
select student.*,score.subjectid,score.scorenumber from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and scorenumber>
(select AVG(scorenumber) avgscore from SUBJECT ,SCORE  where subject.subjectid=SCORE.subjectid GROUP BY subject.subjectid having subject.subjectid='2015181031') and score.subjectid='2015181031';


select student.* from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and scorenumber>
(select AVG(scorenumber) avgscore from SUBJECT ,SCORE  where subject.subjectid=SCORE.subjectid GROUP BY subject.subjectid having subject.subjectid='2015181031') and score.subjectid='2015181031' intersect(
select student.* from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and scorenumber>
(select AVG(scorenumber) avgscore from SUBJECT ,SCORE  where subject.subjectid=SCORE.subjectid GROUP BY subject.subjectid having subject.subjectid='2015181032') and score.subjectid='2015181032') intersect(
select student.* from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and scorenumber>
(select AVG(scorenumber) avgscore from SUBJECT ,SCORE  where subject.subjectid=SCORE.subjectid GROUP BY subject.subjectid having subject.subjectid='2015181033') and score.subjectid='2015181033') intersect(
select student.* from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and scorenumber>
(select AVG(scorenumber) avgscore from SUBJECT ,SCORE  where subject.subjectid=SCORE.subjectid GROUP BY subject.subjectid having subject.subjectid='2015181034') and score.subjectid='2015181034');
select stu.* from score sc1,student stu where sc1.stuid=stu.stuid and sc1.scorenumber >(
select avg(sc.scorenumber) from score sc group by sc.subjectid having sc.subjectid='2015181031' ) and sc1.subjectid='2015181031' intersect
(select stu.* from score sc1,student stu where sc1.stuid=stu.stuid and sc1.scorenumber >(
select avg(sc.scorenumber) from score sc group by sc.subjectid having sc.subjectid='2015181032' ) and sc1.subjectid='2015181032') intersect
(select stu.* from score sc1,student stu where sc1.stuid=stu.stuid and sc1.scorenumber >(
select avg(sc.scorenumber) from score sc group by sc.subjectid having sc.subjectid='2015181033' ) and sc1.subjectid='2015181033') intersect
select stu.* from score sc1,student stu where sc1.stuid=stu.stuid and sc1.scorenumber >(
select avg(sc.scorenumber) from score sc group by sc.subjectid having sc.subjectid='2015181034' ) and sc1.subjectid='2015181034'

select student.*, from student, 
(select score.stuid,sum(score.scorenumber) su from STUDENT,score where student.stuid=score.stuid group by score.stuid having sum(scorenumber) = (
select min(sc.sumsc) from student,(select sum(scorenumber) sumsc ,stuid from score group by stuid)sc where student.stuid=sc.stuid))ss where student.stuid=ss.stuid


select student.*,sd.sf from student,(
select score.stuid,sum(score.scorenumber) sf from STUDENT,score where student.stuid=score.stuid group by score.stuid having sum(scorenumber) = (
select max(sc.sumsc) from student,(select sum(scorenumber) sumsc ,stuid from score group by stuid)sc where student.stuid=sc.stuid))sd where student.stuid=sd.stuid);

select * from (
(select s2.stuid, from (
select sum(scorenumber) ss,stuid from score group by stuid)s2 
where in
((select  max(sa.sums) from 
(select stuid,sum(scorenumber) sums from score group by stuid)sa)
(select  min(sa.sums) from 
(select stuid,sum(scorenumber) sums from score group by stuid)sa)))a left join student st on st.stuid=a.stuid)

select max(scorenumber),subjectid from score group by subjectid;
select student.* ,score.subjectid from student ,score where score.stuid=student.stuid and scorenumber=(select max(scorenumber) from score where subjectid='2015181031') and subjectid='2015181031' union(
select student.* ,score.subjectid from student ,score where score.stuid=student.stuid and scorenumber=(select max(scorenumber) from score where subjectid='2015181032') and subjectid='2015181032') union (
select student.*,score.subjectid from student ,score where score.stuid=student.stuid and scorenumber=(select max(scorenumber) from score where subjectid='2015181033') and subjectid='2015181033') union (
select student.*,score.subjectid from student ,score where score.stuid=student.stuid and scorenumber=(select max(scorenumber) from score where subjectid='2015181034') and subjectid='2015181034');
select * from 
(select sc1.stuid ,sc1.scorenumber ,sc1.subjectid from score sc1,(
select subjectid,max(scorenumber) maxs from score group by subjectid)sa where sa.subjectid=sc1.subjectid and sc1.scorenumber=sa.maxs )sc left join student on student.stuid=sc.stuid


