

本文为美国密西西比大学(作者:Zeynep Nahide Aydin)的硕士论文,共81页。


The aim of this research is to explorepossible usages of high resolution satellite imagery for archaeological surveysand to develop a methodology for generating site plans with the maximumpossible detail using a minimum amount of geophysical survey. The case site wasKerkenes Dağ, an Iron Age city in central Turkey. The satellite images werecombined with the gradiometer data set using discriminant function analysis.Directional edge detection filters were also applied to the satellite images inorder to enhance the cultural features. The major conclusion of this study isthat although satellite technology has reached a level of resolution that makesit likely to be useful in archaeological research, there are still manyobstacles to be overcome.

  1. 引言
  2. 数据集预处理
  3. 分析
  4. 讨论与结论
