JavaScript: The First 20 Years

最近你或许已经听说了《JavaScript: The First 20 Years》,如果还没听说过,继续阅读本文。

JavaScript 仅仅通过 10 天时间设计出来,到目前成为全球使用最普遍 web 编程语言,《JavaScript: The First 20 Years》会给告诉你期间都经历了什么,全“书”共有 190 页,讲述了 JavaScript 从 1995-2015 年期间 JavaScript 语言的创建、设计、演变和标准化过程。


Part 1, The Origins of JavaScript, is about the creation and early evolution of JavaScript.

Part 2, Creating a Standard, examines how the JavaScript standardization effort was initiated, how the specifications were created, who contributed to the effort, and how decisions were made.

Part 3, Failed Reformations, examines the unsuccessful attempts to revise the language, the resulting turmoil within the standards committee, and how that turmoil was ultimately resolved.

Part 4, Modernizing JavaScript, is the story of the people and processes that were used to create both the 2009 and 2015 editions of the ECMAScript standard.

如果你有兴趣读一读本“书”,可以在本公众号消息窗口回复“20”下载。考验英文能力的时候到了。如果你对 JavaScript 感兴趣可以参考之前推荐的过的内容:



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JavaScript: The First 20 Years