


Data Science and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are emerging fields that will shape the future of this universe. Data is one of the most important assets of a company or government agency. It helps us to predict the future based on past experiences.

数据科学和人工智能(AI)是新兴领域,将塑造这个宇宙的未来。 数据是公司或*机构的最重要资产之一。 它可以帮助我们根据过去的经验来预测未来。

Medical researchers need data to invent a cure. Weather Analysts use data to investigate the atmosphere and predict weather conditions. Even, NASA sent its missions to Moon and Mars just to collect data.

医学研究人员需要数据来发明治疗方法。 天气分析师使用数据来调查大气并预测天气状况。 甚至,NASA都向月球和火星发送了任务,只是为了收集数据。

In simple words, we are surrounded by data that is still unexplored. AI might help us speed up the gathering and analysis of this data.

简而言之,我们被尚未开发的数据所包围。 人工智能可以帮助我们加快对这些数据的收集和分析。

Today, I’ll share my personal favorite blogs about Data Science and AI. I regularly read them to get an insight into the current research situation and best practices.

今天,我将分享我个人最喜欢的关于Data Science和AI的博客 。 我定期阅读它们,以深入了解当前的研究状况和最佳实践。

This list is in no particular order, all of them are great reads!


(This is not a sponsored post, all blogs listed are among my favorite reads)


1- 数据科学中心 (1- Data Science Central)

Data Science Central Homepage

Data Science Central is a platform for people who are interested in both Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Many top-notch researchers and data practitioners are part of this community.

数据科学中心是一个对人工智能和数据科学都感兴趣的人的平台。 许多顶尖的研究人员和数据从业人员都是该社区的一部分。

People frequently share their knowledge using blog posts, podcasts, webinars, and forums. Here, you can even find jobs related to Business Intelligence, Data Analytics, and Statistics.

人们经常使用博客文章,播客,网络研讨会和论坛来分享知识。 在这里,您甚至可以找到与商业智能,数据分析和统计相关的工作。

I would highly recommend you to join this community of like-minded people. Rest assured that someone will always be available in case you need some help related to a data science project.

我强烈建议您加入这个由志同道合的人组成的社区。 请放心,如果您需要与数据科学项目相关的帮助,总是有人可以使用。

2- 走向数据科学 (2- Towards Data Science)

Towards Data Science Homepage

It is a blog powered by the community of data science professionals. They use it to share their ideas and code examples with us.

这是一个由数据科学专业人士社区提供支持的博客。 他们使用它与我们分享他们的想法和代码示例。

Basically, on Towards Data Science you will get high-quality content that is specifically designed for data science audiences. Meaning that you will often learn some new concepts and actionable tips to enhance your data science and machine learning skills.

基本上,在“ 走向数据科学”上,您将获得专为数据科学受众设计的高质量内容。 这意味着您将经常学习一些新概念和可行的技巧,以增强您的数据科学和机器学习技能。

It will be great if you already have some familiarity with programming languages like R, Python, and JavaScript. These languages are mostly used by data scientists to perform complex computations.

如果您已经对R,Python和JavaScript等编程语言有所了解,那就太好了。 数据科学家通常将这些语言用于执行复杂的计算。

I myself I’m a reader and author in this popular Medium publication, and it made the list as it’s one of my daily gotos when it comes to reading about data science.


3- 实时代码流 (3- Live Code Stream)

Live Code Stream Homepage

A few years back, I also struggle to find quality content about data science, machine learning, and AI. There were rarely any coding solutions available if you stuck somewhere.

几年前,我还努力寻找有关数据科学,机器学习和AI的高质量内容。 如果您卡在某个地方,几乎没有任何可用的编码解决方案。

After learning things the hard way (e.g. by experimenting with codes), I finally decided to launch this blog. The main idea is to share my data science and programming experience with you guys using to the point tutorials and guides.

经过艰苦的学习(例如通过尝试代码),我终于决定创建这个博客。 主要想法是与使用点教程和指南的人们分享我的数据科学和编程经验。

For example, in the past, I published articles like Face Filters Using JavaScript and Finding Lanes Without Deep Learning .


4- Analytics Vidhya (4- Analytics Vidhya)

Analytics Vidhya Homepage
Analytics Vidhya主页

Analytics Vidhya is always ranked among the best learning points for data science students. It’s like a one-stop-shop that offers free and paid courses, a discussion forum, and a blog. It even enables companies to hire top-notch talent by organizing competitions.

Analytics Vidhya始终是数据科学专业学生最好的学习点之一。 这就像一站式商店,提供免费和付费课程,讨论论坛和博客。 它甚至使公司能够通过组织竞赛来聘请顶尖人才。

I think Analytics Vidhya is suitable for data science learners, no matter whether they are just starting out or have some professional experience.

我认为无论您是刚起步还是有一定专业经验,Analytics Vidhya都适合数据科学学习者。

If you looking for a machine learning or data science job then I would suggest you take part in their hackathons. It will help you build a portfolio that is very important in attracting potential clients.

