
Siora Photography / Unsplash.comSiora摄影 / Unsplash.com
To go from temporary to permanent, knowledge gained during the classes needs to be utilized. But not everything can be immediately applied in the real world. Here’s where the flashcard method comes in.
为了从临时变为永久,需要利用在课堂上获得的知识。 但是,并非所有事物都能立即应用于现实世界。 这是抽认卡方法的用武之地。
If you take 10 minutes to go over a subject the day after you first studied it, it will take you 5 minutes to ‘freshen’ this memory the following week, and only a minute or so after a month of weekly training. Repetition can help you remember things you’d otherwise forget. According to a study conducted at the University of Alberta, the students who used this method were more likely to improve their grades than those who didn’t.
如果您在第一次学习某个科目后的第二天花了10分钟,那么下个星期您将需要5分钟来“恢复”这个记忆,而在每周训练一个月后,则只需一分钟左右。 重复可以帮助您记住本来会忘记的事情。 根据阿尔伯塔大学的一项研究,使用这种方法的学生比没有使用这种方法的学生更有可能提高自己的成绩。
Derek Severs, the founder of CD Baby, praised flashcards for being a great way to improve and maintain your coding skills. Roger Craig — the 2010 Jeopardy! contestant — also credited this method with helping him take his $77,000 winnings home. The system has already become a staple of online education. Dozens of specialized apps, such as Anki and Memrise, transported the flashcard experience into the digital realm. Even the ‘original’ flashcard app from 1985 — SuperMemo — is maintained and updated to this day.
CD Baby的创始人Derek Severs称赞抽认卡是提高和保持您的编码技能的好方法。 罗杰·克雷格(Roger Craig)-2010年的危险! 参赛者-也将此方法归功于帮助他将自己的$ 77,000奖金带回家。 该系统已经成为在线教育的主要内容。 数十种专用应用程序(例如Anki和Memrise)将抽认卡体验转移到了数字领域。 甚至从1985年开始的“原始”抽认卡应用程序(SuperMemo)也得到维护和更新。

起源 (The origins)

Hermann Ebbinghaus, a 19th century pioneer of experimental psychology, came up with the concept of the ‘forgetting curve’ — an equation roughly describing our loss of memories in relation to time.
19世纪实验心理学的先驱赫尔曼·埃宾豪斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus)提出了“遗忘曲线”的概念,该方程式大致描述了我们与时间有关的记忆丧失。
Later scientists
后来的科学家replicated his experiments and realized that different kinds of content have different forgetting curves. For example, poetry — an artistic medium that requires conscious processing — is likely to be remembered for longer than a piece of out-of-context data. What’s more, the way the information was received (the environment you’re in and your mental state) also influences memory retention.复制了他的实验,并意识到不同种类的内容具有不同的遗忘曲线。 例如,诗歌(一种需要有意识地进行处理的艺术媒介)的记忆时间可能会比上下文外的数据长。 此外,信息的接收方式(您所处的环境和精神状态)也会影响内存保留。
One thing is inevitable: you’re bound to forget stuff. The logical conclusion to Ebbinghaus’s findings is simple: to remember something, you have to keep ‘resetting’ the forgetting curve through frequent repetition.
一件事是不可避免的:您注定会忘记东西。 埃宾豪斯发现的逻辑结论很简单:要记住某件事,就必须通过频繁重复来“重置”遗忘曲线。
Starting in the early 20th century, various psychologists experimented with this hypothesis, culminating in the work of Robert A. Bjork and Sebastian Leitner. Bjork laid down the
从20世纪初期开始,各种心理学家都对该假设进行了试验,最终以罗伯特·A·比约克(Robert A. Bjork)和塞巴斯蒂安·莱特纳(Sebastian Leitner)的作品为最终结果。 比约克奠定了theoretical foundation, further developing the memory theory of Ebbinghaus. Leitner introduced a way to make use of it by creating the flashcard method in the 1970s.理论基础 ,进一步发展了艾宾豪斯的记忆理论。 莱特纳(Leitner)在1970年代通过创建抽认卡方法介绍了一种利用它的方法。

