

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  Author:  Linxy -- <>
  Purpose: Juniper备份脚本
  Created: 2017-6-23

import datetime
import sys
import os
import telnetlib
from email import encoders
from email.header import Header
from email.mime.text import MIMEText
from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr
import smtplib

def getymd (ymd):
 if ymd=='y':
  return str(d.year)
 elif ymd=='m':
  return str(d.month)
 elif ymd=='d':
  return str(

if os.path.isdir(p1):
for i in l1:
 if os.path.isdir(p1):

filename1='./sw.txt'#交换机IP地址列表存放位置 注意要把最后一个IP以后的空格和回车全部删除
def fc_srx(p2): #文件处理部分的函数
 if os.path.getsize(p2)==0:
  密码不对时候 telnet的执行是成功的只是read_all的时候没有结尾的标记所以无法读出返回值
  print(host+" is failed")
  with open(p2,'r') as f:
  with open(p2,'w') as w:
   for I in lines:
    I=I.replace('                                        ','')
    if I=='':
    else :
def fc_ssg(p2):
 if os.path.getsize(p2)==0:
  #print(host+' is failed')
  密码不对时候 telnet的执行是成功的只是read_all的时候没有结尾的标记所以无法读出返回值
  print(host+" is failed")
  with open(p2,'r') as f:
  with open(p2,'w') as w:
   for I in lines:
    I=I.replace('--- more ---','')
    I=I.replace(' ','')
    if I=='':
    else :
def juniper_bak (host):#备份juniper函数
 print ('Backing up:'+host)
 tn.read_until(b'> ')
 tn.write(b'show configuration | display set '+'\n'.encode('utf-8'))
 for i in range(300) :
  tn.write(b' ')

 if os.path.isdir(p1+'/'+host):

 with open(p2,'w') as f:
def ssg_bak (host):#备份ssg函数
 print ('Backing up:'+host)
 tn.write(b'get config'+'\n'.encode('utf-8'))
 for i in range(50000) :#看具体设备有些设备输入200个空格即可获取到全部回显
  tn.write(b' ')
 if os.path.isdir(p1+'/'+host):
 with open(p2,'w') as f:

def sendmail_cxr(tx):#发送邮件函数
 def _format_addr(s): #注意此函数实际传入的S格式为‘字符串 <邮箱地址>’
  name, addr = parseaddr(s)
  return formataddr((Header(name, 'utf-8').encode(), addr)) 
 from_addr = '这里是发送邮件的邮箱地址'
 password = '这里是邮箱密码'
 to_addr = '接收邮件的地址1'
 smtp_server = 'SMT服务的域名要写这里'
 msg = MIMEText(tx, 'plain', 'utf-8')

 msg['From'] = _format_addr('邮件相关的格式不要细究 <%s>' % from_addr)
 msg['To'] = _format_addr('邮件相关的格式不要细究 <%s>'% to_addr)
 msg['Subject'] = Header('今日备份情况', 'utf-8').encode()  #邮件主题

 server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, 25)
 server.login(from_addr, password)
 server.sendmail(from_addr, [to_addr,to_addr2], msg.as_string())

if __name__=='__main__':
 with open (filename2,'r')as fo:
  for line in fo.readlines():
   if line.split(' ')[0]!='':
    host=line.split(' ')[0]
     print(host+" is failed")

 with open (filename1,'r')as fo:
  for line in fo.readlines():
   if line.split(' ')[0]!='':
    host=line.split(' ')[0]
     print(host+" is failed")
  密码不对时候 telnet的执行是成功的只是read_all的时候没有结尾的标记所以无法读出返回值
 if len(su)!=0:
  for i in su:
 if len(fa)!=0:
  for i in fa: