



Apple proudly advertises that its latest and greatest Mac models come with a T2 security chip, but what does it do? And, more importantly, does a T2 chip create more problems than it solves?

苹果公司自豪地宣传其最新和最出色的Mac机型都配备了T2安全芯片,但是它有什么作用? 而且,更重要的是,T2芯片会带来比解决方案更多的问题吗?

什么是T2安全芯片? (What Is a T2 Security Chip?)

The T2 is Apple’s second-generation “security chip.” It combines several hardware controllers into a custom piece of silicon. Such chips have been commonplace in smartphones for some time. However, the T2 isn’t just there for security purposes—it can make a big difference in terms of overall performance, too.

T2是苹果公司的第二代“安全芯片”。 它将几个硬件控制器组合到一个定制的硅片中。 这种芯片在智能手机中已经很普遍了。 但是,T2不仅出于安全目的,而且在整体性能方面也有很大的不同。

So, why is it called a security chip? The main reason is the T2 is responsible for a secure boot. It validates the entire boot process, from the second you press power to the moment your macOS desktop is displayed onscreen. In short, it verifies that the bootloader and operating system are signed and approved by Apple, and that only approved drives are used to launch your OS.

那么,为什么将其称为安全芯片呢? 主要原因是T2负责安全启动。 从第二次按下电源到macOS桌面显示在屏幕上,它都会验证整个引导过程。 简而言之,它将验证引导加载程序和操作系统是否已由Apple签名并批准,并且仅使用批准的驱动器来启动操作系统。

This prevents unsigned software from running at startup, which might be a problem if you occasionally boot to Linux. However, this is also how the chip protects your system; it prevents a third-party from booting an unsigned operating system and attempting to access to your data.

这样可以防止未签名的软件在启动时运行,如果您偶尔启动到Linux,这可能是个问题。 但是,这也是芯片保护系统的方式。 它可以防止第三方引导未签名的操作系统并尝试访问您的数据。


The T2 is also responsible for all encryption on the drive. Previously, this was handled by the CPU. By moving the process to a custom chip, performance is improved across the board, as it gives the CPU more resources.

T2还负责驱动器上的所有加密。 以前,这是由CPU处理的。 通过将过程转移到定制芯片上,可为CPU提供更多资源,从而全面提高性能。

Both the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air have Touch ID fingerprint scanners for logging in and approving admin-level requests. The T2 chip houses the secure enclave in which your fingerprint data can be safely stored. Any verification requests—even those for third-party applications—are handled entirely by the chip.

MacBook Pro和MacBook Air都具有用于登录和批准管理员级别请求的Touch ID指纹扫描仪。 T2芯片装有安全的飞地,可以安全地存储指纹数据。 任何验证请求,甚至是针对第三方应用程序的验证请求,都将完全由芯片处理。

This means that apps never see or have access to fingerprint data, which is how Face and Touch ID are handled on the iPhone and iPad. Software first requests verification and the T2 chip checks the fingerprint against the one stored in the secure enclave. The software is then notified of the result.

这意味着应用程序永远看不到或无法访问指纹数据,这就是在iPhone和iPad上处理Face和Touch ID的方式。 软件首先请求验证,然后T2芯片对照安全区域中存储的指纹检查指纹。 然后将结果通知软件。

安全芯片还能做什么? (What Else Does the Security Chip Do?)

While its primary function is rooted in device security and encryption, the T2 does a few other things, too. For example, it takes over the System Management Controller functionality present on older Macs. This controller manages behaviors relating to power, battery and charging, fan speed, and internal sensors.

尽管T2的主要功能植根于设备安全性和加密功能,但T2还能做其他一些事情。 例如,它接管了旧Mac上存在的System Management Controller功能。 该控制器管理与电源,电池和充电,风扇速度以及内部传感器有关的行为。

Apple has also handed audio processing duty to the T2 chip, promising an increase in sound quality across the board. The latest MacBook Pro sounds great, but how much the T2 contributes to this is up for debate. It handles both audio in- and output and automatically shuts off the microphone in your MacBook whenever you close the lid.

苹果还把音频处理职责交给了T2芯片,承诺全面提高音质。 最新的MacBook Pro听起来很棒,但是T2对此做出了多大的贡献尚待争论。 它可以同时处理音频输入和输出,并在您合上后盖时自动关闭MacBook中的麦克风。


The T2 is also an image signal processor, which converts the raw data received by a camera into the image you see onscreen. Apple promises “enhanced tone mapping, improved exposure control, and face-detection–based autoexposure and auto white balance” just like the iPhone.

T2还是图像信号处理器,它将摄像机接收的原始数据转换为您在屏幕上看到的图像。 苹果承诺与iPhone一样,“增强色调映射,改善曝光控制以及基于面部检测的自动曝光和自动白平衡”。

One feature Apple doesn’t advertise is improved video rendering times. During a set of independent tests, Apple Insider found the same render job on an older iMac that lacks a T2 chip (but shares the same CPU) took around twice as long.

苹果不做广告的一项功能是缩短了视频渲染时间。 在一系列独立测试中, Apple Insider发现,在缺少T2芯片(但共享相同CPU)的较旧iMac上,相同的渲染工作大约要花费两倍的时间。

哪些苹果计算机具有安全芯片? (Which Apple Computers Have the Security Chip?)

