


那么PMP考试大纲主要在哪些方面发生了变化呢? 以下是汇总本次改变的要点以及我们针对此次改变的几点应对建议








领域一、人——42% People—42%

1、任务 1 Task 1

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.5管理团队过程的工具:冲突管理(PMBOK第六版书籍第348-349页))


• 说明冲突来源和阶段

• 分析冲突发生的背景

• 评估/建议/协调适当的冲突解决方案

Manage conflict

• Interpret the source and stage of the conflict

• Analyze the context for the conflict

•Evaluate/recommend/reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution solution

2、任务 2 Task 2

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.4建设团队过程的工具:人际关系与团队技能(PMBOK第六版书籍第341页))


• 设定清晰的愿景和使命

• 支持多元化和包容性(如行为模式、思维过程)

• 重视仆人式领导力(如在团队中实行仆人式领导原则)

• 确定适当的领导力风格(如命令型、协作型)

• 激励、鼓励并影响团队成员/相关方(如团队契约、社会契约、奖励制度)

• 分析团队成员和相关方的影响

• 区分领导各种团队成员和相关方的不同方法

Lead a team

• Set a clear vision and mission

• Support diversity and inclusion (e.g., behavior types, thought process)

• Value servant leadership (e.g., relate the tenets of servant leadership to the team)

• Determine an appropriate leadership style (e.g. directive, collaborative)

• Inspire, motivate, and influence team members/stakeholders (e.g., team contract, social contract, reward system)

• Analyze team members and stakeholders’ influence

• Distinguish various options to lead various team members and stakeholders

3、任务 3 Task 3

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.4建设团队过程的输出:团队绩效评价(PMBOK第六版书籍第343页))


• 根据关键绩效指标评估团队成员绩效

• 支持和认可团队成员发展和成长

• 确定适当的反馈途径

• 验证绩效的提高

Support team performance

• Appraise team member performance against key performance indicators

• Support and recognize team member growth and development

• Determine appropriate feedback approach

• Verify performance improvements

4、任务 4 Task 4

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 项目资源管理的趋势和新兴实践(PMBOK第六版书籍 P310页))


• 围绕团队优势进行组织

• 支持团队的任务职责

• 评估任务职责的说明

• 决定并授予不同级别的决策权

Empower team members and stakeholders

• Organize around team strengths

• Support team task accountability

• Evaluate demonstration of task accountability

• Determine and bestow level(s) of decision-making authority

5、任务 5 Task 5

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.4建设团队过程的工具:培训(PMBOK第六版书籍第342页))


• 确定培训所需的能力和要素

• 根据培训需求确定培训方案

• 为培训分配资源

• 衡量培训效果

Ensure team members/stakeholders are adequately trained

• Determine required competencies and elements of training

• Determine training options based on training needs

• Allocate resources for training

• Measure training outcomes

6、任务 6 Task 6

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.3获取资源过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第328-335页))


• 评估相关方的技能

• 推断项目资源需求

• 持续评估和更新团队技能以满足项目需求

• 维护团队和知识转移

Build a team

• Appraise stakeholder skills

• Deduce project resource requirements

• Continuously assess and refresh team skills to meet project needs

• Maintain team and knowledge transfer

7、任务 7 Task 7

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 项目资源管理的趋势和新兴实践(PMBOK第六版书籍 P310页))


• 确定团队的重要妨碍、障碍和阻碍

• 为团队的妨碍、障碍和阻碍排定优先级

• 使用人际往来实施解决方案,以移除团队的妨碍、障碍和阻碍

• 持续评估,以确保团队的妨碍、障碍和阻碍得到处理

Address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

• Determine critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

• Prioritize critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

• Use network to implement solutions to remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team

• Re-assess continually to ensure impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team are being addressed

8、任务 8 Task 8

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.1制定项目章程的输入:商业文件(商业论证和效益管理计划)和协议(PMBOK第六版书籍第33、77-78页))


• 分析协议的协商边界

• 评估优先级并确定最终目标

• 验证项目协议的目标是否达成

• 参与协议协商

• 确定协商策略

Negotiate project agreements

• Analyze the bounds of the negotiations for agreement

• Assess priorities and determine ultimate objective(s) • Verify objective(s) of the project agreement is met

• Participate in agreement negotiations

• Determine a negotiation strategy

9、任务 9 Task 9

(关联PMBOK第六版 第13章 13.2规划相关方参与过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第516-522页))和管理相关方参与过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第523-529页))


