craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio


craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

So you’ve decided to flex your mercurial muscles and start selling products online. High-quality photos are a simple way to attract more buyers, and contrary to what you might think, they don’t require thousands of dollars in equipment. With a simple photo tent and some lights, even a decent smartphone camera can take great photos of small-to-medium objects.

因此,您已经决定发挥自己的力量,开始在线销售产品。 高质量的照片是吸引更多购买者的一种简单方法,与您可能想到的相反,它们不需要数千美元的设备。 借助一个简单的帐篷和一些照明灯,即使是体面的智能手机相机也可以拍摄中小型物体的出色照片。

Here’s how you can make a photo tent on the cheap with less than $20 spent at your local hardware store or supermarket. The lights will be extra if you don’t have anything easy in your home, and of course you’ll need a camera, but building the tent yourself will save you a nice chunk of change.

您可以在当地的五金店或超市用不到20美元的便宜商品制作帐篷。 如果您在家中没有轻松的地方,灯光将是多余的,当然您需要一台摄像头,但是您自己搭建帐篷将为您节省很多零钱。

你需要什么 (What You’ll Need)

Most of the tools you’ll need for this project should be in your house already: you probably have a good knife and a pair of scissors, a ruler, glue or tape, and maybe even velcro and refrigerator magnets handy. The hardest thing to find will be a big coroplast sheet—the only retail store I found in the area that sold one big enough to make the photo tent in one big piece was at Home Depot.

该项目所需的大多数工具应该已经在您家中:您可能已经拥有一把好刀和一把剪刀,直尺,胶水或胶带,甚至还有魔术贴和冰箱磁铁。 最难找到的东西将是一块大的Coroplast床单—我在该地区发现的唯一一家零售店能够售到足够大的尺寸来将照片帐篷制成一件大件商品,而该店是在Home Depot上

Here’s a full list of what you’ll need:


  • White coroplast sheets: this material will form the structure of the photo light box. The plastic is inexpensive and diffuses light evenly for great photos.

    白色coroplast板 :这种材料将形成照相灯箱的结构。 这种塑料价格便宜,并且可以均匀地散射光线以拍摄出精美的照片。

  • Velcro strips: for holding the coroplast frame together, making it easy to assemble and then break down for storage.

    魔术贴条 :用于将Coroplast框架固定在一起,使其易于组装,然后分解即可存储。

  • Paper or felt backdrop: to give your photos a neutral and even background. Choose a color that contrasts with your subject.

    纸或毛毡背景 :使您的照片具有中性甚至均匀的背景。 选择一种与您的主题形成鲜明对比的颜色。

  • Scissors, knife, or box cutter: you want something that can cut through surprisingly tough plastic, but still make fine slices on the seams. Multiple blades may be necessary.

    剪刀,刀子或开箱刀 :您想要的东西可以切破坚硬的塑料,但仍能在接缝上切成薄片。 可能需要多个刀片。

  • Refrigerator magnets or clips: for holding the background in place.

    冰箱磁铁或夹子 :用于将背景固定在适当的位置。

  • Ruler or tape measure: for laying out your pattern and cutting straight lines.

    尺子或卷尺 :用于布置图案并切割直线。

  • Marker: for drawing your pattern on the coroplast. A dry erase marker is good for this, since you can wipe away any stray marks.

    标记 :用于在叶绿体上绘制图案。 干擦标记笔对此很有用,因为您可以擦掉任何杂散标记。

  • Glue or tape: for holding the background clips in place, or apply the velcro if yours doesn’t have an adhesive back.

    胶水或胶带 :用于将背景夹固定在适当的位置,或者在没有粘胶的情况下粘贴魔术贴。

If you’re not the handy type, online retailers sell pre-made versions of this inexpensive photo tent, along with lights and backdrops. You can get a small tent for less than $50—all you need to add is a table and a camera. But this DIY version is so cheap and easy to make that it’s well worth it.

如果您不是方便的类型,那么在线零售商会出售这种廉价照相帐篷的预制版本,以及灯光和背景。 您可以不到50美元的价格买到一个小帐篷,您只需要增加一张桌子和一个摄像头即可。 但是,这种DIY版本非常便宜且易于制造,因此非常值得。

第一步:组装材料 (Step One: Assemble Your Materials)

The coroplast sheets are the most important element: they’ll form the walls and structure of your photo tent. Coroplast is a portmanteau of “corrugated plastic:” it’s a flat material approximately the consistency of cardboard, but made of two sheets of polypropylene for rigidity and resistance to wear, with spacing bands to make the two sheets stand apart from each other. (It’s the same material that politicians use to print signs and stick in people’s yards.)

