如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

Google announced something called “instant Apps” for Android at last year’s Google I/O conference. After a year in the oven, they announced that Instant Apps are now available for all developers to use. In turn, there are also a handful of apps you can test out now.

在去年的Google I / O会议上,Google宣布了一款名为“ Instant Apps”的Android应用。 经过一年的努力,他们宣布Instant Apps现在可供所有开发人员使用。 反过来,还有一些您现在可以测试的应用程序。

什么是即时应用程序? (What Are Instant Apps?)

In a nutshell, Instant Apps allow users to check out most of the features of an app without actually installing it by using deep links and running in a modular environment—hence the reason developers have to enable it as a feature and it doesn’t “just work” for all apps. Now, that said, this doesn’t work exactly like you may expect. For example, you don’t launch these apps from the Play Store. Instead, they launch natively from search results or other compatible hyperlinks.

简而言之,Instant Apps允许用户检出该应用程序的大多数功能, 而无需通过使用深层链接并在模块化环境中运行来实际安装该应用程序因此,开发人员必须将其启用为一项功能,而不必“适用于所有应用”。 就是说,这并不完全符合您的预期。 例如,您不会从Play商店启动这些应用。 相反,它们从搜索结果或其他兼容的超链接本地启动。

Essentially, when you click a link for an website that has an Instant App, Google Play will download a few necessary assets to run the app, then instantly launch it—no install required. In its initial announcement, Google said Instant Apps will be great for apps that you’ll use for a single purpose, like paying for parking, for example. This way you can avoid having to mess with a mobile website (which can often be more annoying that convenient), and instead get a native experience that won’t hang out when you’re finished with it.

本质上,当您单击具有即时应用程序的网站的链接时,Google Play会下载一些必要的资源来运行该应用程序,然后立即启动它-无需安装。 谷歌在最初的公告中说,即时应用程序将非常适合您用于单一目的的应用程序,例如支付停车费。 通过这种方式,您可以避免麻烦到移动网站(通常更麻烦的是它很方便),而获得一种本机体验,当您完成该体验时,它不会挂断。

At the current time, Instant Apps work on Android 6.0 and above, though support for Android 5.x is currently in the works. If your handset meets those requirements, you might be able to enable access to Instant Apps now.

目前,Instant Apps可在Android 6.0及更高版本上运行,尽管目前正在支持Android5.x。 如果您的手机满足这些要求,则可以立即启用对Instant Apps的访问。

如何启用即时应用 (How to Enable Instant Apps)

Alright! Now that you know what Instant Apps are, it’s time to make sure you can actually use them.

好的! 现在您已经知道什么是Instant Apps,现在该确保您可以实际使用它们了。

First, jump into your phone’s Settings menu by pulling down the notification shade and tapping on the gear icon.


如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

From there, scroll down to Google and tap on it.


如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

Under the “Services” section, look for Instant Apps. If you don’t have this option, it’s either not available on your account or incompatible with your device, unfortunately. For example, I have it on my Pixel and Nexus 6P, but not on the Galaxy S8. If you do, however, go ahead and give it a tap.

在“服务”部分下,查找Instant Apps。 不幸的是,如果您没有此选项,则它可能在您的帐户中不可用或与您的设备不兼容。 例如,我在Pixel和Nexus 6P上安装了它,但在Galaxy S8上却没有。 如果您这样做,请继续轻按。

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

Slide the toggle at the top to enable the feature. A popup will show up with a brief description of what Instant Apps are. Just tap the “Yes, I’m in” button to get finish up.

滑动顶部的开关以启用该功能。 将显示一个弹出窗口,简要说明什么是Instant Apps。 只需点击“是的,我在”按钮即可完成操作。

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps
如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

Now that you have it enabled, it’s time to start using it.


如何使用即时应用 (How to Use Instant Apps)

At the time of this writing, there are only a handful of apps that support Instant Apps, so we’ll keep it simple and use Wish, which seems to be working for pretty much everyone at this point.

在撰写本文时,只有少数应用程序支持Instant Apps,因此我们将使其保持简单并使用Wish,目前看来Wish适用于几乎所有人。

Open up Google Chrome or Google Now and do a search for “Wish.”

打开Goog​​le Chrome或Google即时,然后搜索“愿望”。

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

Find the option that has “Wish app – Instant” just under the description, then tap on it.


如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

A Google Play window will show up briefly as it downloads the necessary assets. A few seconds later, a fully native app should launch.

下载必要资产时,会短暂显示一个Google Play窗口。 几秒钟后,应启动一个完全本机的应用程序。

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps
如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

A lightning bolt will show up in the notification shade, which indicates you’re running an Instant App. A quick tug of of the shade will give you a couple of options: Go To Web and App Info. The first one will redirect you to the app’s mobile website, while the second one will show all relevant info for the Instant App, including a way to install the full application and clear app data.

通知栏会显示一个闪电,表示您正在运行Instant App。 快速浏览阴影将为您提供两个选择:转到Web和应用程序信息。 第一个将您重定向到该应用程序的移动网站,而第二个将显示Instant App的所有相关信息,包括安装完整应用程序和清除应用程序数据的方法。

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps
如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

As you use more Instant Apps, these bits of app data and whatnot will be stored locally on your phone. To get back to the above screen (so you can clear data) without having to actually launch the Instant App again, jump back into Settings > Google > Instant Apps. All of the Instant Apps you’ve launched will show up here, where you can clear data or install the full app if you’d like.

当您使用更多即时应用程序时,这些应用程序数据位以及其他内容将存储在手机本地。 要返回上述屏幕(以便清除数据)而不必再次真正启动Instant App,请跳回到“设置”>“ Google”>“ Instant Apps”。 您启动的所有Instant Apps将显示在此处,您可以在其中清除数据或安装完整的应用程序。

如何查找和使用Android Instant Apps

While Android 6.0+ is required to for instant Apps right now, bigger things are planned in Android O once it’s released. For example, users will be able to launch Instant Apps directly from the launcher, just by searching for them in the search bar. Also, there will be an option to add a icon to the home screen for an Instant App, almost removing the need to ever do a “hard” install again. That’s neat.

尽管即时应用程序现在需要Android 6.0+,但发布后, Android O计划进行更大的计划。 例如,用户只需在搜索栏中搜索即可直接从启动器启动Instant Apps。 另外,还有一个选项可以将一个图标添加到Instant App的主屏幕上,几乎不需要再次进行“硬”安装。 那很整齐。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/308548/how-to-find-and-use-android-instant-apps/