


Domain Name System is a system or concept used to name hosts connected to the network. DNS is hierarchical which means there is a tree-like connection in the domain names. DNS is invented by Paul Mockapetris in 1983.

域名系统是用于命名连接到网络的主机的系统或概念。 DNS是分层的,这意味着域名中存在树状连接。 DNS由Paul Mockapetris于1983年发明。

什么是域名 (What is Domain Name)

A domain name identifies hosts connected to the network. Domain names are unique. For example, www.poftut.com is a domain name.

域名标识连接到网络的主机。 域名是唯一的。 例如, www.poftut.com是一个域名。

  • Here com is the top-level domain which is administrated by global organization a.k.an ICAN and its low-level partners.

    com是*域名,由全球组织akan ICAN及其低级别合作伙伴管理。

  • poftut is bought by me from a domain name reseller and registered in the whole world internet system to me.

  • www is a real hostname which is my webserver name and administrated by me.


DNS服务器 (DNS Server)

Now the real question of how to get the IP address of www.poftut.com to access the webserver. The solution is the name server. There are global DNS servers that provide information about the queried domain name and redirects to the related sub-level DNS server. Low-level DNS server already knows the IP and hostnames about poftut.com because I have configured them. So the IP address is sent back as an answer to the asking user. The critical operation to translate a domain name to the IP is done by more than one DNS servers by asking each other is a hierarchical manner.

现在真正的问题是如何获取www.poftut.com的IP地址来访问Web服务器。 解决方案是名称服务器。 有全局DNS服务器提供有关查询的域名的信息,并重定向到相关的子级DNS服务器。 低级DNS服务器已经知道poftut.com的IP和主机名,因为我已经配置了它们。 因此,IP地址将作为答复发送回询问用户。 将域名转换为IP的关键操作是由多个DNS服务器通过以分层方式相互询问来完成的。

DNS服务器客户端配置 (DNS Server Client Configuration)

Clients need at least one DNS server to resolve internet domain names which are generally modem IP address or ISP DNS IP addresses for most of the home users.

客户端需要至少一个DNS服务器来解析Internet域名,对于大多数家庭用户而言,Internet域名通常是调制解调器IP地址或ISP DNS IP地址。

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翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-a-dns-server/
