移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码

移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码


移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码

iOS 11 has a new feature that allows you to discreetly disable the Touch ID unlock functionality, requiring the PIN code for access to the device. Here’s why that’s important (and how to use the new locking feature).

iOS 11具有一项新功能,可让您谨慎禁用Touch ID解锁功能,需要PIN码才能访问设备。 这就是重要的原因(以及如何使用新的锁定功能)。

The new feature on iOS 11, one of many new changes, has been called the “cop button”, because the most immediately apparent and practical use of the button is to disable Touch ID discreetly when you encounter law enforcement officers, border agents, or others who wish to access your phone. Why would this matter? Because PIN codes and passwords afford you better protection under current legislative models than biometic identification. U.S. courts have ruled that biometric identifiers like your fingerprint are not covered under Fifth Amendment protections, but codes (which must be recalled from your mind and voluntarily turned over) are. For those of you interested in the legal side of things, here’s a brief article from The Atlantic that covers the basics of it.

iOS 11的新功能是许多新更改之一 ,被称为“警察按钮”,因为该按钮最直接,最实际的使用是在遇到执法人员,边防人员或警察时谨慎地禁用Touch ID。希望访问您手机的其他人。 为什么会这样呢? 由于PIN码和密码在当前立法模式下比生物识别提供了更好的保护。 美国法院裁定,诸如指纹之类的生物特征识别码不受第五修正案保护,但编码(必须从您的脑海中调出并自愿交出)必须包含在内。 对于那些对事物的法律方面感兴趣的人,这是The Atlantic一篇简短文章 ,介绍了它的基本知识。

With the why side of things out of the way, let’s look at the very simple way you can quickly lock your phone so that only the PIN can be used to unlock it. While your iPhone is on, simply grab the phone and rapidly click the power button on the side of the phone five times. (If you have an iPhone 8, 8 Plus, or X, you’ll instead want to press and hold the power button and one of the volume buttons simultaneously.)

避免了为什么的烦恼,让我们看一下您可以快速锁定手机的非常简单的方法,以便仅使用PIN即可解锁手机。 在打开iPhone时,只需抓住手机并快速单击手机侧面的电源按钮五次即可。 (如果您使用的是iPhone 8、8 Plus或X,则可以同时按住电源按钮和音量按钮之一。)

移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码

iOS will pull up the emergency calls screen but will also disable Touch ID. Touch ID will not be enabled until the phone is unlocked with a valid PIN.

iOS将拉出紧急呼叫屏幕,但还将禁用Touch ID。 只有使用有效的PIN解锁手机后,Touch ID才会启用。

移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码

At this point Touch ID is disabled and if you phone it taken from you your fingerprint cannot be used to unlock it.

此时,Touch ID被禁用,如果您从您的手机上取下来,您的指纹将无法用于解锁。

移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码

There is no need to enable any settings to take advantage of this feature (nor can you disable the feature). Although, if you’re thinking about security in this way and wish to ensure that your locked iPhone doesn’t provide any compromising information, we would recommend popping into the Passcode Lock settings, found under Settings > Passcode Lock, in order to further restrict what your phone can do while it is locked:

无需启用任何设置即可利用此功能(也不能禁用该功能)。 虽然,如果您以这种方式考虑安全性并希望确保锁定的iPhone不提供任何有害信息,我们建议您弹出设置>密码锁定下的密码锁定设置,以进一步限制手机在锁定状态下可以做什么:

移动端禁用ios中文输入_如何在iOS 11中临时禁用Touch ID和要求输入密码

If you’re using your phone in a situation where disabling Touch ID is even a consideration, it would also be wise to toggle off the “Allow Access When Locked” settings to remove access to the message reply function and missed calls, for example.

如果您甚至在考虑禁用Touch ID的情况下使用手机,例如,最好关闭“锁定时允许访问”设置以删除对消息回复功能和未接来电的访问。

