

摘 要:开发本超市进销存管理系统的主要目标是方便企业对商品、客户和员工信息的实时掌控,提高企业的工作效率。本系统是采用J2EE开发的一个基于B/S架构的Web项目,运用SSH开源框架进行逻辑功能的整合,MySQL作为数据库存储载体,编程思想采用MVC设计模式,使系统模块合理结构清晰。本系统的主要功能包括供应商管理、客户管理、商品管理、统计报表,其中商品管理分为商品信息管理、进货管理、销售管理、库存管理,报表统计可以按日查询和按月查询资金的出纳情况,整个系统逻辑清晰合理,开发完成后系统实用性能良好。

The Design and Implementation of Supermarket Invoicing Management System Based on B/S

Abstract:The main goal of developing the supermarket inventory management system is to facilitate the enterprise to the commodity, customer and employee information real-time control, improve enterprise work efficiency. This system uses the J2EE development of a based on B / S structure of the web project, using open source framework of SSH integration of logic function, MySQL as the database storage carrier, programming thinking of using the MVC design pattern, system module structure clear . The main functions of the system include the supplier management, customer management, merchandise management, statistical statements, including commodity management is divided into commodity information management, purchase management, sales management, inventory management, statistical statements can be cashier daily query and monthly check funds, the logic of the whole system is clear and reasonable, after the completion of the development system is practical with good performance.
Key words: SSH; database; Invoicing management system; system development