色浆板是最重要的元素:它们将形成照相帐篷的墙和结构。 Coroplast是“瓦楞塑料”的代名词:它是一种与硬纸板差不多的扁平材料,但由两片聚丙烯制成,以提高刚性和耐磨性,并带有间隔带以使两片彼此分开。 (与政治家用来在人的院子里张贴标志和粘贴的材料相同。)

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

We’ll be using this property, as well as the translucency of the plastic, as key elements of this project. The size of the sheets is determined by the size of your box: see Step Two. Coroplast might be hard to find in sizes large enough if you want a bigger box—if your local hardware store doesn’t carry it, try a sign shop. They tend to buy large three-by-six or four-by-eight foot sheets by the pallet, and might be able to sell you blank ones at or slightly above cost.

我们将使用此属性以及塑料的透明度作为该项目的关键元素。 纸的尺寸由盒子的尺寸决定:请参阅第二步。 如果您想要一个更大的盒子,可能很难找到足够大的Coroplast尺寸-如果您当地的五金店不提供它,请尝试一家标志店。 他们倾向于按托盘购买三乘六英尺或四乘八英尺的大床单,并且可能能够以低于或略高于成本的价格向您出售空白的床单。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

You’ll want to take particular care when choosing the paper or fabric for your backdrop. White is generally preferred for photos of products, but you might want to get several colors: black can be useful when you’re taking photos of all-white items, and something with a bit of texture, like canvas, can be useful for contrast. You can go to the sewing or crafts department to find material and buy it by the yard, but avoid any kind of obvious pattern, as it will be a distraction in your final photos. Since this stuff is generally cheap, don’t stress out about getting exactly the right thing—you can always buy and make replacements later.

为背景选择纸张或织物时,您需要格外小心。 通常,白色是产品图片的首选,但您可能希望获得几种颜色:在拍摄全白色物品的照片时,黑色可能会有用,而像画布这样的有点质感的东西可能会有助于对比度。 您可以去缝纫或手Craft.io部门找材料,然后在院子里买,但是要避免使用任何明显的图案,因为这样会使您的最终照片分散注意力。 由于这些东西通常都很便宜,因此不要为获得正确的东西而过分强调-您以后可以随时购买并进行更换。

You’ll want strong scissors, preferably with long blades, or a box cutter (if you have steady hands) to get through the tough plastic sheets. Some kind of sharp, fixed blade is necessary either way, since we’ll be making some fine cuts in the plastic as well. A pocket knife will work here too, if it’s good and sharp.

您需要强力的剪刀(最好用长刀片)或箱刀(如果您有稳定的手)穿过坚韧的塑料板。 无论哪种方式,都需要某种锋利的固定刀片,因为我们还将在塑料上进行一些精细的切割。 如果它既好又锋利,小刀也可以在这里工作。

第二步:剪出帐篷形状 (Step Two: Cut Out Your Tent Shape)

You’re going to make a box with an open top. That means making the shape in the coroplast is approximately that of a cube, minus the sixth side. The shape below is what I recommend: two sides are extended, allowing for a slightly sloped top for easier photo shooting. Small tabs on the side will enable the box to freely stand on its own when assembled and connected with velcro.

您将要制作一个带有顶部开口的盒子。 这意味着使叶绿体中的形状近似于立方体的形状,减去第六面。 我建议使用以下形状:两侧延伸,顶部略微倾斜,便于拍摄照片。 侧面的小突起可让盒子在与魔术贴组装和连接时*自立。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio
Choose either the one-foot box or the 1.5-foot box, or scale this design up or down as needed.

You can make your box as big or as small as you like, using the same basic shape: a 12-inch box will work fine for smaller items like jewelry, but you’ll need something even bigger for things like small appliances or clothing. Keep in mind that bigger boxes will need bigger paper or cloth backdrops, brighter lights, and a bigger table on which to work. The above pattern can be scaled up or down, but the shortest side of your coroplast sheet needs to be three times as wide as the shortest side of the box.

您可以使用相同的基本形状将盒子变大或变小:一个12英寸的盒子适合较小的物品,例如珠宝,但是对于更大的物品,例如小家电或衣服,则需要更大的东西。 请记住,更大的盒子需要更大的纸张或布背景,更明亮的灯光以及更大的工作台。 上面的图案可以按比例放大或缩小,但是您的叶绿体板最短的一面需要是盒子最短的一面的三倍。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Use your ruler or tape measure to trace out the pattern. Measure the bottom edge to the length you’d like and expand from there. Note that the long diagonal lines on the trapezoidal pieces should be equal to the length of the extended rectangle at the top.

用尺子或卷尺找出图案。 测量底部边缘的长度,然后从那里开始扩展。 请注意,梯形块上的长对角线应等于顶部延伸的矩形的长度。

Coroplast is surprisingly tough stuff to cut: if you’re using a straight blade, place a scrap piece beneath your main piece so you can get the blade deep without damaging your table or carpet.


第三步:减少背景 (Step Three: Cut Out Your Backdrops)

Your photo backdrops need to be rectangles, double the size of the smallest square in the pattern above. For the 12-inch version of the box, you’ll cut each paper or cloth into a shape 12×24 inches. For the 18-inch version it’s 18×36, and so on.

