vista主机故障_使用Windows Vista可靠性监视器对崩溃进行故障排除

vista主机故障_使用Windows Vista可靠性监视器对崩溃进行故障排除


If you’ve owned a computer running Windows, you’ve probably complained about things crashing on your computer. Windows Vista includes a Reliability Monitor utility that lets you track all of the times that something crashed.

如果您拥有一台运行Windows的计算机,则可能是抱怨计算机崩溃了。 Windows Vista包含一个Reliability Monitor实用程序,可让您跟踪发生故障的所有时间。

To get to this screen, you’ll just need to open Performance and Reliability Monitor in the administrative tools section (or just type perf into the start menu search box, and it’ll show up)

要进入此屏幕,您只需要在管理工具部分中打开“性能和可靠性监视器”(或仅在开始菜单搜索框中输入perf ,它就会显示出来)

Once you are there, click on Reliability Monitor in the left hand tree menu, and you’ll be greeted with this screen: 


vista主机故障_使用Windows Vista可靠性监视器对崩溃进行故障排除

You can track how stable your computer is, based on the number of crashes, and you can select a large number of dates to get a nice graph like you see above, which includes information on various system failures, as well as installs and uninstalls of software.


In order to illustrate how this could be used for troubleshooting, let’s give an example:


Your computer has been crashing for at least a few weeks now, but you aren’t sure what you did to make it start crashing. You go to the Reliability Monitor and discover that there were no crashes before 2 weeks ago, and the day before the crashes started, you installed some shareware software. Now we know that the shareware software is what probably caused the application crashes, and we can just uninstall that.

您的计算机至少已经崩溃了几周,但是您不确定如何使它开始崩溃。 您转到可靠性监视器,发现两周前没有崩溃,并且在崩溃开始的前一天,您安装了一些共享软件。 现在我们知道共享软件可能是导致应用程序崩溃的原因,我们可以将其卸载。

Note: The System Restore feature is very useful, and is well worth using as you tinker with Windows Vista. Most installations of software automatically set a restore point, but if you are tinkering with the registry or other system settings, you might want to set a restore point first.

注意:“系统还原”功能非常有用,当您修补Windows Vista时非常值得使用。 大多数软件安装会自动设置一个还原点,但是如果您修改注册表或其他系统设置,则可能要先设置一个还原点。

