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I strongly believe that a good knowledge of these two topics is also key to become a better programmer because a person who has a good understanding of algorithms and data structures can make thoughtful choices and write programs which can handle changes better and perform well.

They are also important to ***** coding interviews at top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Facebook, and Apple, which puts a lot of emphasis on candidate's ability to use existing data structure and algorithms to solve complex problems they have never seen before.

The only way to succeed in those interviews is a strong knowledge of all fundamental algorithms, data structures and programming techniques like Recursion, Bit Manipulation, etc.

Another thing which I have noticed a lot in programmers is shallow/partial knowledge of data structures. Many programmers think that just knowing the array or linked list is enough, but that's true because everybody knows that.

In order to distinguish yourself from the crowd, you also need to explore advanced data structures like a binary tree, binary search tree, balanced tree, heaps, graphs, hash tables, doubly linked list, circular list, stack, queue, a tree with more than two nodes, etc.


In the past, I have shared some books, tutorials, and interview questions on algorithms and data structure and today, I'll share some of the best courses on data structure and algorithms which are also FREE.

这些是在线课程,因此您可以在办公室或家中使用它们来学习数据结构和算法。 您也可以按照自己的步调,花一些时间在难以理解的主题上。

These courses cover both basic data structure like an array, linked list, and binary tree as well as advanced data structure like a stack, queue, trie, balanced tree, graphs, etc.

10 Free Algorithms Books and Courses for Programmers

Without any further ado, here is my list of some of the freely available courses to learn data structure and algorithms. I have purposefully included courses which teaches this topic on different programming languages like C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python, etc because even though the data structures and algorithms are generic, you can understand the implementation better if they are given in the programming language you know better.

1. Easy to Advanced Data Structures

这是您可以免费获得的最好的课程之一,以学习数据结构和算法。 该课程包含8个多小时的内容,顾名思义,该课程涵盖了简单和高级的数据结构。

You will learn about the array, linked list, dynamic array, stack, queue, doubly linked list, priority queues, hash tables, binary search trees, Fenwick tree/binary indexed tree, AVL tree, and Indexed priority queue.


In short, a complete guide to learning about data structures and algorithms. Big thanks to instructor William Fiset for keeping this excellent course free.


2. Algorithms Notes for Professionals book

一本免费的200多页的书,以学习2020年的数据结构和算法。这本书是根据Stack Overflow文档编写的,内容是由Stack Overflow上的美女写的。 您可以从GoalKicker.com和文档中下载该PDF,它非常简单。 简而言之,这是2020年免费学习数据结构和算法的最佳资源之一。


3. Algorithms Part 1 --- Coursera

这是Coursera上关于算法的另一门精品课程。 本课程将带您导览数据结构,算法和复杂性分析领域。 这些概念与语言无关,并且解决方案和Big O计算都是使用Java完成的。

It's a two-part course, in which the first part covers basic data structures, sorting, and searching algorithms, which the second part focuses on the graph and string-processing algorithms.

The course is offered as free from Princeton University and both instructors Kevin Wayne and Robert Sedgewick are expert author and lecturer. Robert Sedgewick has also authored Algorithms book, one of the best books to learn Data Structure and Algorithms in Java.

Talking about social proof, the course has got on average 4.9 reviews from 1000 reviewers which is amazing. Once you enroll you will have access to all course material and it's completely free but no certificate of completion will be given, unlike other Coursera courses.


4. Graph Theory Algorithms


Many real-world problems can be solved using graphs like the shortest path between cities and routes airline takes. Thankfully, you have a free course which provides a complete overview of graph theory algorithms in computer science and mathematics.

在本课程中,您将学习常见的图遍历算法,例如深度优先遍历和层级遍历,Dijkstra算法,拓扑排序算法,非循环图上的最短/最长路径,Bellman Ford算法,Floyd-Warshall所有对最短路径算法 ,查找桥梁/铰接点以及查找牢固连接的组件(Tarjan)

You will also learn how to implement and store graphs on a computer. In short, a perfect course to learn about graph data structure and algorithms.