select scorenumber,stuid from score where scorenumber>80 ;
select student.*  from student,(
select score.stuid from score,student where scorenumber>80 and score.stuid=student.stuid and subjectid='2015181031' intersect(
select score.stuid from score,student where scorenumber>80 and score.stuid=student.stuid and subjectid='2015181032') intersect(
select score.stuid  from score,student where scorenumber>80 and score.stuid=student.stuid and subjectid='2015181032') intersect(
select score.stuid from score,student where scorenumber>80 and score.stuid=student.stuid and subjectid='2015181032'))sc where student.stuid=sc.stuid;

select * from (
(select min(scorenumber),stuid from score group by stuid having min(scorenumber)>=80) sa left join student stu on sa.stuid=stu.stuid)


select classid,subjectid,avg(scorenumber)  from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid group by classid,subjectid 

 select * from 
 (select * from (
 (select max(sc.sums) maxs,student.classid from student,(
select sum(scorenumber) sums ,score.stuid  from student,score where score.stuid=student.stuid group by score.stuid)sc where sc.stuid=student.stuid and student.classid='20151811' group by student.classid)

left join(select student.stuid ,sum(score.scorenumber) ss from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and student.classid='20151811'  group by student.stuid)sg on,student where student.stuid=sf.stuid
select * from 
 (select * from (
 (select max(sc.sums) maxs,student.classid from student,(
select sum(scorenumber) sums ,score.stuid  from student,score where score.stuid=student.stuid group by score.stuid)sc where sc.stuid=student.stuid and student.classid='20151812' group by student.classid)
left join(select student.stuid ,sum(score.scorenumber) ss from student,score where student.stuid=score.stuid and student.classid='20151812'  group by student.stuid)sg on,student where student.stuid=sf.stuid);

select student.stuid,sum(scorenumber) ss from student,score where score.stuid=student.stuid and classid='20151811' group by student.stuid 

select student.stuid,sum(scorenumber) ss from student,score where score.stuid=student.stuid and classid='20151812' group by student.stuid 
(select max(sc.sums),student.classid from student,(
select sum(scorenumber) sums ,score.stuid  from student,score where score.stuid=student.stuid group by score.stuid
)sc where sc.stuid=student.stuid group by student.classid);


select  g.stuid "学号",g."科目一",g."科目二",g. "科目三",g."科目四",g.sumsc as "总分" from(
select * from
(select stuid,sum(scorenumber) sumsc from score group by stuid)j left join(
 select * from 
(select * from 
(select stuid stuid3,scorenumber as "科目一" from score where subjectid='2015181031'  )a left join ( 
select stuid stuid1,scorenumber as "科目二" from score where subjectid='2015181032'  )b  on a.stuid3=b.stuid1) e
left join 
(select * from
(select stuid stuid4,scorenumber  as "科目三" from score where subjectid='2015181033')c left join(
select stuid stuid2,scorenumber  as "科目四" from score where subjectid='2015181034')d on c.stuid4=d.stuid2)f on 
e.stuid3=f.stuid4)k on j.stuid=k.stuid4 order by j.sumsc desc) g;


SELECT stu.stuid,stu.stuname, a."科目一", b."科目二", c."科目三",d."科目四",a."科目一"+b."科目二"+ c."科目三"+d."科目四" sumscore
                  FROM student stu,
                       (SELECT s.scorenumber "科目一", s.stuid
                          FROM score s
                         WHERE s.subjectid = '2015181031') a,
                       (SELECT s.scorenumber "科目二", s.stuid
                          FROM score s
                         WHERE s.subjectid = '2015181032') b,
                       (SELECT s.scorenumber "科目三", s.stuid
                          FROM score s
                         WHERE s.subjectid = '2015181033') c,
                                                (SELECT s.scorenumber "科目四", s.stuid
                          FROM score s
                         WHERE s.subjectid = '2015181034') d 
                 WHERE stu.stuid = a.stuid
                   AND stu.stuid = b.stuid
                   AND stu.stuid = c.stuid
                                     and stu.stuid=d.stuid
                   order by sumscore desc


