专业英语学习笔记(二)-Moore‘s Law定律及其验证

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The empirical observation that the transistor density of integrated circuits doubles every 2 years.摩尔定律是指IC上可容纳的晶体管数目,约每隔18个月便会增加一倍,性能也将提升一倍。

这个定律是由戈登.摩尔发现的,戈登·摩尔(Gordon Moore)准备一个关于计算机存储器发展趋势的报告。他整理了一份观察资料。在他开始绘制数据时,发现了一个惊人的趋势。每个新芯片大体上包含其前任两倍的容量,每个芯片的产生都是在前一个芯片产生后的18-24个月内。如果这个趋势继续的话,计算能力相对于时间周期将呈指数式的上升。Moore的观察资料,就是现在所谓的Moore定律,所阐述的趋势一直延续至今,且仍不同寻常地准确。人们还发现这不光适用于对存储器芯片的描述,也精确地说明了处理机能力和磁盘驱动器存储容量的发展。该定律成为许多工业对于性能预测的基础。在26年的时间里,芯片上的晶体管数量增加了3200多倍,从1971年推出的第一款4004的2300个增加到奔腾II处理器的750万个。
Moore’s law is the observation that, over the history of computing hardware, the number of transistors in a denseinte grated circuit doubles approximately every two years.The law is named after Gordon E. Moore, co-founder of the Intel Corporation, who described the trend in his 1965 paper.
His prediction has proven to be accurate, in part because the law is now used in the semiconductor industry to guide long-term planning and to set targets for research and development. The capabilities of many digital electronic devices are strongly linked to Moore’s law: quality-adjusted microprocessor prices, memory capacity, sensors and even the number and size of pixels in digital cameras. All of these are improving at roughly exponential rates as well.
除了上述的定义外,Moore’s Law还有的额外的表述是:

  • The number of transistors on integrated circuits doubles every two years.晶体管数量
  • Chip performance(per dollar) doubles every two years.芯片性能
  • Data density doubles every two years.数据密集度
  • Computer processors double in complexity every two years.处理器复杂度
  • Processor speeds for computers doubles every two years.处理器速度


专业英语学习笔记(二)-Moore‘s Law定律及其验证

专业英语学习笔记(二)-Moore‘s Law定律及其验证

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_excel('C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/1.xlsx')#读取文件
df['Transistor count'].apply(pd.to_numeric) #将数据转换成数字类型
df['Date of introduction'].apply(pd.to_numeric)#将数据转换成数字类型
#将数据按发布时间分组并计算Transistor count数字属性的平均值:这个步骤的目的是因为每年发布的
df1 = df.groupby('Date of introduction').aggregate(np.mean)
#返回一个Numpy类型的数据展示DataFrame,其中这里面的index(索引)对应的就是df.groupby('Date of introduction')的值
years = df1.index.values
#返回一个Numpy类型的数据展示DataFrame,取得['Transistor count']的值,这个值是经过aggregate(np.mean)聚合并生成平均值的数值
counts = df1['Transistor count'].values
poly = np.polyfit(years,np.log(counts),1)
plt.semilogy(years,counts,'o') #y坐标轴是对数坐标系
plt.semilogy(years,np.exp(np.polyval(poly,years))) #polyval()可求出在years点的poly的值

专业英语学习笔记(二)-Moore‘s Law定律及其验证

由上面的验证可以得到,处理器的发展符合Moore’s Law的规律。

三、Moore’s Law’s Comprehension and Application

3.1 As a target for industry and a self-fufilling prophecy(自我实现的预言)

Although Moore’s law was initially made in the form of anobservation and forecast, the more widely it became accepted,the more it served as a goal for an entire industry, This drove (促使)both marketing and engineering departments of semiconductor manufacturers to focus enormous energy aiming for the specified increase in processing power that it was presumed one or more of their competitors would soon actually attain. In this regard, it can be viewed as a self-fulfilling prophecy.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior.
Robert Merton, a 20th century sociologist, actually coined the term of self-fulfilling prophecy, In his definition, in the book Social Theory and Social Structure published in 1949, the prophecy or prediction is false but is made true by a person’s actions. In the modern sense the prophecy has neither falsen or true value, but is merely a possibility that is made intoprobability by a person’s unconscious or conscious actions.
专业英语学习笔记(二)-Moore‘s Law定律及其验证
个人对他人(或自己)所形成的想法,会影响他人(或自己)的行为,最后导致他人(或自己)的表现,符合一开始预期的态度及行为,就好像印证了他人(或自己)的预言一样。称为自我实现预言又称皮格马利翁效应( Pygmalion Effect) 。1968年,美国著名心理学家罗森塔尔( Rosenthal )和雅各布森( Jacobson)实验:数十位在智力测验的表现上属于中等的小学生,随机地分成两组并谎称:第一组的同学在智力测验上是属于资优生的一群;而第二组的学生则没有什么特殊之处。在一个学期的教学后,再度把这一群小学生找回来重新做智力测验。两组同学的智力测验表现都进步了,但是第一组的同学有明显的进步。实验者把这个现象称为“自我实现预言”,因为原本智力表现相当的一群人,却因为老师对他们的期待不同,而有不同的成长速度。

