MAIN_INFO ipmi , ipc_proposal_risks ipr, lmrisk lmr
    Where ipm.is_delete = 0
    <if test="state != null">
        AND ipm.state = #{state}
    <if test="condition != null">
        AND (
        ipm.holder_name like concat('%',concat(#{condition},'%'))
        or (ipmi.insured_name like concat('%',concat(#{condition},'%')) and ipm.main_id = ipmi.main_id and ipmi.is_delete = 0)
        or (lmr.riskname like concat('%',concat(#{condition},'%'))  and ipm.main_id = ipmi.main_id and ipr.pro_id = ipmi.pro_id and ipr.product_code = lmr.riskcode
        and ipr.is_delete = 0 and ipmi.is_delete = 0 )
    ) result1
    where result1.rn = 1
    ) result2 where result2.therow between #{startRow} and #{endRow}



sql 优化 Oracle

<select id="getProposalMainList" parameterType="java.util.Map" resultMap="BaseResultMap">
    SELECT main_id, user_id, proposal_name, total_amount, total_fee, create_time, modify_time,
    create_by, modify_by, state, pdf_url, is_delete, holder_age, holder_sex, holder_social_security,
    holder_job_detail, holder_name, holder_job_code, holder_job_cate
    SELECT main_id, user_id, proposal_name, total_amount, total_fee, create_time, modify_time,
    create_by, modify_by, state, pdf_url, is_delete, holder_age, holder_sex, holder_social_security,
    holder_job_detail, holder_name, holder_job_code, holder_job_cate, row_number() over( ORDER BY
    create_time DESC ) therow
    FROM (
    SELECT ipm.main_id, ipm.user_id, ipm.proposal_name, ipm.total_amount, ipm.total_fee,
    ipm.create_time, ipm.modify_time, ipm.create_by, ipm.modify_by, ipm.state, ipm.pdf_url,
    ipc_proposal_main ipm
    Where ipm.is_delete = 0
    <if test="state != null">
        AND ipm.state = #{state}
    <if test="condition != null and condition != ''">
        AND exists
        select ipmi.main_id from IPC_PROPOSAL_MAIN_INFO ipmi
        where ipm.main_id = ipmi.main_id and ipmi.is_delete = 0
        AND ipmi.insured_name like '%'||#{condition}||'%'
        UNION ALL
        SELECT ipm1.main_id FROM ipc_proposal_main ipm1 where ipm1.holder_name like
        '%'||#{condition}||'%' AND ipm1.state = 0 AND ipm1.is_delete = 0 AND ipm.main_id= ipm1.main_id
        UNION ALL
        select ipmi1.main_id from lmrisk lmr inner join ipc_proposal_risks ipr on ipr.product_code = lmr.riskcode
        INNER join IPC_PROPOSAL_MAIN_INFO ipmi1 on ipr.pro_id = ipmi1.pro_id
        where lmr.riskname like
        '%'||#{condition}||'%' AND ipr.is_delete = 0 and ipmi1.is_delete = 0 AND ipm.main_id = ipmi1.main_id
    ) result where result.therow between #{startRow} and #{endRow}

sql 优化 Oracle