• 评估相关方的参与需求

• 优化相关方需求、期望和项目目标的一致性

• 建立信任并影响相关方以达成项目目标

Collaborate with stakeholders

• Evaluate engagement needs for stakeholders

• Optimize alignment between stakeholder needs, expectations, and project objectives

• Build trust and influence stakeholders to accomplish project objectives

10、任务 10 Task 10

(关联PMBOK第六版 第13章 13.3管理相关方参与过程的工具:人际关系与团队技能(PMBOK第六版书籍第527页))


• 分析形势并找出误解的根本原因

• 调查所有必要的各方,以达成共识

• 支持各方同意的成果

• 调查潜在的误解

Build shared understanding

• Break down situation to identify the root cause of a misunderstanding

• Survey all necessary parties to reach consensus

• Support outcome of parties' agreement

• Investigate potential misunderstandings

11、任务 11 Task 11

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.4建设团队过程的工具:虚拟团队(PMBOK第六版书籍第340页))


• 检查虚拟团队成员的需求(如环境、地理、文化、全球性等) • 研究虚拟团队成员参与的备选方案(如沟通工具和集中办公)

• 实施虚拟团队成员参与的方法

• 持续评估虚拟团队成员参与的有效性

Engage and support virtual teams

• Examine virtual team member needs (e.g., environment, geography, culture, global, etc.)

• Investigate alternatives (e.g., communication tools, colocation) for virtual team member engagement

• Implement options for virtual team member engagement • Continually evaluate effectiveness of virtual team member engagement

12、任务 12 Task 12

(关联PMBOK第六版 第9章 9.1规划资源管理过程的输出:团队章程(PMBOK第六版书籍第319页)和第13章 13.3管理相关方参与过程的工具:基本规则(PMBOK第六版书籍第528页))


• 与团队和外部相关方交流组织的原则

• 建立促使遵守基本规则的环境

• 管理和纠正违反基本规则的行为

Define team ground rules

• Communicate organizational principles with team and external stakeholders

• Establish an environment that fosters adherence to the ground rules

• Manage and rectify ground rule violations

13、任务 13 Task 13

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.3指导与管理项目工作过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第90-97页))


• 分配指导的时间

• 识别并使用可指导的机会

Mentor relevant stakeholders

• Allocate the time to mentoring

• Recognize and act on mentoring opportunities

14、任务 14 Task 14

(关联PMBOK第六版 第10章 10.1规划沟通管理过程的工具人际关系与团队技能(PMBOK第六版书籍第375-376页))


• 通过使用个性指数来评估行为

• 分析个性指数,适应关键项目相关方的情感需要

Promote team performance through the application of emotional intelligence

• Assess behavior through the use of personality indicators

• Analyze personality indicators and adjust to the emotional needs of key project stakeholders

领域二、过程——50% Process—50%

1、任务 1 Task 1

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.1制定项目章程的输入:商业文件(商业论证和效益管理计划)和阶段关口的概念(PMBOK第六版书籍第21页))


• 评估增量交付价值的机会

• 自始至终检查项目的商业价值

• 支持团队根据需要细分项目任务,以找到最小可用产品

Execute project with the urgency required to deliver business value

• Assess opportunities to deliver value incrementally

• Examine the business value throughout the project

• Support the team to subdivide project tasks as necessary to find the minimum viable product

2、任务 2 Task 2

(关联PMBOK第六版 第10章 10.1规划沟通管理过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第366-378页)和10.2管理沟通过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第379-388页))


• 分析所有相关方的沟通需求

• 确定所有相关方的沟通方法、渠道、频率和详细程度

• 对项目信息和更新进行有效沟通

• 确认沟通被理解并收到反馈

Manage communications

• Analyze communication needs of all stakeholders

• Determine communication methods, channels, frequency, and level of detail for all stakeholders

• Communicate project information and updates effectively

• Confirm communication is understood and feedback is received

3、任务 3 Task 3

(关联PMBOK第六版 第11章 11.1规划风险管理过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第401-408页)和11.3实施定性风险分析过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第419-427页))


• 确定风险管理方法

• 迭代评估风险和确定风险优先级

Assess and manage risks

• Determine risk management options

• Iteratively assess and prioritize risks

4、任务 4 Task 4

(关联PMBOK第六版 第13章 13.1识别相关方过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第507-515页)和13.2规划相关方参与过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第516-522页))


• 分析相关方(如权力利益方格、支配权、影响力)

• 相关方分类

• 根据相关方分类调动相关方参与

• 制定、实施并验证相关方参与的策略

Engage stakeholders

• Analyze stakeholders (e.g.power interest grid, influence, impact)

