[转] git 命令的操作过程可视化展示

这个很有意思,就是把常见的git 操作给出一个 gif 动图,可视化的显示整个操作执行过程,到最终的结果。


CS Visualized: Useful Git Commands


Although Git is a very powerful tool, I think most people would agree when I say it can also be... a total nightmare ???? I've always found it very useful to visualize in my head what's happening when working with Git: how are the branches interacting when I perform a certain command, and how will it affect the history? Why did my coworker cry when I did a hard reset on masterforce pushed to origin and rimraf'd the .git folder?

I thought it would be the perfect use case to create some visualized examples of the most common and useful commands! ???? Many of the commands I'm covering have optional arguments that you can use in order to change their behavior. In my examples, I'll cover the default behavior of the commands without adding (too many) config options! ????


[转] git 命令的操作过程可视化展示


[转] git 命令的操作过程可视化展示


[转] git 命令的操作过程可视化展示