Microsoft Virtual Academy上的免费中级ASP.NET Core 1.0培训

At the end of October I announced that Maria from my team and I published a Microsoft Virtual Academy on ASP.NET Core. This Free ASP.NET Core 1.0 Training is up on Microsoft Virtual Academy now for you to watch and enjoy! I hope you like it, we worked very hard to bring it to you.

10月底,我宣布团队成员Maria和我在ASP.NET Core上发布了Microsoft虚拟学院。 此免费的ASP.NET Core 1.0培训现已在Microsoft Virtual Academy上开放供您观看和享受! 希望您喜欢它,我们非常努力地将它带给您。

Again, start with Introduction to ASP.NET Core 1.0, and explore this new technology even further in Intermediate ASP.NET Core 1.0.

再次,从ASP.NET Core 1.0简介开始,并在Intermediate ASP.NET Core 1.0中进一步探索这项新技术。

中级ASP.NET Core 1.0 (Intermediate ASP.NET Core 1.0)

Microsoft Virtual Academy上的免费中级ASP.NET Core 1.0培训

We've just launched Day 2, the Intermediate day. If the first is 100 level, this is 200 level. In this day, Jeff Fritz and I build on what we learned with Maria in Day 1. We're also joined by Rowan Miller and Maria later in the day as we explore topics like:

我们刚刚启动了第二天,即中间天。 如果第一个为100级,则为200级。 今天,我和杰夫·弗里茨(Jeff Fritz)以我们在第一天与玛丽亚一起学到的东西为基础,当天晚些时候,罗恩·米勒(Rowan Miller)和玛丽亚(Maria)也将加入我们的行列,探讨以下主题:

  • Tag Helpers

  • Authentication

  • Custom Middleware

  • Dependency Injection

  • Web APIs

    Web API
  • Single Page Apps

  • Entity Framework Core and Database Access

  • Publishing and Deployment


In a few weeks (maybe sooner) we'll publish Day 3 which we'll do exclusively on Macs and Linux machines. We'll talk about Cross-Platform concerns and Containers.

再过几周(也许更快),我们将发布第3天,我们将在Mac和Linux计算机上专门进行该操作。 我们将讨论跨平台问题和容器。

NOTE: There's a LOT of quality free courseware for learning .NET Core and ASP.NET Core. We've put the best at and I encourage you to check them out!

注意:有很多用于学习.NET Core和ASP.NET Core的免费优质课件。 我们在上提供了最好的服务,我鼓励您检查一下!

Also, please help me out by adding a few stars there under Ratings. We're new. ;)

另外,请在“评分”下添加一些星星,以帮助我。 我们是新来的。 ;)

Sponsor: Do you deploy the same application multiple times for each of your end customers? The team at Octopus have taken the pain out of multi-tenant deployments. Check out their latest 3.4 release

发起人:您是否为每个最终客户多次部署相同的应用程序? Octopus的团队摆脱了多租户部署的痛苦。 查看他们最新的3.4版本

关于斯科特(About Scott)

Scott Hanselman is a former professor, former Chief Architect in finance, now speaker, consultant, father, diabetic, and Microsoft employee. He is a failed stand-up comic, a cornrower, and a book author.

斯科特·汉塞尔曼(Scott Hanselman)是前教授,前金融首席架构师,现在是演讲者,顾问,父亲,糖尿病患者和Microsoft员工。 他是一位失败的单口相声漫画家,一个玉米种植者和一本书的作者。

Microsoft Virtual Academy上的免费中级ASP.NET Core 1.0培训
Microsoft Virtual Academy上的免费中级ASP.NET Core 1.0培训
Microsoft Virtual Academy上的免费中级ASP.NET Core 1.0培训
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Microsoft Virtual Academy上的免费中级ASP.NET Core 1.0培训
