如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

Do you want your computer to automatically run a program, remind you about something, or even automatically send emails? Use the Task Scheduler included with Windows – its interface can be a bit intimidating, but it’s easy to use.

您是否希望计算机自动运行程序,提醒您某些事情,甚至自动发送电子邮件? 使用Windows随附的Task Scheduler –它的界面可能有点吓人,但易于使用。

The Task Scheduler has a wide variety of uses – anything you want your computer to do automatically, you can configure here. For example, you could use the task scheduler to automatically wake your computer at a specific time.

任务计划程序有多种用途-您希望计算机自动执行的任何操作都可以在此处进行配置。 例如,您可以使用任务计划程序在特定时间自动唤醒计算机

创建一个基本任务 (Creating a Basic Task)

To launch the Task Scheduler, click Start, type Task Scheduler, and click the Task Scheduler shortcut (or press Enter).

要启动任务计划程序,请单击“开始”,键入“ 任务计划程序” ,然后单击“任务计划程序”快捷方式(或按Enter)。

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

Click the Create Basic Task link at the right side of the Task Scheduler window. This link opens an easy-to-use wizard that will walk you through the process of creating a task. If you want more advanced options, click Create Task instead.

单击“任务计划程序”窗口右侧的“创建基本任务”链接。 该链接将打开一个易于使用的向导,该向导将引导您完成创建任务的过程。 如果需要更多高级选项,请单击“创建任务”。

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

Provide a name and description for the task. These will help you remember what the task does later.

提供任务的名称和描述。 这些将帮助您记住任务以后的工作。

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

Select when you want the task to “trigger,” or start. You can have the task run daily, week, monthly, or only once. In addition, you can have the task run when the computer starts or when you log on. You can also have the task start in response to an event ID in the Windows event log.

选择您希望任务“触发”或开始的时间。 您可以每天,每周,每月或仅一次运行任务。 此外,您可以在计算机启动或登录时运行任务。 您还可以启动任务来响应Windows事件日志中的事件ID。

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

If you selected daily, weekly, monthly, or one time, you’ll be prompted to specify a specific time for the event to occur.


如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

You can have Windows start a program, send an email, or display a message in response to the trigger you specific earlier.


如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

If you want to run a program, click the Browse button and locate the program’s .exe file on your hard disk – most programs will be located under Program Files on your C: drive. Select a program and it will launch automatically at your scheduled time — for example, if you always use a certain program at 1pm, you can have Windows automatically open the program at 1pm every weekday so you don’t forget.

如果要运行程序,请单击“浏览”按钮,然后在硬盘上找到该程序的.exe文件-大多数程序将位于C:驱动器上的“程序文件”下。 选择一个程序,它将在您预定的时间自动启动-例如,如果您始终在下午1点使用某个程序,则可以让Windows在每个工作日的下午1点自动打开该程序,这样您就不会忘记。

You can also add optional arguments, which some programs support – for example you can specify the /AUTO argument with CCleaner to automatically run CCleaner on a schedule. (The exact arguments supported will differ between programs.)

您还可以添加一些程序支持的可选参数-例如,您可以使用CCleaner指定/ AUTO参数以按计划自动运行CCleaner 。 (所支持的确切参数在程序之间会有所不同。)

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

If you want to display a message or send an email, you’ll be asked to specify the details of the message or email you want to create.


如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

You’re now almost done – Windows will display the details of the task you created. Click the Finish button and your task will be created.

您现在快完成了– Windows将显示您创建的任务的详细信息。 单击完成按钮,将创建您的任务。

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

If you want to disable a task you scheduled, locate the task in the list, right-click it, and select Disable or Delete.


高级任务设置 (Advanced Task Settings)

To edit more advanced task options, right-click a task you’ve already created and select Properties. You can also click the Create Task link in the sidebar to create a new task in the advanced interface, skipping the wizard.

要编辑更多高级任务选项,请右键单击已创建的任务,然后选择属性。 您也可以单击侧栏中的“创建任务”链接,以在高级界面中跳过向导,以创建新任务。

如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

From this interface, you can adjust quite a few settings that are hidden in the basic wizard interface, if you really want to customize your task.


如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

For example, you can set other types of triggers – you can run a command when your computer locks or unlocks, or when your computer becomes idle – this is ideal for maintenance tasks that shouldn’t be run while someone is using the computer.


如何使用Windows Task Scheduler自动运行程序并设置提醒

You can also specify multiple triggers and actions – for example, you could have Windows display a reminder and launch an application at the same time.


While there are a lot of options here, they won’t be necessary for most tasks you want to create – you shouldn’t even need to open this interface if you don’t want to.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/123393/how-to-automatically-run-programs-and-set-reminders-with-the-windows-task-scheduler/