WordPress 4.2的新功能

This article is outdated, check out what’s new in WordPress 4.6 here.

本文已过时, 请在此处查看WordPress 4.6的新增功能

WordPress 4.2 (Powell) has just landed and it’s jam packed with goodness for users and developers alike. Led by Drew Jaynes of 10up, the team of 283 contributors brings us dozens of new features and fixes a total of 231 bugs.

WordPress 4.2(Powell)刚刚降落,对用户和开发人员而言都充满了美好。 在10up的Drew Jaynes的带领下,由283个贡献者组成的团队为我们带来了数十种新功能,并修复了总共231个错误。

The WordPress 4.2 release has been named Powell, after the jazz musician Bud Powell.

WordPress 4.2版本以爵士乐手Bud Powell的名字命名为Powell。

WordPress 4.2的新功能

Below is an overview of what you can expect in this latest version.


我如何获得WordPress 4.2? (How Do I Get WordPress 4.2?)

As of today, once you log into your WordPress dashboard, you should have been greeted with the following message:


WordPress 4.2的新功能

Clicking on the link will take you to the ‘Updates’ page, where you’ll see a friendly reminder to backup your database and files first. WordPress maintenance needs to be performed regularly to keep things in good shape, so hopefully you’ve already got that sorted – if not, check out our Definitive Guide to WordPress Maintenance to get started.

单击该链接将带您到“更新”页面,您会在此处看到一个友好的提示,提示您首先备份数据库和文件。 WordPress维护需要定期执行以保持状态良好,所以希望您已经整理好了–如果没有,请查看我们的WordPress维护权威指南来开始。

I’ve run the update on dozens of sites and not had any issues, and I’ve always found WordPress core updates are always solid. It’s usually your themes and plugins that you need to pay closer attention to and make sure that you’ve tested your updates in your development or testing environment. It’s also a good reminder as to why you should only be using quality themes and plugins that are actively developed. Good quality themes and plugins should have published release notes by now, so check them out.

我已经在数十个站点上运行了该更新,并且没有任何问题,而且我一直发现WordPress核心更新始终可靠。 通常,您需要密切注意主题和插件,并确保已在开发或测试环境中测试了更新。 这也很好地提醒了您为什么只应使用主动开发的优质主题和插件。 高质量的主题和插件应该已经发布了发行说明,因此请查看它们。

新增和改进的“按此” (New and Improved ‘Press This’)

Press This isn’t new, but it’s been revitalized with some new features including adding assets to your Media Library, which is a nice time saver. If you’re publishing a lot of content and haven’t checked out ‘Press This’, now is the time to take a look. You can find Press This under the ‘Tools’ menu.

按下这不是什么新鲜事物,但通过一些新功能使其焕然一新,包括向媒体库中添加资产,这可以节省大量时间。 如果您要发布大量内容,但尚未签出“按此”,那么现在该看看一下。 您可以在“工具”菜单下找到按此。

WordPress 4.2的新功能

在定制器中更改主题 (Change Themes in the Customizer)

As part of the move to the previously improved customizer panel, you can now also change themes there. If you’re still configuring your themes in the ‘Themes’ area of the dashboard, old-school, here’s another reason to take a look at the customizer.

作为迁移到以前改进的定制器面板的一部分,您现在还可以在其中更改主题。 如果您仍在老式仪表板的“主题”区域中配置主题,这是查看定制器的另一个原因。

WordPress 4.2的新功能

支持中文,日文,韩文字符和符号 (Native Chinese, Japanese, Korean Character and Symbol Support )

The WordPress database tables have changed from using utf8 to utf8mb4, which essentially means that WordPress can use 4 byte characters rather than 3. 4 byte characters lets WordPress now store any Unicode character, which opens up support for many more characters and symbols, including emoji.


Native support for more characters means you can also use the popular emoticon characters emoji everywhere. And when I say everywhere, I mean everywhere! Brian Krogsgard demonstrated his love for WordPress 4.2 in his recent post.

对更多字符的本地支持意味着您还可以在任何地方使用流行的表情符号表情符号。 当我无处不在时,我的意思是无处不在! Brian Krogsgard在最近的帖子中展示了他对WordPress 4.2的热爱

WordPress 4.2的新功能

While emoji seems to be attracting the most buzz, WordPress natively supporting Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters is one of the most exciting features of 4.2, because it demonstrates the commitment of the WordPress team to remain an inclusive platform for everyone to use worldwide.