select student.stuid,stuname ,classid,sa."成绩" from student, (
select stuid,scorenumber as "成绩"from score where subjectid=(
select subjectid from subjectteacher where teacherid=(select teacherid from teacher where t_name='韩梅梅')))sa where sa.stuid=student.stuid 

select * from (
select student.stuid,stuname, m."科目一",m."科目二",m. "科目三",m."科目四",m.sumsc summ, student.classid from student ,(
select  g.stuid5,g."科目一",g."科目二",g. "科目三",g."科目四",g.sumsc from(
select * from
(select stuid stuid5,sum(scorenumber) sumsc from score group by stuid)j left join(
 select * from 
(select * from 
(select stuid stuid3,scorenumber as "科目一" from score where subjectid='2015181031'  )a left join ( 
select stuid stuid1,scorenumber as "科目二" from score where subjectid='2015181032'  )b  on a.stuid3=b.stuid1) e
left join 
(select * from
(select stuid stuid4,scorenumber  as "科目三" from score where subjectid='2015181033')c left join(
select stuid stuid2,scorenumber  as "科目四" from score where subjectid='2015181034')d on c.stuid4=d.stuid2)f on 
e.stuid3=f.stuid4)k on j.stuid5=k.stuid4 order by j.sumsc desc) g)m where student.stuid=m.stuid5)p where p.classid='20151811' and rownum<=3 order by p.summ desc

select * from (
select student.stuid,stuname, m."科目一",m."科目二",m. "科目三",m."科目四",m.sumsc summ, student.classid from student ,(
select  g.stuid5,g."科目一",g."科目二",g. "科目三",g."科目四",g.sumsc from(
select * from
(select stuid stuid5,sum(scorenumber) sumsc from score group by stuid)j left join(
 select * from 
(select * from 
(select stuid stuid3,scorenumber as "科目一" from score where subjectid='2015181031'  )a left join ( 
select stuid stuid1,scorenumber as "科目二" from score where subjectid='2015181032'  )b  on a.stuid3=b.stuid1) e
left join 
(select * from
(select stuid stuid4,scorenumber  as "科目三" from score where subjectid='2015181033')c left join(
select stuid stuid2,scorenumber  as "科目四" from score where subjectid='2015181034')d on c.stuid4=d.stuid2)f on 
e.stuid3=f.stuid4)k on j.stuid5=k.stuid4 order by j.sumsc desc) g)m where student.stuid=m.stuid5)p where p.classid='20151812' and rownum<=3 order by p.summ desc;


select classid, count(*)/5 as"班级一科目一的优秀率" from(
select student.stuid ,classid from student,(select stuid,scorenumber from score where subjectid='2015181031' and scorenumber>80)sa where sa.stuid=student.stuid and classid='20151811') group by classid
(select  classid, count(*)/5 as"班级二科目一的优秀率" from(
select student.stuid,classid from student,(select stuid,scorenumber from score where subjectid='2015181031' and scorenumber>80)sb where sb.stuid=student.stuid and classid='20151812') group by classid)

select * from(
select classid,count(*)/5 as"班级一总成绩的优秀率" from (
select student.stuid ,classid from student,(
select stuid,sum(scorenumber)  from score group by stuid having sum(scorenumber)>320 )sa where sa.stuid=student.stuid and classid='20151811') group by classid
(select classid,count(*)/5 as"班级二总成绩的优秀率" from (
select student.stuid ,classid from student,(
select stuid,sum(scorenumber)  from score group by stuid having sum(scorenumber)>320 )sa where sa.stuid=student.stuid and classid='20151812') group by classid))




delete from subject a where rowid not in (select max(rowid) from subject b where a.subjectname = b.subjectname );  


 --方法一 select * from(  select rownum r,subject.* from subject where rownum<5) t where t.r >1

--方法二  select * from (select rownum r,subject.* from subject )t where t.r between 2 and 4


