3.2 Rock’s law or Moore’s second law

Rock’s law or Moore’s second law, named for Arthur Rock or Gordon Moore, says that the cost of a semiconductor chip fabrication plant (半导体芯片制造厂)doubles every four years.
Rock’s law can be seen as the economic flip side (经济方面)to Moore’s law; the latter is a direct consequence of the on going growth of the capital-intensive(资本密集型) semiconductor industry- innovative(工业创新) and popular products mean more profits, meaning more capital available to invest in ever higher levels of large-scale integration, which in turn leads to creation of even more innovative products.

3.3 The end of Moore’s Law

A negative implication of Moore’s law is obsolescence(过时), that is,as technologies continue to rapidly “improve”, these improvements can be significant enough to rapidly render predecessor technologies obsolete. In situations in which security and survivability of hardware or data are paramount(最重要的),or in which resources are limited, rapid obsolescence can pose obstacles to smooth or continued operations. Because of the toxic materials used in the production of modern computers, obsolescence if not properly managed can lead to harmful environmental impacts.
摩尔定律问世至今已近40年了。人们不无惊奇地看到半导体芯片制造工艺水平以一种令人目眩的速度提高。目前,Intel的微处理器达芯片Pentium 4的主频已高2G(即12000M),2011年则要推出含有10亿个晶体管、每秒可执行1千亿条指令的芯片。人们不禁要问:这种令人难以置信的发展速度会无止境地持续下去吗?不需要复杂的逻辑推理就可以知道:芯片上元件的几何尺寸总不可能无限制地缩小下去,这就意味着,总有一天,芯片单位面积上可集成的元件数量会达到极限。问题只是这一极限是多少,以及何时达到这一极限。业界已有专家预计,芯片性能的增长速度将在今后几年趋缓。一般认为,摩尔定律能再适用10年左右。其制约的因素一是技术,二是经济。

3.4 Reverse Moore’s Law (反摩尔定理)

反过来看摩尔定理,一个IT公司如果今天和十八个月前卖掉同样多的、同样的产品,它的营业额就要降一半。IT 界把它称为反摩尔定理。反摩尔定理对于所有的IT 公司来讲,都是非常可悲的,因为一个IT 公司花了同样的劳动,却只得到以前一半的收入。
反摩尔定理逼着所有的硬件设备公司必须赶上摩尔定理规定的更新速度。事实上,所有的硬件和设备生产厂活得都是非常辛苦的. 事实上,反摩尔定理积极的一面更为重要,它促成科技领域质的进步,并为新兴公司提供生存和发展的可能
反摩尔定理使得 IT 行业不可能像石油工业或者是飞机制造业那样只追求量变,而必须不断寻找革命性的创造发明。因为任何一个技术发展赶不上摩尔定理要求的公司,用不了几年就会被淘汰。大公司们,除了要保持很高的研发投入,还要时刻注意周围和自己相关的新技术的发展,经常收购有革命性新技术的小公司。它们甚至出钱投资一些有希望的小公司。

3.5 Andy and Bill’s Law(安迪-比尔定理)

“What Andy gives, Bill takes away”虽然处理器的速度,内存和硬盘的容量遵循摩尔定律不断增长时,我们发现一些新的软件,或者新的系统虽然功能比几年前的相差不多,但所占的空间,所消耗的资源比以前大的多。这就是所谓的Andy and Bill’s Law(安迪-比尔定理).
我们知道,当年的 BASIC 解释器是用汇编语言写成的,精炼得不能再精炼了,否则在早期的 IBM-PC 上根本运行不了。但是,要求软件工程师使用汇编语言编程,工作效率是极低的,而且写出的程序可读性很差,不符合软件工程的要求。今天由于有了足够的硬件资源,软件工程师做事情更讲究自己的工作效率,程序的规范化和可读性等等。另外,由于人工成本的提高,为了节省软件工程师写程序和调程序的时间,编程的语言越来越好用,同时效率却越来越低。比如,今天的 Java 就比 C++ 效率低得多,C++ 又比二十年前的 C 效率低。因此,即使是同样功能的软件,今天的比昨天的占用硬件资源多是一在所难免的事。虽然用户很是烦恼新的软件把硬件提升所带来的好处几乎全部用光,但是在 IT 领域,各个硬件厂商恰恰是靠软件开发商用光自己提供的硬件资源得以生存。


’ Moore’s Law‘、‘Reverse Moore’s Law ’and ‘Andy and Bill’s Law’这三大定理相互补充又相互影响,而对现今而言,它们的影响不降反升。以上内容参考教师课件。这篇文章就到这里了,欢迎大佬们多批评指正,也欢迎大家积极评论多多交流。

专业英语学习笔记(二)-Moore‘s Law定律及其验证