It’s likely that Apple will eventually put the T2 (or its successor) in all Mac models. As of June 2020, the following Macs have the T2 chip:

苹果可能最终会将T2(或其后续产品)安装在所有Mac机型中。 截至2020年6月,以下Mac具有T2芯片:

  • MacBook Air (2018 or later)

    MacBook Air(2018或更高版本)
  • MacBook Pro (2018 or later)

    MacBook Pro(2018或更高版本)
  • Mac mini (2018 or later)

    Mac mini(2018或更高版本)
  • Mac Pro (2019 or later)

    Mac Pro(2019或更高版本)
  • iMac Pro

    iMac Pro

与安全芯片相关的问题 (Issues Linked to the Security Chip)

While the T2 is there to protect your system and improve performance, it’s not all good news. Apple confirmed the T2 chip also blocks some third-party repairs. Unsurprisingly, this continues to stir up controversy among consumers who want to be able to repair their own devices—something the company has long been opposed to.

尽管T2可以保护您的系统并提高性能,但这并不是个好消息。 苹果确认T2芯片还阻止了一些第三方维修。 毫不奇怪,这继续激起了想要维修自己设备的消费者的争议,这是该公司长期以来一直反对的事情。

This means some components, like the logic board (motherboard) and Touch ID sensor, require a certain software diagnostic to be run for the computer to function normally after repair. This forces customers to either have any repairs done at an Apple Store or via a third-party Authorized Service Provider.

这意味着某些组件,例如逻辑板(主板)和Touch ID传感器,需要运行某些软件诊断程序才能使计算机在维修后正常运行。 这迫使客户要么在Apple Store进行维修,要么通过第三方授权服务提供商进行维修。


The Security Chip also caused an audio glitching issue on some 2018 models when using USB 2.0 audio interfaces. The macOS Mojave 10.14.4 update appears to have addressed these, although some still report problems. The issue doesn’t appear to affect devices using USB 3.0 or above.

使用USB 2.0音频接口时,安全芯片还导致某些2018年型号出现音频故障问题。 尽管有些仍然报告存在问题,但macOS Mojave 10.14.4更新似乎已解决了这些问题。 该问题似乎并不影响使用USB 3.0或更高版本的设备。

Again, the T2’s central purpose is protecting the boot process by only allowing certain software to run. This means installing another operating system, like Windows, or running Linux from a live USB stick requires intervention.

同样,T2的主要目的是通过仅允许某些软件运行来保护引导过程。 这意味着安装其他操作系统(例如Windows)或通过实时USB记忆棒运行Linux需要干预。

Fortunately, you can simply press and hold Command+R while your Mac starts up to launch the “Startup Security Utility.” This pre-boot utility allows you to disable Secure Boot by choosing “No Security,” so any operating system will run. You’ll also need to choose “Allow booting from external media” if you’re using a USB stick to boot your OS. Click “Turn on Firmware Password” if you want to password-protect your decision.

幸运的是,您只需在Mac启动时按住Command + R即可启动“启动安全实用程序”。 通过此预启动实用程序,您可以通过选择“无安全性”来禁用安全启动,从而可以运行任何操作系统。 如果您使用USB记忆棒引导操作系统,则还需要选择“允许从外部介质引导”。 如果要使用密码保护您的决定,请单击“打开固件密码”。

Lastly, since the T2 takes over System Management Controller duties, if you ever need to reset the SMC on your Mac, you’ll have to follow a different set of steps.

最后,由于T2接管了系统管理控制器的职责,因此,如果您需要在Mac上重置SMC ,则必须遵循一组不同的步骤

安全芯片会保留吗? (Is the Security Chip Here to Stay?)

The functionality provided by the T2 chip is likely something Apple’s keen to hold on to. In the short-term, we might see a “T3” revision, as the silicon is iterated upon in future models.

T2芯片提供的功能可能是Apple渴望保留的功能。 在短期内,我们可能会看到“ T3”修订版,因为将来的模型中会迭代使用硅。

However, Apple is shifting its Mac range to custom ARM-based processors, like those in the iPhone and iPad. At present, the T2 is a custom chip that sits alongside the Intel CPUs the company has used for over a decade.

但是,苹果正在将其Mac系列转移到基于ARM的定制处理器,例如iPhone和iPad中的处理器。 目前,T2是定制芯片,与该公司使用了十多年的英特尔CPU并存。

Apple will likely build T2 functionality directly into its system-on-chip in the future. So, while we wouldn’t have a separate T2 chip, the component would still be present and perform the same tasks in all but name.

苹果将​​来可能会在其片上系统中直接构建T2功能。 因此,尽管我们没有单独的T2芯片,但该组件仍将存在,并且除了名称之外,所有组件均执行相同的任务。

The Security Chip is merely the next step in Apple’s bid to further secure macOS. It arrived alongside macOS Catalina, which introduced a suite of new security features in the fall of 2019.

安全芯片只是Apple寻求进一步保护macOS的下一步。 它与macOS Catalina一同出现,后者在2019年秋季推出了一套新的安全功能

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/677167/what-does-apples-t2-security-chip-do-in-your-mac/
