win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

win 8 metro交互

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

If you download a lot of apps from the Windows 8 Store, install your own programs, and pin those programs to the Metro Start screen, the screen can become a mess. However, you can group tiles on the Metro Start screen and label those groups.

如果您从Windows 8应用商店下载了大量应用程序,安装了自己的程序,并将这些程序固定在Metro Start屏幕上 ,则该屏幕可能会变得一团糟。 但是,您可以在Metro Start屏幕上对图块进行分组并标记这些组。

After installing software, here’s what our Metro screen looks like. It’s a jumble of programs, and as we install more programs, it’ll only get worse. The tiles seem to be in two groups, but not necessarily how we would organize them.

安装软件后,这是我们的Metro屏幕的外观。 这是一堆程序,随着我们安装更多程序,它只会变得更糟。 磁贴似乎分为两组,但不一定是我们如何组织它们。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

To move a tile into a new group, drag the tile to an empty space between the current groups until you see a gray bar. Release the mouse button to drop the tile into its own group. Move additional tiles into the group by dragging them onto the current tiles in the group.

要将图块移动到新组中,请将图块拖到当前组之间的空白处,直到看到灰色条。 释放鼠标按钮,将图块放入其自己的组中。 通过将其他磁贴拖动到组中的当前磁贴上,将其移动到该组中。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

Once you have rearranged your tiles into groups, you can name the groups. To do this, click the minus sign button in the lower, right corner of the Metro screen.

将图块重新排列为组后,即可命名组。 为此,请单击Metro屏幕右下角的减号按钮。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

The view of the Metro screen zooms out, allowing you to select a whole group at a time and move it or rename it. To rename a group, right-click on a group. Do not left-click on it first. That will only zoom in again. If that happens, click the minus sign button again.

“地铁”屏幕的视图会缩小,您可以一次选择整个组,然后将其移动或重命名。 要重命名组,请右键单击组。 不要先左键单击它。 那只会再次放大。 如果发生这种情况,请再次单击减号按钮。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

The whole group is checked and the Name group option becomes available at the bottom of the screen. Click Name group.

整个组均已选中,“名称”组选项在屏幕底部可用。 单击名称组。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

A dialog box displays. Enter a name for the group in the edit box and click Name.

显示一个对话框。 在编辑框中输入组的名称,然后单击“名称”。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

The name of the group displays above the group, even in the zoomed out view.


While zoomed out on the tiles, you can move groups to different locations, if desired. We decided to move our groups to the left side of the Metro screen, so we don’t have to scroll to get to the tiles we use most. To move a group, left-click and hold on a group and drag it to the desired location.

缩小图块时,可以根据需要将组移动到其他位置。 我们决定将组移动到“地铁”屏幕的左侧,因此我们不必滚动到最常用的图块。 要移动组,请在组上单击鼠标左键并按住不放,然后将其拖动到所需的位置。

win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

Click anywhere on the Metro screen to zoom in again and display the tiles full size.


win 8 metro交互_在Windows 8的Metro Start屏幕上将图块分组

So, even without the Start menu, you can still organize your programs and avoid a jumbled mess.



win 8 metro交互