您的照片背景必须是矩形,是上面图案中最小正方形的两倍。 对于12英寸版本的盒子,您将每张纸或布切成12×24英寸的形状。 对于18英寸版本,它是18×36,依此类推。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

第四步:切缝并粘贴魔术贴 (Step Four: Cut Seams and Apply Velcro)

Use your ruler along with your knife or box cutter to carefully cut only one side of the coroplast on the red lines of the pattern below. Be sure to only cut one side of the two-sheet plastic: the point is to slice a small seam that makes the opposite sides of the tent easier to fold inwards.

用尺子和刀子或箱刀一起小心地在下面图案的红线上小心切出叶绿体的一侧。 确保只切两层塑料的一侧:重点是切一个小缝,使帐篷的相对侧更容易向内折叠。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Apply the velcro strips to the four tabs on the top and bottom squares. Stick the opposing strips onto the original ones, then remove the plastic tape covering the adhesive, fold the coroplast sides, and stick them in place. Remove them once the adhesive has set.

将魔术贴条粘贴到顶部和底部正方形的四个选项卡上。 将相对的胶条粘贴到原始胶条上,然后撕下覆盖胶粘剂的塑料带,折叠叶绿体侧面,然后将其粘贴到位。 胶粘剂凝固后将其除去。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

第五步:组装照片帐篷 (Step Five: Assemble the Photo Tent)

Close the box shape as so, with the open end pointed towards you. fold opposite to the seams that you cut in Step Four.

如此封闭盒子形状,使开口端指向您。 折叠成与在第四步中切割的接缝相对的方向。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio
craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Place the photo backdrop inside the box, with the corners at the bottom edge of the opening and the inside of top seam of the interior wall.


Use the refrigerator magnets or at opposite points inside and outside the tent to hold the paper or fabric in place, or place the clips on the inside with double-sided tape. You can glue or tape the magnets on the outside of the tent for easier changing.

使用冰箱磁铁或在帐篷内外的相反点将纸张或织物固定在适当的位置,或使用双面胶带将夹子放在内侧。 您可以将磁铁粘在或粘在帐篷外面,以方便更换。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

The tent is now ready. The curve and neutral color of the backdrop makes a perfect background for small items, and the coroplast walls on all side allow light to the interior, diminishing shadows and evenly illuminating the subject.

帐篷现在准备好了。 背景的曲线和中性色为小物件提供了完美的背景,并且在各个侧面的叶绿体壁使光线进入内部,从而减少了阴影并均匀地照亮了对象。

第六步:完成您的工作室并开始拍照! (Step Six: Finish Your Studio and Start Taking Photos!)

Your tent’s all set up. Now you just need to set it on a table and apply some light. Ideally you’ll use a pair of photo lights: the bright light from the bulbs will be ideally diffused by the coroplast. Small table lamps with high-watt bulbs, or even a bright window, can be substituted if you’re on a budget.

你的帐篷都准备好了。 现在,您只需要将其放在桌子上并施加一些光线即可。 理想情况下,您将使用一对照片灯 :理想情况下,灯泡产生的明亮光会被叶绿体散射。 如果预算有限,可以更换带有高功率灯泡的小台灯,甚至是明亮的窗户。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Take your photos with your cell phone or camera, moving the subject inside the tent for ideal light. If you’re familiar enough with your camera to shoot in manual mode, you should be able to use a much lower ISO and F-stop value and a higher shutter speed than if you were simply shooting on a table or carpet. A tripod or monopod will help.

用手机或照相机拍摄照片,将拍摄对象移动到帐篷内以获得理想的光线。 如果您熟悉相机以手动模式拍摄,则与仅在桌子或地毯上拍摄相比,应该可以使用更低的ISO和F-stop值以及更高的快门速度。 三脚架或独脚架会有所帮助。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Here’s the setup with the white backdrop above, and the final photo result below. Note the smooth transition from the base to the background with no visible edges or seams.

这是上面带有白色背景的设置,下面是最终照片结果。 注意从底部到背景的平滑过渡,没有可见的边缘或接缝。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Even if you don’t have photo lights and your photos turn out darker than you’d like, you should be able to brighten them considerably in your photo editing software. The even light and neutral backdrop will give your customers a great look at your online merchandise.

即使您没有照片灯,并且照片的亮度比您想要的要暗,您也应该能够在照片编辑软件中将它们调得足够亮。 均匀的光线和中性的背景将使您的客户对您的在线商品有一个很好的了解。

craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio
craigslist_如何为完美的eBay或Craigslist照片制作Tabletop Studio

Trust me: a good picture goes a long way on a site like eBay or Craigslist. You’ll be glad you threw this together.

相信我:在eBay或Craigslist之类的网站上,高质量的图片有很长的路要走。 您会很高兴将它放在一起。

