

Over my 10 years as a freelance developer, many fellow freelancers have asked me for advice. How can they make freelancing work for them?

在我作为*开发者的10年中,许多*职业者都向我寻求建议。 他们如何让他们从事*职业?

So I'm compiling some of the tips that have worked for me, right here in this guide for you.


???? In short:


  • Love being an entrepreneur.

  • Sell, sell, and sell.

  • Learn to live with ups and downs.

  • Get used to being a lone wolf.

  • Dedicate your life to constant learning.


Some of these tips may seem pretty obvious. But I can tell you that, over the past years and the many, many clients, they have proven their value. My career is living proof that these tips work.

其中一些技巧可能看起来很明显。 但我可以告诉您,在过去的几年中,以及许多许多客户中,他们已经证明了自己的价值。 我的职业生涯证​​明了这些技巧有效。

I've also worked with a lot of freelancers and hired them myself, so I can say these are attributes I look for when recruiting as well.


爱当企业家 (Love being an entrepreneur)

I think many people miss this point. I've seen a lot of people who want to become a freelancer to be "free" or to "be their own".

我认为很多人都错过了这一点。 我见过很多人想要成为*职业者,成为“*”或“成为自己的”。

And to be honest those were also things that motivated me. I love the freedom and the ability to create my own life and have more control over it. But there's more to it. Freelancing is also a lot of hard work. But it's fun work! ????

老实说,这些也是激励我的事情。 我热爱*和创造自己的生活并拥有更多控制权的能力。 但是还有更多。 *职业也是很多艰苦的工作。 但这是有趣的工作! ????

I've always loved creating stuff. And I've always wanted to have my own company (not just be a freelancer).

我一直很喜欢创造东西。 而且我一直想拥有自己的公司(不只是*职业者)。

The hard truth is that when your'e freelancing you will likely need to run your own company. There are services you can use to send invoices but I don't recommend it. They will take part of your profit!

硬道理是,当您*出行时,您可能需要经营自己的公司 。 有些服务可用于发送发票,但我不建议这样做。 他们将分担您的利润!

Instead, learn to love running a company and caring for it like it's your most valuable client. I know that logistical responsibilities like invoicing, accounting and more can be really boring and can kill the joy in what you really want to do. But I've actually started to like it.

取而代之的是,学会爱开公司并关爱它,就像它是您最有价值的客户一样。 我知道,诸如开票,会计等后勤职责可能真的很无聊,并且可能使您真正想做的事情失去乐趣。 但是我实际上已经开始喜欢它了。

For example it's fun sending a new invoice for something that you've put hours of hard work into. Hours that you yourself have sold and worked for that someone else didn't give you. That income has always been more valuable to me than a pay check I would've gotten each month being an employee. Even if it's less money in the end.

例如,为您投入数小时的辛苦工作发送新发票很有趣。 您自己出售的时间和为其他人没有给您的时间工作。 比起我每个月要当员工的薪水支票,这笔收入对我而言一直更有价值。 即使最后少花钱。

So start loving those aspects of running a company – they can be fun!

因此, 开始热衷于经营公司的那些方面 –它们会很有趣!


卖,卖,卖。 ???? (Sell, sell and sell. ????)

I've always hated selling and think of it as a bad word. In reality we sell ourselves all the time – when we communicate, work on projects, and live our lives. Everyone is a salesperson for themselves. How we talk, how we look, and how we express ourselves. When we talk about things we've done that we're proud of, and so on.

我一直讨厌卖东西,并认为这是一个坏词。 实际上,我们一直在推销自己–当我们进行交流,从事项目并过上自己的生活时。 每个人都是自己的推销员。 我们如何交谈,如何看待以及如何表达自己。 当我们谈论事情时,我们为之感到骄傲,等等。

Accept the fact that when you're a freelancer you're also a sales person. You constantly need to sell yourself and convince clients of your value and what you can bring to the table. And that's logical. But I know that this can intimidate many people. I've been there too.

接受这样一个事实,当您是*职业者时,您也是销售人员。 您经常需要推销自己,并使客户相信您的价值以及可以带来的收益。 这是合乎逻辑的。 但是我知道这会吓到很多人。 我也去过那里

It's easy to loose confidence when sales are slow. The fear of selling actually delayed my decision to start as a freelancer. I was afraid of not making enough sales to get a decent income. But I eventually started my company and there was no going back, even if sales are sometimes slow. Face your fears!

当销售缓慢时,很容易失去信心。 由于担心出售,实际上推迟了我决定成为*职业者的决定。 我担心没有足够的销售额来获得可观的收入。 但是我最终创办了我的公司,即使有时销售缓慢,也没有回头路。 面对你的恐惧!

I wish I had a better answer for you, but selling is a vital part of being a freelancer. Sometimes I sell 100 percent of the time. Other times, 0 percent. That leads us directly into the next part

我希望我能为您提供更好的答案,但是销售对于成为*职业者至关重要。 有时候我卖掉100%的时间。 其他时间为0%。 这直接将我们引向下一部分

学会与风风雨雨 (Learn to live with ups and downs)

When dedicating yourself to a freelance lifestyle, you need to know that there will be periods of time when you don't have a project. That means no income!