You can read more about the database changes here.


更好的插件更新体验 (A Better Plugin Update Experience)

Plugins are an essential component for most sites, so this means that we need to constantly keep them updated. WordPress 4.2 brings us a new plugin update experience, one where you’re not taken away from the plugin update page. This means less clicks, which is always a good thing.

插件是大多数站点的基本组件,因此这意味着我们需要不断对其进行更新。 WordPress 4.2为我们带来了新的插件更新体验,您无需离开插件更新页面。 这意味着点击次数减少,这始终是一件好事。

WordPress 4.2的新功能

Tumblr和Kickstarter嵌入支持 (Tumblr and Kickstarter oEmbed Support)

WordPress 4.1 gave us more support for oEmbed, 4.2 now adds Tumblr and Kickstarter. oEmbed in the content editors enables an easy way to include (embed) a resource, such as a photo or video, via a standard API. You can read more on oEmbed here.

WordPress 4.1为我们提供了对oEmbed的更多支持 ,而4.2现在增加了Tumblr和Kickstarter。 通过嵌入内容编辑器,可以通过一种简单的方法通过标准API来包含(嵌入)照片或视频等资源。 您可以在此处阅读有关oEmbed的更多信息

WordPress 4.2的新功能

On the surface, it might not seem like a big deal, but it’s a feature I often see newcomers to web publishing instantly fall in love with. It gives non-developers an easy way to include external content without worrying about HTML.

从表面上看,这似乎没什么大不了的,但是我经常看到这个功能,Web发布的新手会立即爱上它。 它为非开发人员提供了一种轻松的方式来包含外部内容,而无需担心HTML。

默认情况下的永久链接 (Permalinks By Default)

Setting permalinks is often one of the first things you do when building a new site, so it’s good news that permalinks are now turned on by default. You can, of course, turn them off if you need to.

设置永久链接通常是构建新网站时要做的第一件事,因此,现在默认情况下启用永久链接是个好消息。 当然,您可以根据需要将其关闭。

Permalinks, also called pretty URLs, pretty links, search friendly URLs, turn something like this:




into this:




Again, it’s a small change, but one that will save a few clicks.


在wp.a11y.speak的帮助下使WordPress说话 (Making WordPress Speak with the Help of wp.a11y.speak)

One of the neat additions in 4.2 is the work done on wp.a11y.speak(). This allows messages generated by JavaScript to be read by screen readers. JavaScript based messages can cause accessibility issues, so this is a welcome feature for plugin and theme developers who also want to send both text and audible notifications.

4.2中的巧妙补充之一是在wp.a11y.speak()上完成的工作。 这样,屏幕阅读器便可以读取JavaScript生成的消息。 基于JavaScript的消息可能会导致可访问性问题,因此对于希望同时发送文本和声音通知的插件和主题开发人员来说,这是一项受欢迎的功能。

You can read more about wp.a11y.speak here.


更多开发人员改进 (More Developer Improvements)

I’d recommend checking out Aaron Jorbin’s field notes, which covers a list of things developers should know, but here’s a summary of his post.

我建议您查阅Aaron Jorbin的现场笔记 ,其中涵盖了开发人员应了解的事项,但这是他的帖子的摘要。

  • Bundled jQuery UI and jQuery Version Upgrade

    捆绑的jQuery UI和jQuery版本升级
  • Minor Admin Color Scheme Change

  • Taxonomy Terms Split (more details)

    分类术语分类( 更多详细信息 )

  • Experimental TinyMCE Views API

    实验性TinyMCE Views API
  • Easier Complex Query Ordering (more details)

    更轻松的复杂查询排序( 更多详细信息 )

更多WordPress 4.2新闻 (More WordPress 4.2 News)

If you’re looking for more coverage on the WordPress 4.2 release, check out the sites below for some further reading.

如果您正在寻找有关WordPress 4.2版本的更多信息,请查看下面的网站以获取更多信息。

Thanks for reading and I hope your updates go smoothly (remember to backup!). Please feel free to comment below.

感谢您的阅读,希望您的更新顺利(记住要备份!)。 请随时在下面发表评论。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/whats-new-in-wordpress-4-2/