这个怎么运作 (How it works)

The original Leitner method involves creating hundreds of double-sided paper cards. Each card has to contain a question and an answer, or a word and its definition. You’ll also need five boxes to sort these cards into.
最初的Leitner方法涉及创建数百张双面纸卡。 每张卡必须包含一个问题和一个答案,或者一个单词及其定义。 您还需要五个框将这些卡片分类。
First, put all the cards into box #1. After examining them, pick the cards you feel you’ve already memorized and move them to the next box. The next day, examine the contents of both boxes, and repeat the process. If you’re struggling remembering something — the corresponding card moves to the previous box. Do this until each of your five boxes has something.
首先,将所有卡放入方框1。 检查完卡片后,挑选您认为已经记住的卡片,然后将其移至下一个框。 第二天,检查两个盒子的内容,然后重复该过程。 如果您在想起某件事时很挣扎-相应的卡片会移至上一个方框。 这样做直到五个盒子中的每个盒子都有东西为止。
This sorting mechanism will help you set your priorities. Box #1 will contain the cards you have the most trouble remembering — those need to be studied daily. The contents of the second box will need to be looked at once in two days. The last box will only need your attention once every five days.
这种排序机制将帮助您设置优先级。 第1栏包含您最难记住的卡片-每天需要研究的卡片。 需要在两天之内查看一次第二个框中的内容。 每5天只需要注意一次最后一个框。
The sorting process has to repeat each time — if something is too easy, you move it a box forward. If something’s too hard, you increase the repetition frequency by moving it a box back. By following this daily routine, you’ll be able to memorize pretty much anything you want in a month and a bit.
排序过程每次都必须重复-如果过于简单,则将其向前移动一个盒子。 如果太难了,可以通过将其移回一个盒子来增加重复频率。 通过遵循此日常例行程序,您将能够在一个月之内记住几乎所有您想要的东西。
strichpunkt / Pixabay Licensestrichpunkt /授权许可
Usually, retaining knowledge requires additional exposure to the source material as soon as we start forgetting what we learned. However, in practice, this moment is next to impossible to trace. The Leitner’s flashcard method, by the virtue of its inherent repetition, ensures a higher memory retention months after you finish studying something. You don’t have to use paper cards if you don’t want to. There’s plenty of specialised software — both desktop and mobile — that imitates the Leitner workflow. You can review your flashcards on the go and even set automatic reminders to help you study.
通常,一旦我们开始忘记所学内容,保留知识就需要对原始资料有更多的了解。 但是,实际上,这一刻几乎无法追踪。 Leitner的抽认卡方法凭借其固有的重复性,可在您完成某项研究后的几个月内确保更高的内存保留。 如果您不想,则不必使用纸卡。 有很多专门的软件(包括台式机和移动设备)可以模仿Leitner的工作流程。 您可以随时随地查看抽认卡,甚至可以设置自动提醒来帮助您学习。

最后的话 (Final words)

Much like physical exercise cannot help you unless you do it regularly, your brain needs to repeatedly process a piece of information to properly retain it. Multiple encounters indicate the usefulness of the info to the brain. But the Leitner method is just an educational tool, no more, no less. It cannot magically fix anyone’s grades, and needs to be combined with other educational tools for a well-rounded educational experience.
就像体育锻炼无法帮助您一样,除非您定期进行锻炼,大脑需要反复处理一条信息以正确保留它。 多次相遇表明该信息对大脑有用。 但是,莱特纳法只是一种教育工具,不多也不少。 它无法神奇地固定任何人的成绩,并且需要与其他教育工具结合使用以获得全面的教育体验。

Further reading:进一步阅读:

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/company/spbifmo/blog/498748/