在致力于*职业者的生活方式时,您需要知道一段时间内没有项目。 这意味着没有收入!

This can be frightening and I often speak to people that can't imagine living like that. They want their pay check each month so there's always money going into their bank accounts.

这可能令人恐惧,我经常和无法想象那样生活的人交谈。 他们每个月都需要薪水支票,所以总有钱存入他们的银行帐户。

Well, I totally understand that. But this is actually something that also can be good. I've learned how to value money more. I constantly save more money to be prepared for when those leaner times.

好吧,我完全理解这一点。 但这实际上也是一件好事。 我已经学会了如何更珍惜金钱。 我会不断省下更多的钱,为那些较困难的时期做准备。

I've also developed a different view of the value of money. For me the income I make as a freelancer actually feels more valuable than a regular pay check. Just because I know how easy I can lose it.

我对金钱的价值也有不同的看法。 对我来说,作为*职业者的收入实际上比普通的薪水支票更有价值。 仅仅因为我知道自己会变得多么容易。

I also know that I've worked harder to get that income than I would've for a regular monthly paycheck. That makes that money more valuable to me. It also helps compensate for the fear of not having any money.  

我还知道,我要努力获得该收入要比定期每月加薪要努力。 那使那笔钱对我来说更有价值。 它还有助于弥补对没有钱的恐惧。

So, you have to learn to live with the ups and downs. ↕️

因此,您必须学会与跌宕起伏一起生活。 ↕️


习惯成为孤独的狼???? (Get used to being a lone wolf ????)

This is actually a good thing. For me, at least. As a freelancer you might not be included in every aspect of a project as a full-time employee would be. Some freelancers get frustrated over this but I think it's good – most of the time. Sometimes it's bad if you actually needed to be involved in the processes of the project.

这实际上是一件好事。 至少对我来说。 作为*职业者,您可能不会像全职员工那样被包括在项目的每个方面。 一些*职业者对此感到沮丧,但是我认为这很好–大多数时候。 有时候,如果您实际上需要参与项目的流程,那就很糟糕。

A freelancer usually gets hired as a "last resort" meaning that you join the project quite late in the process. So you kind of miss the beginning of the project. But this can be quite good, actually, because you don't have to attend all the meetings and do all the administrative stuff. And for me at least, that's a win! There will, of course, be projects that span long periods of time. For these projects, you will probably get treated as a regular employee. My projects are often not that extensive, though. I like to be flexible and not stay too long in the same place.

*职业者通常被雇用为“不得已而为之”,这意味着您在该过程的后期才加入该项目。 因此,您有点想念项目的开始。 但这实际上可能是相当不错的,因为您不必参加所有会议并进行所有管理工作。 至少对我来说,这是胜利! 当然,会有一些项目需要很长时间。 对于这些项目,您可能会被视为正式员工。 但是,我的项目通常没有那么广泛。 我喜欢保持灵活性,不要在同一个地方呆太久。

献身于不断学习 (Dedicate your life to constant learning)

I believe in learning new things every day of my life. So even if I wasn't freelancing I would still learn all the time. But it's more important as a freelancer.

我相信我每天都在学习新事物。 因此,即使我不是*职业者,我仍然会一直学习。 但是,作为*职业者,这一点更为重要。

If you constantly learn new things you can take on a broader range of assignments. As a regular employee you can often get away with not learning new stuff for a long time before anything happens. You can sit and do your job as you always do from day to day.

如果您不断学习新事物,则可以承担更多的任务。 作为正式员工,您经常可以在很长一段时间不学习任何新知识之前就摆脱困境。 您可以像平常一样每天坐着工作。

But a freelancer often gets hired for their expertise in some narrow field. For example I'm often hired as a React developer – but of course I wouldn't get hired if I didn't know React.

但是,*职业者通常会因为在某些狭窄领域的专业知识而被录用。 例如,我经常被聘为React开发人员–但是,如果我不了解React,我当然不会被录用。

Constantly learning new stuff makes sure that you will be attractive to any potential recruiter.


And learning is also fun. I started creating courses and sharing things on my YouTube channel because it also helps me learn. Teaching is actually a great way to learn new things – but that's another story.Thank you for reading. Hope this article has given you some insights into life as a freelancer.

学习也很有趣。 我开始创建课程并在YouTube频道上分享内容,因为它也可以帮助我学习。 教学实际上是学习新事物的好方法–但这是另一回事。谢谢您的阅读。 希望本文能给您一些关于*职业者生活的见解。


I'm Thomas Weibenfalk from Sweden ????????. I make premium courses on React and Gatsby. I also have a Youtube channel where I publish weekly free tutorials: Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/WeibenfalkTwitter: https://twitter.com/weibenfalkPremium Courses: https://www.weibenfalk.com/

我是瑞典Sweden的Thomas Weibenfalk。 我在React和Gatsby上开设高级课程。 我也有一个YouTube频道里我每周发布免费教程有:Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Weibenfalk 的Twitter: https://twitter.com/weibenfalk 高级课程: HTTPS://www.weibenfalk。 com /

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/freelancing/
