
本文为土耳其中东技术大学(作者:NAZLI DEN˙ IZ KAHYAOGLU)的硕士论文,共157页。


The performance of radar detection and imaging systems strongly dependson the characteristics of radar clutter. In order to improve the radar signalprocessing algorithms, successful analysis and modeling of radar clutter arerequired. For a successful model of radar clutter, both the spectral andstatistical characteristics of the clutter should be revealed. Within the scopeof this study, an experimental radar data acquisition system is established toanalyze radar clutter. The hardware and the data processing system are firstverified using generic signals and then a set of measurements is taken in theopen terrain. In this thesis, the limitations and problems encountered duringthe establishment of the system are explained in detail. The spectral andstatistical analyses performed on the recorded data are examined. The temporal andspatial behavior of the measured clutter data are explored. The hypotheticalmodels proposed so far in the literature are tested on the experimental dataand the fitting of models to the experimental data is confirmed using variousgoodness-of-fit tests. Finally, the results of the analyses are interpreted inthe light of the radar system parameters and the characteristics of theilluminated terrain.

1 引言
2 雷达杂波分析
2.1 数据矩阵构建
2.2 杂波谱分析
2.3 杂波统计分析
2.4 杂波反射特性
3 实验数据采集与数据处理
3.1 数据采集系统的一般框图
3.2 发射机
3.3 接收机
3.4 天线
3.5 IQ数据处理
3.6 使用通用信号验证系统
3.7 用户图形界面
3.8 与已有系统的比较
4 分析测量的雷达杂波
4.1 地形1
4.2 地形2
5 结论
附录A 纽曼皮尔逊准则
附录B 假设检验
附录C 关于测量设备的一些注意事项
附录D 受照射地形的高度剖面


