vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

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You have your new Windows 7 system up and running, but suddenly you realize some things are not running as smoothly as they once did. Today we take look at using the hidden but useful advanced system tools in Windows 7 to troubleshoot a problem.

您已经启动并运行了新的Windows 7系统,但是突然您意识到有些事情并没有像以前那样顺利。 今天,我们来看一下使用Windows 7中隐藏但有用的高级系统工具来解决问题。

Advanced System Tools


There is a very handy collection of system utilities that are included in Windows 7 and Vista that can help you troubleshoot problems that may arise. For some reason Microsoft felt the need to bury them in the OS so they’re not immediately apparent to most users. Here we take a look at accessing the diagnostic tools and briefly cover some of what’s included. 

Windows 7和Vista中包含非常方便的系统实用程序集合,可以帮助您解决可能出现的问题。 出于某种原因,Microsoft认为有必要将它们掩埋在操作系统中,因此大多数用户不会立即看到它们。 在这里,我们介绍了如何使用诊断工具,并简要介绍了其中的一些内容。

To get to the tools type Performance Info into the search box in the Start menu and hit Enter.

要使用这些工具,请在“开始”菜单的搜索框中输入“ 性能信息 ”,然后按Enter。

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

In the Performance Information and Tools windows click on Advanced Tools.


vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

Alternately you could click through to Control Panel \ All Control Panel Items \ Performance Information and Tools \ Advanced Tools…see what I mean by buried?

或者,您可以单击以转到“控制面板” \“所有控制面板项目” \“性能信息和工具” \“高级工具”…明白我的意思是埋葬的吗?

What’s Included


It opens up a list of different tools you can use to monitor different aspects of the system performance. From here you can do several things like defrag the hard drive, check Event Viewer, and even re-rate the Experience Index score. 

它打开了一系列不同的工具,可用来监视系统性能的不同方面。 在这里,您可以执行一些操作,例如对硬盘驱动器进行碎片整理,检查事件查看器,甚至重新评估体验指数得分。

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

Notice there is a column for Performance issues you can click on to get additional details on how to correct the problem. In this example it shows a driver interfering with Sleep mode and that changing visual settings will improve performance.

请注意,有一列有关性能问题的列,您可以单击以获取有关如何更正该问题的更多详细信息。 在此示例中,它显示了驱动程序干扰睡眠模式,并且更改视觉设置将改善性能。

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

In additional details it tells us turning off the Aero feature will improve performance. I find it odd that MS would alert you to turn off Aero as it’s a hyped feature to the interface since XP. At least they’re honest in telling you Aero can slow performance, especially with under powered video cards.

在其他细节中,它告诉我们关闭Aero功能将改善性能。 我觉得奇怪的是,MS会警告您关闭Aero,因为它是自XP以来该界面的一种炒作功能。 至少他们诚实地告诉您Aero可以降低性能,尤其是在供电不足的视频卡上。

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

Even Viewer is a great tool used by administrators that records event errors that happen “behind the scenes” so to speak. The information in these logs are meant for admins and advanced users to help determine why certain errors are occurring. Most users won’t need to worry about this section, but you may need to access it while receiving tech support.

甚至Viewer也是管理员使用的出色工具,可以记录发生在“幕后”的事件错误。 这些日志中的信息供管理员和高级用户使用,以帮助确定为什么发生某些错误。 大多数用户无需担心此部分,但是在获得技术支持时,您可能需要访问它。

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

Resource Monitor is like the Task Manager on steroids…it’s a great tool to monitor what apps and services are using up your system’s memory, processor, disk usage, and network activity. If you find a service or program that is frozen or taking up too many resources you can close it out.

Resource Monitor就像类固醇上的任务管理器一样……它是一个很好的工具,可以监视哪些应用程序和服务正在耗尽系统的内存,处理器,磁盘使用率和网络活动。 如果发现服务或程序被冻结或占用过多资源,则可以将其关闭。

vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

A very handy tool that is not well known about is the ability to generate a system health report.


vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

Wait while an analysis takes place and the information is collected…


vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

The report takes about a minute to create and then you can go through a very detailed analysis of virtually every aspect of your system.


vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

You can also export the report to HTML format so you can share or save the report for future comparisons and troubleshooting.


vsphere 故障排除_使用高级工具对Windows 7中的性能问题进行故障排除

If you’re experiencing problems with your Windows 7 machine, using the included advanced system tools can help a lot, without the need for installing 3rd party utilities. 

如果您在Windows 7机器上遇到问题,那么使用随附的高级系统工具会很有帮助,而无需安装第三方工具。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/6152/use-advanced-tools-to-troubleshoot-performance-problems-in-windows-7/

vsphere 故障排除