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Php is a programming language mainly developed for web programming. Php language is created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994. Php have different version those have create in history. Most recent version of Php is 7.0 but the 5.X series Php is most popular version.

Php是一种主要为Web编程开发的编程语言。 php语言由Rasmus Lerdorf于1994年创建。php具有与历史不同的版本。 Php的最新版本是7.0,但5.X系列Php是最受欢迎的版本。

特征 (Features)

Php gets it features from different languages like C, C++, Java etc. Php supports class, inheritance, primitive types, file operations. Php generally used in server side applications. Php also works with JSON seamlessly.

Php从C,C ++,Java等不同语言获得功能。Php支持类,继承,原始类型和文件操作。 Php通常用于服务器端应用程序。 Php还可以与JSON无缝协作。

口译 (Interpreted)

Php is an interpreted language. This makes Php different from C,C++ etc. Php code do not need to be compiled which is the previous step before execution. Php interpreter reads the Php code or script. Php code and script generally means same thing.

Php是一种解释性语言。 这使得Php与C,C ++等不同。Php代码无需编译,这是执行之前的上一步。 Php解释器读取Php代码或脚本。 php代码和脚本通常意味着同一件事。

简单易学 (Easy To Learn)

Php is an easy to learn language. As stated before PHp inherited most of the features from C but it prevented complicated or error prone features of C too.

php是一种易于学习的语言。 如前所述,PHp继承了C的大部分功能,但它也阻止了C的复杂或易于出错的功能。

开源的 (Open source)

Php is opensource language. Actually its interpreter is developed in a open source soul. Php interpreters for different operating system binaries and source code can be downloaded from following page.

PHP是开源语言。 实际上,它的解释器是在开放源码的基础上开发的。 可以从下一页下载用于不同操作系统二进制文件和源代码PHP解释器。


可移植性 (Portability)

Php code is portable. Portability means code written in a platform can be run another platform. This is also called cross platform. For example the code written in Windows 10 can be run in a Linux Debian 8 operating system if the required interpreter is installed.

php代码是可移植的。 可移植性意味着在一个平台中编写的代码可以在另一个平台上运行。 这也称为跨平台。 例如,如果安装了必需的解释器,则可以在Linux Debian 8操作系统中运行Windows 10中编写的代码。

广大社区 (Vast Community)

Php is very popular programming language. Especially in web development there is a huge community or communities because there are a lot of communities in different countries and regions. You can get answer every question or problem you have in forums, *.com etc.

php是非常流行的编程语言。 特别是在Web开发中,存在一个或多个巨大的社区,因为不同国家和地区的社区很多。 您可以在论坛, *.com等网站上回答所有问题。


数据库支持(Database Support)

Php supports most of the databases. But there is some special relation with MySQL database. Php generally matched with MySQL to store data about applications. WAMP bundle provides Windows+Apache+MySQL+PHP in a single installation file.

PHP支持大多数数据库。 但是与MySQL数据库有一些特殊的关系。 PHP通常与MySQL匹配以存储有关应用程序的数据。 WAMP软件包在单个安装文件中提供Windows + Apache + MySQL + PHP。

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