5. Data Structure --- Part I


The course covers well-known data structures such as dynamic arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and binary tree.



6. Dynamic Programming --- I


If you are preparing for job interviews then apart from knowing data structures and algorithms, you should also learn about programming techniques like recursion, iteration, and dynamic programming.



6. Data Structures Concepts & Singly Linked List Implementation\


You will learn to implement various linked list operations using the C programming language like finding a node, appending a node, deleting a node, add a node to a position, traversing a linked list, and prepared a node.


7. Introduction to Algorithms and Data structures in C++

这是学习C ++基本数据结构和算法的绝妙课程。 指导老师Andrei Margeloiu在解决算法问题方面具有丰富的经验,甚至参加了由Google和Facebook组织的多次编码竞赛,并赢得了比赛。

In this course, you will not only learn about fundamental data structures like an array and linked list, stack and queue but you will also learn about practical techniques to solve algorithmic problems.

讲师还向您展示了如何调试和分析算法复杂性以及Big(O)数。 他也用了很多图可以更好地传达他的思想并直观地教您,这对于数据结构和算法课程非常重要。

In short, a nice free course to learn from an expert who himself has solved 1000+ algorithmic problems. Even though, I know the topic, I have learned a couple of nice tricks from this course, a big thanks to Andrei for keeping this course free.


8. Data Structures in Java for Noobs (Lite Edition)


You will learn about all the linked list operation and how to implement it using Java Programming language like adding a node, deleting a node from both beginning and end.

Overall, a short course to focus on a linked list data structure.


9. Getting Interview Ready --- Data Structures

如果您准备面试并且没有太多时间,这是一门学习数据结构和算法的好课程。 该课程既不是很长,也不是很排序,仅包含3个小时的内容。

In that three hours, you will not only learn basics of an array, linked list, binary tree, binary search tree, stack, queue, AVL and splay trees but also solve some coding problems and learn some tricks to do well on coding interviews.



10. Algorithms and Data Structures --- Part 1

这是一个由两部分组成的系列综合课程,旨在学习算法和数据结构。 该课程侧重于日常应用中使用的核心数据结构和算法。


First part of this series covers basic data structures like linked lists, stacks, queues, binary trees, and hash tables and the second part focuses on advanced data structures and algorithms like data sorting, string searching, sets, AVL trees and concurrency issues.

Btw, the last two algorithms and data structure courses from Pluralsight is not exactly free as you need Pluralsight membership to access them. If you are not a member then a Pluralsight monthly membership cost you around $29 per month and an annual membership around $299 dollar, which also provides you access to more than 5000+ latest technology courses.

I have Pluralsight membership and it's my go-to place to learn new stuff, but if you just want to access these courses then you can also try Pluralsight free trial, which provides 10-day access to all Pluralsight contents.



  1. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java
  2. Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions
  3. Data Structures & Algorithms --- Interview !!

这就是一些最好的免费算法和数据结构课程。 对数据结构和算法的深入了解在使您成为一名优秀的程序员方面大有帮助。

They help you to write better code and also helps you to do well in coding interviews where you will always find some questions on algorithms and data structure.


Also, even though most of these courses are free and once you enroll you will have lifetime access to the course material just be careful with Udemy free courses.



Other Programming Resources you may like
50+ Data Structure and Algorithms Interview Questions
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Grokking Algorithms --- Book Review
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感谢您到目前为止阅读本文。 如果您喜欢这些免费的算法和数据结构课程,请与您的朋友和同事分享。 如果您有任何疑问或反馈,请留言。

P.S. --- If you don't mind paying $10 for a good course and value your time more than money then I suggest you check out this list of best Data Structure and Algorithms courses.

P.S.S --- If you prefer books over courses, then you should check my list of 10 Algorithms books every programmer should read.

from: https://dev.to//javinpaul/top-10-free-books-and-courses-to-learn-data-structure-and-algorithms-in-2019-30gl