

本文为印度马德拉斯大学(作者:Sudarsan Krishnan)的硕士论文,共93页。




Global warming is one of the most importantissues facing humanity. The depth and extent of sea-ice are clear indicators ofglobal warming. Snow cover on sea-ice is an important variable that affects thevolume of sea-ice and indirectly global warming as a whole. The Radar andRemote Sensing laboratory at the University of Kansas has developedan Ultra Wideband Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave Radar to determine snowthickness over sea-ice. In any radar system, including the snow radar, thereturn signal from the medium is corrupted by the effects of the radar system itself,and also by the effects of surface and volume scattering. Therefore, the returnsignal cannot be analyzed directly. The research described here focuses on anumerical analysis and simulation of the snow-radar that includes the effectsof the system and those of scattering. The system effects are accounted for byincluding the point-spread function into the simulation. The Point SpreadFunction is determined by empirical measurement and calibration using theprototype radar. The effects of surface and volume scattering are modeled fromtheory and are also incorporated into the simulation. This research completedhere will help us in analyzing the actual radar returns and in deconvolving theeffects of the system and the effects of surface and volume scattering. Theapplication of deconvolution on the radar return signal will help in extractingrange information easily as the layers will be clear.