如果您正在寻找机器学习或数据科学工作,那么我建议您参加他们的黑客马拉松。 这将帮助您建立对吸引潜在客户非常重要的投资组合。

5- AI趋势 (5- AI Trends)

AI Trends Homepage

As its name suggests, AI trends is focused on covering topics and news related to artificial intelligence. It might help you get ideas for your upcoming projects.

顾名思义,AI趋势专注于​​涵盖与人工智能相关的主题和新闻。 它可以帮助您为即将进行的项目获得想法。

Its editorial staff includes some of the finest minds from the AI field. So, it means that bookmarking AI Trends will definitely keep you updated with the latest developments.

它的编辑人员包括来自AI领域的一些最优秀的人才。 因此,这意味着为AI趋势添加书签绝对可以使您了解最新动态。

6- 麻省理工学院的人工智能新闻 (6- Artificial Intelligence News by MIT)

Artificial Intelligence News by MIT Homepage

MIT is no doubt the leading research institute for technology. They have dedicated a complete section on their website for artificial intelligence enthusiasts.

毫无疑问,麻省理工学院是领先的技术研究所。 他们在其网站上为人工智能爱好者提供了完整的版块。

Every now and then they share research material about how a machine can learn and improve our lives. Articles like machine learning model that can reason about everyday actions and helping autonomous vehicles see around corners signify the capabilities of intelligent systems.

他们时不时地分享有关机器如何学习和改善我们生活的研究材料。 诸如机器学习模型之类的文章可以推理日常行为,帮助无人驾驶汽车四处可见,这些都表明了智能系统的功能。

7- KDnuggets (7- KDnuggets)

KDnuggets Homepage

KDnuggets is publishing articles about AI, machine learning, and data science since 1997. It is a very reputed resource among data scientists and programmers.


It also has different sections where the administrators display links for online courses, webinars, events, and jobs relevant to the community.


8- IBM开发人员代码模式 (8- IBM Developer Code Patterns)

IBM Developer Code Patterns Homepage

Developing artificial intelligent programs is a very complex and time-consuming task. As a programmer, we often stuck in difficult coding challenges that slow down our progress.

开发人工智能程序是一项非常复杂且耗时的任务。 作为一名程序员,我们经常会遇到棘手的编码挑战,这会减慢我们的进度。

That’s why IBM took the initiative to create a platform called Code Patterns to solve commonly faced problems by developers. They write about the best practices of working with machine learning models, data visualization, speech recognition, and everything related to the programming world.

因此,IBM主动创建了一个称为代码模式的平台,以解决开发人员经常遇到的问题。 他们撰写了有关使用机器学习模型,数据可视化,语音识别以及与编程世界相关的一切的最佳实践。

9- 精通机器学习 (9- Machine Learning Mastery)

Machine Learning Mastery Homepage

Jason Brownlee is the man behind this awesome blog about machine learning. At the time of writing this article, he has published 967 blog posts. It informs us about his consistency and familiarity with this field.

Jason Brownlee是这个关于机器学习的出色博客的幕后黑手。 在撰写本文时,他已经发表了967个博客文章。 它告诉我们他对这一领域的一贯性和熟悉程度。

I personally learned a lot of new machine learning concepts through his step by step guides.


Jason also published 19 e-books related to machine learning and deep learning. Some of his e-books are designed for beginners while some others are for more advanced learners.

杰森还出版了19部与机器学习和深度学习相关的电子书。 他的某些电子书是为初学者设计的,而另一些则是为更高级的学习者设计的。

10- Datanami (10- Datanami)

Datanami Homepage

Datanami publishes news about AI, data science, and advanced analytics. Following this website means you will be regularly updated about how the world is leveraging AI and data science.

Datanami发布有关AI,数据科学和高级分析的新闻。 跟随该网站意味着您将定期了解世界如何利用人工智能和数据科学。

It is one of the many websites managed by Tabor Communications . Their team consists of professionals from the tech industry who had published their thoughts and opinions through this platform.

它是由Tabor Communications管理的众多网站之一。 他们的团队由来自技术行业的专业人员组成,他们已经通过该平台发表了他们的想法。

Quality content is the number one priority of Datanami. Meaning that you will never see any useless material on their site. If you are interested in emerging technologies then Datanami can be a great resource.

质量含量是Datanami的第一要务。 这意味着您将永远不会在他们的网站上看到任何无用的材料。 如果您对新兴技术感兴趣,那么Datanami可能是一个很好的资源。

结论 (Conclusion)

The ability to make smart decisions is impossible without data. Data scientists are the ones who analyze past information and create procedures that can be followed by artificial intelligence systems.

没有数据,就不可能做出明智的决策。 数据科学家是分析过去的信息并创建人工智能系统可以遵循的程序的人。

As this market is still emerging, so it has a lot of opportunities for newcomers to get hired. But, before that having good know-how about AI and data science will be very beneficial.

由于这个市场仍在不断涌现,因此它为新移民提供了很多被录用的机会。 但是,在此之前,拥有有关AI和数据科学的专业知识将非常有益。

So, I highly recommend you bookmark these best data science and AI blogs.


翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/top-10-data-science-and-ai-blogs-in-2020-af7367d9a1f3
