windows 密码过期_为什么我的密码在Windows中过期?

windows 密码过期_为什么我的密码在Windows中过期?

windows 密码过期

A reader on the forum asked yesterday why his password kept expiring on his Windows Vista installation, so here’s the answer for everybody: Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista Business and Windows Vista Ultimate all have a built-in feature to allow user accounts to have a password expiration.

昨天论坛上的一位读者询问为什么他的密码在Windows Vista安装中会一直过期 ,所以这是每个人的答案:Windows XP Professional,Windows Vista Business和Windows Vista Ultimate都具有内置功能,允许用户帐户具有密码到期。

The problem comes in when your local user account has been set to expire the password, because there’s not an obvious place to change that setting in Vista, although it’s easy to do. Note that this problem doesn’t exist in the Home editions of Windows.

当您将本地用户帐户设置为使密码过期时,就会出现问题,因为虽然很容易做到,但是在Vista中没有明显的地方可以更改该设置。 请注意,Windows Home Edition中不存在此问题。

Open the Local Users and Groups administration panel by typing in lusrmgr.msc into the start menu search box. (or the Run box on XP) Select “Users” in the left hand pane, and then double-click your user account in the list.

通过在开始菜单搜索框中键入lusrmgr.msc,打开“本地用户和组”管理面板。 (或XP上的“运行”框)在左侧窗格中选择“用户”,然后在列表中双击您的用户帐户。

windows 密码过期_为什么我的密码在Windows中过期?

 On this screen you’ll find the “Password never expires” checkbox.


windows 密码过期_为什么我的密码在Windows中过期?

Just make sure the box is checked and you won’t be forced to change your password anymore.


Windows XP/Vista Home Users

Windows XP / Vista家庭用户

If you are using the Home edition of Windows, you can download User Manager for XP/Vista Home from XPHomeTools. It’s a shareware software, but you can use the trial version to disable expiration.

如果您使用Windows的Home版本,则可以从XPHomeTools下载XP / Vista Home的用户管理器 。 这是一个共享软件,但是您可以使用试用版来禁用到期。


windows 密码过期