微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

If you need business cards made, but you lack experience with sophisticated design software such as InDesign and Photoshop, you can use Word’s business card template. Don’t see a template you like? Design your cards from scratch.

如果您需要制作名片,但是缺乏使用InDesign和Photoshop等复杂设计软件的经验,则可以使用Word的名片模板。 没有看到您喜欢的模板? 从头开始设计卡片。

在Word中设计名片 (Designing Business Cards in Word)

Before we dive into the design of the business card, it’s important to understand what content you should add. While the content placed on the card may be a bit different based on your industry, here are the basics:

在深入探讨名片设计之前,了解您应添加的内容非常重要。 尽管根据您所在的行业,卡上的内容可能有所不同,但以下是一些基本知识:

  • First and Last Name

  • Job Title

  • Address

  • Phone Number

  • Website URL

  • Email

  • Company Logo


Now it’s time to choose a business card design. Open Microsoft Word, head over to the “File” tab and then select “New” from the left-hand pane.

现在是时候选择名片设计了。 打开Microsoft Word,转到“文件”选项卡,然后从左侧窗格中选择“新建”。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

In the search bar at the top of the window, search for “Business Cards.”


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

A large selection of templates will appear.


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Scroll through the library of business card templates and choose the one you like best. Once selected, a window will appear giving you a preview and description of the template. Click “Create.”

滚动名片模板库,然后选择最喜欢的模板。 选择后,将出现一个窗口,为您提供模板的预览和说明。 点击“创建”。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Your business cards will now appear. All that’s left to do is type in your information.

现在将显示您的名片。 剩下要做的就是输入您的信息。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

从头开始创建名片 (Creating Business Cards from Scratch)

If you didn’t find a template you like, you could create your own design through a mix of creating a table, adding images, and formatting text.


Open a blank Word doc, head over to the “Insert” tab, and then click “Table.”


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

A drop-down menu will appear. Create a 2×4 table by hovering over and selecting the respective block. You can create more rows if you prefer, but 2×4 will fit on a single page.

将会出现一个下拉菜单。 通过将鼠标悬停并选择相应的块来创建2×4表格。 如果愿意,可以创建更多行,但是2×4可以容纳在单个页面上。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

The table will now appear in your Word doc, and you’ll need to tweak a few settings. Right-click the table’s select crosshair and then select “Table Properties” from the menu.

该表格现在将出现在您的Word文档中,您需要调整一些设置。 右键单击表的选择十字线,然后从菜单中选择“表属性”。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

The Table Properties window will now appear. On the “Table” tab, select “Center” in the “Alignment” section. This will help you keep your cards nice and even on the page.

现在将出现“表属性”窗口。 在“表格”选项卡上的“对齐”部分中,选择“居中”。 这将帮助您保持卡片美观甚至在页面上。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Next, head over to the “Row” tab. Here, tick the “Specify height” checkbox, make the height two inches, and then select “Exactly” for the row height.

接下来,转到“行”标签。 在此处,选中“指定高度”复选框,将高度设置为两英寸,然后将行高度选择为“完全”。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Now let’s move over to the “Column” tab. Tick the “Preferred width” checkbox, make the width three inches, and then click “OK.”

现在,我们转到“列”选项卡。 勾选“首选宽度”复选框,将宽度设置为三英寸,然后单击“确定”。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Your table will now be resized to match the standard business card size. However, you might notice that our table is a bit wider than what our margin allows.

现在,您的表格将被调整大小以匹配标准名片大小。 但是,您可能会注意到我们的表比边距所允许的宽一点。

微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

To fix this, head over to the “Layout” tab and then click the “Margins” button.


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Select “Narrow” from the drop-down menu.


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Your business cards will now be within the page margin.


微软预览word_如何使用Microsoft Word设计名片

Now all you need to do is add your information to the table, use the formatting tools to format the text, add an image, and you’re good to go!


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/424592/how-to-design-business-cards-using-microsoft-word/
