在树莓派上使用Grbl Controller

在树莓派上使用Grbl Controller


  1. sudo apt-get update (required for AlaMode)
  2. sudo apt-get install xrdp
  3. sudo apt-get install arduino (required for AlaMode) [For normal Pi,
    this step is optional, but good to have. NOTE: I got an error that
    not all items could be downloaded. I tried to repeat command by
    adding a --fix-missing, i.e. sudo apt-get install --fix-missing
    arduino but it didn’t help. UPDATE: The latest download as of May
    2013 doesn’t have this problem]
  4. sudo apt-get install libudev-dev
  5. sudo apt-get install qtcreator [This step takes quite awhile to
    complete. Note: I got an error downloading as in a previous step. If
    you get an error, repeat command but add a --fix-missing, i.e. sudo
    apt-get install --fix-missing qtcreator, in this case the
    –fix-missing worked.]
  6. sudo apt-get install git
  7. mkdir github
  8. cd github
  9. git clone https://github.com/zapmaker/GrblHoming
  10. curl http://www.shapeoko.com/wiki/images/6/6a/Coaster.txt >
  11. cd GrblHoming
  12. qmake GcodeSenderGUIthreads.pro
  13. make

需要安装qt4 在命令行执行sudo apt-get install qt4-dev-tools
等待一段时间进行交叉编译在树莓派上使用Grbl Controller
编译完成后,在命令行打开GrblHoming,输入./GrblController,运行Grbl Controller程序。注意:在远程桌面下无法运行,会报GrblController: cannot connect to X server :10.0的错误。

给树莓派接入显示器,输入./GrblController,运行Grbl Controller程序。
如仍出现cannot connect to X server :10.0的错误,则在命令行可尝试输入xhost +
在树莓派上使用Grbl Controller