• Categorize stakeholders

• Engage stakeholders by category

• Develop, execute, and validate a strategy for stakeholder engagement

5、任务 5 Task 5

(关联PMBOK第六版 第7章 7.3制定预算过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第250-256页)和9.1规划资源管理过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第312-320页))


• 根据项目范围和以往项目的经验教训来估计所需预算

• 预测未来的预算挑战

• 监控预算偏差,并根据需要配合治理过程做出调整

• 规划和管理资源

Plan and manage budget and resources

• Estimate budgetary needs based on the scope of the project and lessons learned from past projects

• Anticipate future budget challenges

• Monitor budget variations and work with governance process to adjust as necessary

• Plan and manage resources

6、任务 6 Task 6

(关联PMBOK第六版 第6章 6.5制定进度计划的工具敏捷发布规划(PMBOK第六版书籍第216页))


• 评估项目任务(里程碑、依赖关系、故事点)

• 利用标杆对照和历史数据

• 基于方法论准备制定进度

• 基于方法论衡量持续进展

• 基于方法论,按需要修改进度

• 协调其他项目和运营

Plan and manage schedule

• Estimate project tasks (milestones, dependencies, story points)

• Utilize benchmarks and historical data

• Prepare schedule based on methodology

• Measure ongoing progress based on methodology

• Modify schedule, as needed, based on methodology

• Coordinate with other projects and other operations

7、任务 7 Task 7

(关联PMBOK第六版 第8章 8.1规划质量管理过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第277-287页)和8.2管理质量过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第288-297页))


• 确定项目可交付成果的质量标准

• 根据质量差距推荐改进方案

• 持续调查项目可交付成果的质量

Plan and manage quality of products/deliverables

• Determine quality standard required for project deliverables

• Recommend options for improvement based on quality gaps • Continually survey project deliverable quality

8、任务 8 Task 8

(关联PMBOK第六版 第5章 项目范围管理(PMBOK第六版书籍第129-171页))


• 确定需求及其优先级

• 范围分解(如WBS,待办事项列表)

• 监控和确认范围

Plan and manage scope

• Determine and prioritize requirements

• Break down scope (e.g., WBS, backlog)

• Monitor and validate scope

9、任务 9 Task 9

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.2制定项目管理计划过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第82-89页))


• 合并项目/阶段计划

• 评估合并的项目计划之间的依赖关系、差距和持续商业价值 • 分析收集的数据

• 收集并分析数据以做出明智的项目决策

• 确定关键信息需求

Integrate project planning activities

• Consolidate the project/phase plans

• Assess consolidated project plans for dependencies, gaps, and continued business value

• Analyze the data collected

• Collect and analyze data to make informed project decisions

• Determine critical information requirements

10、任务 10 Task 10

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.6实施整体变更控制过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第113-120页))


• 预测并接受变更需要(如遵循变更管理实践)

• 确定应对变更的策略

• 根据方法论执行变更管理策略

• 确定变更响应措施以推动项目前进

Manage project changes

• Anticipate and embrace the need for change (e.g., follow change management practices)

• Determine strategy to handle change

• Execute change management strategy according to the methodology

• Determine a change response to move the project forward

11、任务 11 Task 11

(关联PMBOK第六版 第12章 12.1规划采购管理过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第466-481页))


• 定义资源要求和需求

• 沟通资源需求

• 管理供应商/合同

• 规划和管理采购策略

• 制定交付方案

Plan and manage procurement

• Define resource requirements and needs

• Communicate resource requirements

• Manage suppliers/contracts

• Plan and manage procurement strategy

• Develop a delivery solution

12、任务 12 Task 12

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.2制定项目管理计划过程的输出配置管理计划(PMBOK第六版书籍第88页和第118页))


• 确定管理项目工件的需求(内容、时间、地点、人员等)

• 确认项目信息是最新的(即版本控制),且所有相关方均可访问

• 持续评估项目工件管理的有效性

Manage project artifacts

• Determine the requirements (what, when, where, who, etc.) for managing the project artifacts

• Validate that the project information is kept up to date (i.e., version control) and accessible to all stakeholders

• Continually assess the effectiveness of the management of the project artifacts

13、任务 13 Task 13

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 项目整合管理 裁剪时需要考虑的因素(PMBOK第六版书籍第74页))


• 评估项目需求、复杂性和数量级

• 推荐项目执行策略(如订立合同、财务)

• 推荐一种项目方法论/方法(即预测、敏捷、混合)

• 在整个项目生命周期中使用迭代、增量的实践(如经验教训、相关方参与、风险)

Determine appropriate project methodology/methods and practices

• Assess project needs, complexity, and magnitude

• Recommend project execution strategy (e.g., contracting, finance)

