

JDBC长期以来一直为DML语句批处理提供支持。 默认情况下,所有语句都一个接一个地发送,每个语句都在单独的网络往返中发送。 批处理使我们能够一次性发送多个语句,从而节省了不必要的套接字流刷新。

Hibernate将数据库语句隐藏在事务后写抽象层的后面 中间层允许我们从持久层逻辑中隐藏JDBC批处理语义。 这样,我们可以更改JDBC批处理策略,而无需更改数据访问代码。






    cascade = CascadeType.ALL, 
    mappedBy = "post", 
    orphanRemoval = true)
private List<Comment> comments = new ArrayList<>();


LOGGER.info("Test batch insert");
long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
doInTransaction(session -> {
    int batchSize = batchSize();
    for(int i = 0; i < itemsCount(); i++) {
        Post post = new Post(
            String.format("Post no. %d", i)
        int j = 0;
        post.addComment(new Comment(
                    "Post comment %d:%d", i, j++
        post.addComment(new Comment(
                     "Post comment %d:%d", i, j++
        if(i % batchSize == 0 && i > 0) {
LOGGER.info("{}.testInsert took {} millis",
        System.nanoTime() - startNanos

LOGGER.info("Test batch update");
startNanos = System.nanoTime();

doInTransaction(session -> {
    List<Post> posts = session.createQuery(
        "select distinct p " +
        "from Post p " +
        "join fetch p.comments c")

    for(Post post : posts) {
        post.title = "Blog " + post.title;
        for(Comment comment : post.comments) {
            comment.review = "Blog " + comment.review;

LOGGER.info("{}.testUpdate took {} millis",
        System.nanoTime() - startNanos

该测试将保留可配置数量的Post实体,每个实体包含两个Comment 为了简洁起见,我们将保留3个帖子方言的默认批处理大小:

protected int itemsCount() {
    return 3;

protected int batchSize() {
    return Integer.valueOf(Dialect.DEFAULT_BATCH_SIZE);



Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 0,0,1]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:0,0,51]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:1,0,52]} 
Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 1,0,2]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:0,0,53]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:1,0,54]} 
Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 2,0,3]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:0,0,55]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:1,0,56]}

Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 1,1,2,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:0,1,53,0]} 
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 0,1,1,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:1,1,52,0]} 
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 2,1,3,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:0,1,55,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:1,1,56,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:0,1,51,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:1,1,54,0]}






这次,批处理Comment INSERT语句,而UPDATE语句保持不变:

Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 0,0,1]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:0,0,51]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:1,0,52]} 
Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 1,0,2]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:0,0,53]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:1,0,54]} 
Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 2,0,3]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:0,0,55]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:1,0,56]}

Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 1,1,2,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:0,1,53,0]}
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 0,1,1,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:1,1,52,0]}
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 2,1,3,0]} 
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:0,1,55,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:1,1,56,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:0,1,51,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:1,1,54,0]}

JDBC批处理只能针对一个表,因此,针对不同表的每个新DML语句都会终止当前的批处理并启动一个新的。 因此,在使用SQL批处理时,不希望混合使用不同的表语句。



properties.put("hibernate.order_inserts", "true");
properties.put("hibernate.order_updates", "true");

尽管对PostComment INSERT语句进行了相应的批处理,但UPDATE语句仍单独执行:

Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 0,0,1]} {[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 1,0,2]} {[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 2,0,3]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:0,0,51]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:1,0,52]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:0,0,53]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:1,0,54]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:0,0,55]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:1,0,56]}

Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:0,1,51,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:1,1,52,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:0,1,53,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:1,1,54,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:0,1,55,0]}
Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:1,1,56,0]}
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 0,1,1,0]} 
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 1,1,2,0]} 
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 2,1,3,0]}



如果您的JDBC驱动程序从executeBatch()返回正确的行数,则将此属性设置为true。 通常可以安全地打开此选项。 然后,Hibernate将使用批处理的DML来自动版本化数据。 默认为false。


properties.put("hibernate.jdbc.batch_versioned_data", "true");

现在, INSERTUPDATE语句均已正确批处理:

Query:{[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 0,0,1]} {[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 1,0,2]} {[insert into Post (title, version, id) values (?, ?, ?)][Post no. 2,0,3]} 
Query:{[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:0,0,51]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][1,Post comment 0:1,0,52]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:0,0,53]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][2,Post comment 1:1,0,54]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:0,0,55]} {[insert into Comment (post_id, review, version, id) values (?, ?, ?, ?)][3,Post comment 2:1,0,56]}

Query:{[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:0,1,51,0]} {[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][1,Blog Post comment 0:1,1,52,0]} {[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:0,1,53,0]} {[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][2,Blog Post comment 1:1,1,54,0]} {[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:0,1,55,0]} {[update Comment set post_id=?, review=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][3,Blog Post comment 2:1,1,56,0]}
Query:{[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 0,1,1,0]} {[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 1,1,2,0]} {[update Post set title=?, version=? where id=? and version=?][Blog Post no. 2,1,3,0]}



  • 测试用例使用与当前正在运行的JVM安装在同一台机器上的PostgreSQL数据库
  • 选择了50的批量,并且每次测试迭代都会将语句计数增加一个数量级
  • 所有持续时间均以毫秒表示
报表数量 无批次插入持续时间 无批次更新持续时间 批量插入时间 批量更新持续时间
30 218 178 191 144
300 311 327 208 217
3000 1047 1089 556 478
30000 5889 6032 2640 2301
300000 51785 57869 16052 20954

我们执行INSERTUPDATE的行越多,从JDBC批处理中受益越多。 对于最写的应用程序(例如企业级企业批处理程序 ),我们绝对应该启用JDBC批处理,因为其性能优势可能是惊人的

翻译自: https://www.javacodegeeks.com/2015/03/how-to-batch-insert-and-update-statements-with-hibernate.html