Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Hands-on review Tutorial – Katalon Automation Recorder (Selenium IDE for Chrome and Firefox):

Are you worried because your automation testing work has been hampered as Selenium IDE has stopped working from Firefox 55 onwards? Well, don’t be worried as we have some good news for you.

The Katalon Studio team has recently introduced Katalon Automation Recorderthat has been developed for the users who are no longer able to continue the automation testing using obsolete Selenium IDE.

It can be added as an extension in Firefox and Chrome and supported by the latest versions of these browsers (and will be supported by the upcoming versions as well). This tool is a perfect alternative for the Selenium IDE and other similar open source frameworks.

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

In the below figure, you can observe that all the features that were presented in Selenium IDE are also available in this Katalon tool.

In fact, this Katalon tool has two more export languages – Robot Framework and Katalon Studio. It is also compatible with the Groovy programming language.

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

This tool is a great help for the teams who have been depended heavily on Selenium IDE. It has a powerful IDE to record, debug and play tests in Chrome & Firefox browser.

Katalon Automation Recorder Installation

Below are the links to download Katalon Automation Recorder for both Chrome & Firefox:

It is very easy and quick to get this tool installed. I will show you how:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

You just need to click the ‘Add to Firefox’ button as seen in the above screenshot and the Katalon Recorder will appear on your Firefox toolbar in a jiffy (it will not take more than 10 seconds to get installed).

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

And this is how it looks:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

A quick demo

Click on the ‘New’ button and provide the test case name in the dialog box. Then, Click ‘OK’

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Click on ‘Add’ button and give the command you want to get executed:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

In the Reference section as seen above, you will get the details of what the particular command does.

Similarly, give subsequent commands to complete your test case:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Once completed, click on the ‘Play’ button to execute the test case.

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

As seen in the above screenshot, the steps executed successfully are turned into green and the execution info along with Test case passed/ failed status has appeared in the Console area.

Main features

#1) With this tool, you can capture the web elements and record the actions performed on the web app. It allows you to create (new test cases), edit (existing test cases) and play automated test cases. And, all this can be done very fast and easily.

#2) All the Selenese commands are supported by this tool.

#3) Existing Selenium IDE tests can be imported into Katalon Recorder (using Script mode) and can be exported to below languages & frameworks:

Language Corresponding Framework
Groovy Katalon Studio
Java WebDriver + TestNG
Java WebDriver + Junit
Java WebDriver-backend Remote Control + Junit
  Robot Framework
C# WebDriver + Nunit
Ruby WebDriver + Rspec
Python2 WebDriver + unittest

#4) This tool is compatible with latest versions of Firefox and Chrome browsers.

#5) It works on Selenium 3 core engine.

#6) Multiple test cases can be combined and arranged inside a test suite and can be executed as a complete test suite.

#7) Test cases can be imported into Katalon Studio – a completely free automation testing solution which is key- driven and data-driven, supports TDD/BDD Testing, API Testing, Page Object Model, test management, test case recording, advanced scripting, parallel execution, CI integrations and much more!

#8) Allows not only Katalon Studio users but also users of the obsolete Selenium IDE and other popular open source frameworks to record and playback automation tests.

Features discussed in detail

#1) Toolbar: The toolbar consists of 6 buttons namely New, Record, Play, Export, Help, and Settings:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

  • New: Clicking on this button will allow you to add a new test case inside the test suite.
  • Record: This will let you record the test steps.
  • Play: This button is to execute the existing test case.
  • Export: Clicking on this button taken you to the script mode where you can choose the Language & Framework. By default, ‘Katalon Studio’ is selected.

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Here you can save the script. Clicking on Save As File button in the above screenshot will allow you to save the script as a Groovy file.

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

You can also observe here that corresponding to the commands you gave on the front end, you have got the code generated here:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

This is similar to the ‘Source’ section which we had in Selenium IDE.

You can switch to different Languages & Frameworks below:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Changing the Language & Framework will automatically change your code in the script accordingly:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

  • Help: This will take you to the Katalon Automation Recorder User Guide page where various features are explained in detailed.
  • Settings: This will take you to the port and configuration setting.

#2) Test Case Explorer:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Test case explorer contains test suites.  In a test suite, you can have multiple test cases.

Right-clicking on Test case gives you three options – ‘Add New Test Case’, ‘Remove Test Case’, and ‘Rename Test Case’.

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Right-clicking on Test Suite gives you six options – ‘Open Test Suites’‘Add New Test Suite’, ‘Save Test Suite As’, ‘Close Test Suite’, ‘Add New Test Case’, and ‘Rename Test Suite’.

#3) Test Case Window:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

This area allows you to add, delete, edit and execute test steps. Each test step contains Command, Target, and Value.  You can also drag and drop to change the order of test steps.

#4) Console & Reference:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder


Along with all the above-discussed pros, there are certain cons as well which I observed in the tool.

For example:

  • There are certain commands which are experimental as of now. For example, ‘sendKeys’ command is experimental. In the future, this might get replaced with typeKeys command. So, we will have to update our test scripts accordingly in future in case we are using any experimental commands.
  • The option to specify base URL is also not presented anywhere on the tool. This was a useful option in Selenium IDE allowing test cases to be run across different domains.
  • In Firefox, I found the ‘Settings’ button missing on the toolbar of Katalon Recorder:

Selenium IDE Vs Katalon Automation Recorder

There are only 5 buttons present here as compared to 6 buttons in Chrome.

  • There are certain other bugs as well which are presented in the tool. Visit Katalon Automation Recorder Bugs and Suggestions section to check more on existing issues & their suggested resolutions.

Explore more about this tool:

Check here a quick getting started guide to Katalon Automation Recorder.


  • This tool can be installed very easily and quickly.
  • This tool is absolutely free.
  • Easy to use. The Reference section is very helpful as it tells you in detail about how each command works and when it should be used.
  • Multiple languages & frameworks support make this tool more useful.
  • Almost all the features that were present in Selenium IDE are preserved in this tool.
  • In fact, I could see few new commands added which were not available in Selenium IDE. This makes Automation Recorder even more powerful.
  • This tool is a benefit for the testing teams which relied heavily on Selenium IDE for their automation testing work.
  • Found this better than other substitutes for Selenium IDE. For example, unlike Kantu for Chrome, Katalon Recorder supports all the commands that were there in Selenium IDE.
  • Compatible with latest Firefox and Chrome browsers and will be supported in upcoming versions as well.
  • A few small bugs exist in the tool. However, these bugs they stand nowhere at front of the great features, ease of use & the capabilities offered by this tool.

Overall, Katalon Automation Recorder is a great tool for automation testing and a perfect substitute for Selenium IDE. Try this free tool and let us know your queries here.
