图标缓存 vista_修复Windows Vista中缺少时钟,音量,电源或网络图标时显示为灰色的情况...

图标缓存 vista_修复Windows Vista中缺少时钟,音量,电源或网络图标时显示为灰色的情况...

图标缓存 vista

So you notice you are missing icons in the System Tray, like the clock or volume icons, and then you realize that you simply can’t enable them because the checkboxes are grayed out. So what do you do?

因此,您注意到系统托盘中缺少图标,例如时钟或音量图标,然后您意识到,由于复选框为灰色,因此您根本无法启用它们。 所以你会怎么做?

The problem exists because system policies were set that probably shouldn’t be, but either way your icons are missing:


图标缓存 vista_修复Windows Vista中缺少时钟,音量,电源或网络图标时显示为灰色的情况...

Normally you can re-enable the items by right-clicking on the Taskbar, choosing properties and going to the Notification Area tab:


图标缓存 vista_修复Windows Vista中缺少时钟,音量,电源或网络图标时显示为灰色的情况...

But they are grayed out… what’s up with that?


Note: I’m assuming you already did the normal Windows fix-it technique of rebooting, and the problem still exists.

注意:我假设您已经执行了正常的Windows Fix-it重启技术,但问题仍然存在。

Fix for Notification Icons are Missing and Checkboxes are Grayed Out


You can solve all of these problems by looking in two separate places in the registry, and then deleting a bunch of keys in each location. We’ll detail all of the keys here, but you can skip down a bit for a downloadable registry hack file.

您可以通过在注册表中的两个单独的位置中查找,然后删除每个位置中的一堆**来解决所有这些问题。 我们将在此处详细说明所有键,但您可以略过一点以下载可下载的注册表黑客文件。

Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:



HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

图标缓存 vista_修复Windows Vista中缺少时钟,音量,电源或网络图标时显示为灰色的情况...

If you see any of the following key names in the right-hand pane, delete them:


  • NoTrayItemsDisplay

  • HideClock

  • HideSCAPower

  • HideSCAVolume

  • NoAutoTrayNotify

  • HideSCANetwork


After deleting the values in that pane, browse to the following key and then repeat the process:



HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ Explorer

You’ll have to logout and then back in, and then most likely go back into taskbar properties and re-check the boxes for each.


Download Registry Hack


Just download, extract, and double-click on RestoreMyTrayIconsPlease.reg to enter the information into the registry.


Download RestoreMyTrayIconsPlease Registry Hack

下载RestoreMyTrayIconsPlease Registry Hack

What if the Volume Icon Still Doesn’t Work?


Over the last year, many people have reported a related problem to me: They just have no volume icon… and also no sound.


If you encounter this problem, you should immediately open Device Manager and make sure that there are no exclamation points next to your sound card, because the problem is likely that your sound card driver isn’t working.


图标缓存 vista_修复Windows Vista中缺少时钟,音量,电源或网络图标时显示为灰色的情况...

If there are exclamation points, or the sound card is missing and there are a bunch of “Unknown devices”, you usually need to reload the sound card driver from the manufacturer, but sometimes you can right-click on the device and choose to “Update Driver”.


Note: I’ve also run into this issue with Toshiba and Acer laptops, the solution for those usually being a BIOS update.


If you still have problems, head over to our forum and ask your question over there.


Important Note: Numerous people have reported to me that this problem happens much less after installing Service Pack 1, so you should probably make sure you are all patched up as well.

重要说明:许多人向我报告说,在安装Service Pack 1之后,此问题的发生率将大大降低,因此您可能应该确保还对所有这些补丁进行了修补。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/fix-for-when-clock-volume-power-or-network-icons-are-missing-and-grayed-out-in-windows-vista/

图标缓存 vista