paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start

Get started with PayPal Commerce Platform


There are four steps to get started with your PayPal integration:


  1. Create a PayPal account.   ——创建PayPal帐户。
  2. Create a REST API app.     ——创建REST API应用程序。
  3. Get your API credentials.    ——获取API凭据。
  4. Create sandbox accounts for testing.   ——创建用于测试的沙盒帐户。

Step 1: Create a PayPal account

Before you begin, you need a PayPal account. There are two types of accounts to choose from:


  • Developer account – Easiest way to get started. Requires only your country of residence and email address. Allows sandbox (test) API calls only.


  • Merchant account – A few more steps, but a lot more features. You need a merchant account to get your live API credentials.



  1. 登陆控制台
  2. 选择“Sign up”
  3. 输入国家,邮箱和密码
  4. 点击注册.

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start


  1. 登陆控制台;
  2. 选择“My Account”;
  3. Under Business Account, select Upgrade and complete the online form.(在“业务帐户”下,选择“升级”并填写网上表格)

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start

Step 2: Create a REST API app

The first step in getting your API credentials is to create a REST API app. The app is a set of stored configurations used to authenticate calls to PayPal APIs. You can have multiple apps associated with your account.

获取API凭证的第一步是创建一个REST API应用程序。该应用程序是一组存储的配置,用于验证对PayPal API的调用。你可以有多个应用程序与你的帐户相关联。

创建REST API应用程序:

  1. 登陆控制台;
  2. 选择“Create App”;
  3. 输入一个App名字;
  4. 点击“Create App”

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start

Step 3: Get your API credentials

Your API credentials consist of a Client ID and Secret, which are required to make API calls and process transactions in the sandbox and live environments.

您的API凭证由Client  ID和Secret组成,它们是在沙箱和线上环境中进行API调用和处理事务所必需的。

To get your sandbox API credentials(获取沙箱API凭证):

  1. 登陆控制台
  2. 在My Apps & Credentials下,在REST API App列表中选择app
  3. 复制Client ID
  4. 点击“show”,查看系统为您的客户端ID生成的Secret

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start

Step 4: Create sandbox accounts for testing

Now that you have your API credentials, the last step is to create test buyer and merchant accounts so you can simulate transactions in the PayPal Sandbox environment.


Environment Base URL Test here
  1. 创建沙箱账号:
  2. 登陆控制台;
  3. 在sandbox下,选择“Accounts”;
  4. 选择“Create Account”

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start

  1. 选择个人或企业,然后选择一个国家/地区为测试买家或卖家。
  2. 选择创建。沙箱电子邮件帐户由PayPal余额、信用卡、银行账户信息等生成。

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start


  1. 在账号行,点击“...”,选择“ View/Edit Account”;
  2. 选择“Edit”,就可以修改信息;
  3. 修改结束,点击“Save”


  1. 登陆网址:
  2. 登陆测试的商家或买家账号密码;
  3. 在集成时,您可以在测试买方和卖方帐户之间切换,以验证事务是否按预期执行。

paypal开发整理(7)—Get Start