• Recommend a project methodology/approach (i.e., predictive, agile, hybrid)

• Use iterative, incremental practices throughout the project life cycle (e.g., lessons learned, stakeholder engagement, risk)

14、任务 14 Task 14

(关联PMBOK第六版 第2章 项目运行环境 项目治理(PMBOK第六版书籍第44页))


• 确定适当的项目治理(如复制组织的治理)

• 定义上报路径和临界值

Establish project governance structure

• Determine appropriate governance for a project (e.g., replicate organizational governance)

• Define escalation paths and thresholds

15、任务 15 Task 15

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.3指导与管理项目工作过程的输出问题日志(PMBOK第六版书籍第96页))


• 识别风险何时转变为问题

• 用最优的行动解决问题,以取得项目成功

• 与相关方合作找出解决问题的方法

Manage project issues

• Recognize when a risk becomes an issue

• Attack the issue with the optimal action to achieve project success

• Collaborate with relevant stakeholders on the approach to resolve the issues

16、任务 16 Task 16

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.4管理项目知识过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第98-105页))


• 与团队讨论项目职责

• 概述对工作环境的期望

• 确定知识转移的方法

Ensure knowledge transfer for project continuity

• Discuss project responsibilities within team

• Outline expectations for working environment

• Confirm approach for knowledge transfers

17、任务 17 Task 17

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.1制定项目章程过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第75-81页)和4.7结束项目或阶段过程(PMBOK第六版书籍第121-128页))


• 确定成功关闭项目或阶段的标准

• 确认移交准备情况(如运营团队或下一阶段)

• 结束项目或阶段的收尾活动(如最终教训总结、回顾、采购、财务、资源)

Plan and manage project/phase closure or transitions

• Determine criteria to successfully close the project or phase

• Validate readiness for transition (e.g., to operations team or next phase)

• Conclude activities to close out project or phase (e.g., final lessons learned, retrospective, procurement, financials, resources)

领域三、商业环境——8% Business Environment—8%

1、任务 1 Task 1

(关联PMBOK第六版 第2章 项目运行环境 项目治理(PMBOK第六版书籍第44页))


• 确认项目合规性要求(如保护措施、健康与安全、监管合规性)

• 对合规类别进行分类

• 确定在合规性方面的潜在威胁

• 使用方法来支持合规性

• 分析不合规的后果

• 确定必要的方法和行动来满足合规性(如风险、法律)

• 衡量项目合规性的程度

Plan and manage project compliance

• Confirm project compliance requirements (e.g., security, health and safety, regulatory compliance)

• Classify compliance categories

• Determine potential threats to compliance

• Use methods to support compliance

• Analyze the consequences of noncompliance

• Determine necessary approach and action to address compliance needs (e.g., risk, legal)

• Measure the extent to which the project is in complianc

2、任务 2 Task 2

(关联PMBOK第六版 第1章 引论 项目效益管理计划(PMBOK第六版书籍第33页))


• 调查已确定的收益

• 记录所有权协议,以持续实现收益

• 验证测量系统是否到位,以跟踪收益

• 评估交付方案以展示价值

• 评估相关方的价值获取过程

Evaluate and deliver project benefits and value

• Investigate that benefits are identified

• Document agreement on ownership for ongoing benefit realization

• Verify measurement system is in place to track benefits • Evaluate delivery options to demonstrate value

• Appraise stakeholders of value gain progress

3、任务 3 Task 3

(关联PMBOK第六版 第4章 4.1制定项目章程的输入:商业论证(PMBOK第六版书籍第29、77页))


• 调查外部商业环境的变化(如法规、技术、地缘政治、市场) • 基于外部商业环境,评估对项目范围/待办事项的影响,并对其进行优先排序

• 为范围/待办事项变化推荐方案(如进度、成本变化)

• 持续审查外部商业环境变化对项目范围/待办事项的影响

Evaluate and address external business environment changes for impact on scope

• Survey changes to external business environment (e.g., regulations, technology, geopolitical, market)

• Assess and prioritize impact on project scope/backlog based on changes in external business environment

• Recommend options for scope/backlog changes (e.g., schedule, cost changes)

• Continually review external business environment for impacts on project scope/backlog

4、任务 4 Task 4

(关联PMBOK第六版 第1章 引论 项目驱动变革(PMBOK第六版书籍第6页))


• 评估组织文化

• 评估组织变革对项目的影响,并确定所需的行动

• 评估项目对组织的影响,并确定所需的行动

Support organizational change

• Assess organizational culture

• Evaluate impact of organizational change to project and determine required actions

• Evaluate impact of the project to the organization and determine required actions



