TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI

1.   简介

With the help of this plugin you can add any HTML, JS or CSS to various pages of TeamCity UI.

Plugin configuration files are located under .BuildServer/config/_static_ui_extensions.

Use static-ui-extensions.xml to change the settings, see static-ui-extensions.xml.dist for template settings.

Since build 58 (, there is ability to serve static files: the files located under _static_ui_extensions/pages/<relative path> are available via URLs http://<teamcity_url>/app/static_content/<relative path>.

The files are available to any (including unauthenticated) users.

2.   下载插件


TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI

TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI

3.   安装插件

上传刚刚下载的zip并重启teamcity,这时插件就会出现在External plugins一栏

TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI




4.   Shakeout



TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI


TeamCity Plugin 安装 -- Static UI