sketch learn_现在,每个人都可以免费使用Learn Premium

sketch learn_现在,每个人都可以免费使用Learn Premium

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With the rapidly changing economic landscape, there is an unprecedented need for people to develop in-demand skills. That’s why, starting today, Unity Learn Premium will be available to everyone at no cost.

随着瞬息万变的经济形势,人们前所未有地需要开发技能。 因此,从今天开始,Unity Learn Premium将免费提供给所有人。

On March 19, we opened up Unity Learn Premium to the community, offering three months of complimentary access to this comprehensive source of real-time 3D learning content and live access to Unity experts. We could not have anticipated the economy and job market we find ourselves in today. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to millions of jobs lost globally, and with figures like these, we know that this has impacted the livelihood of many people in our diverse community. The need to gain new skills quickly is more important than ever for those looking for new opportunities. 

3月19日,我们 向社区 开放了 Unity学习高级版 ,提供了三个月的免费访问时间,使您可以全面访问实时3D学习内容的完整资源,并可以实时访问Unity专家。 我们无法预料到我们今天会遇到的经济和就业市场。 COVID-19大流行已导致全球数以百万计的工作机会流失,而通过这样的数字,我们知道这已经影响了我们多元化社区中许多人的生计。 对于那些寻求新机会的人来说,快速获得新技能的需求比以往任何时候都更为重要。

The response from the community has been overwhelming. Over 320,000 people have benefited from Learn Premium since we offered complimentary access. Clearly, Learn Premium is an important resource for our community, and we want to continue playing our part: today, we are announcing that Learn Premium will be accessible to everyone moving forward. By providing easy access to all of our real-time 3D online learning resources, we hope to bring you one step closer to reaching your goals.

社区的React是压倒性的。 自从我们提供免费访问以来,已有320,000多人从Learn Premium中受益。 显然,Learn Premium是我们社区的重要资源,我们希望继续发挥自己的作用:今天,我们宣布,前进的每个人都可以使用Learn Premium。 通过提供对我们所有实时3D在线学习资源的便捷访问,我们希望使您更进一步地实现自己的目标。

学习内容以建立按需技能 (Learning content to build in-demand skills)

According to’s “State of Software Engineering” report, demand for AR and VR talent grew by 1,400% over the last year, while demand for gaming and machine learning engineers grew by 146% and 89%, respectively. Unity is an important and growing component of each of these roles, and mastering Unity skills is key for both keeping pace with and staying ahead of the job market curve.    

根据Hired.com的“软件工程状况”报告,去年对AR和VR人才的需求增长了1,400%,而对游戏和机器学习工程师的需求分别增长了146%和89%。 团结是上述每个角色的重要且不断增长的组成部分,掌握Unity技能对于跟上并保持领先于就业市场曲线至关重要。

To get you started, we’ve highlighted some of the most useful Learn Premium content for job seekers and lifelong learners to develop these in-demand AR, VR, and AI skills. More than 350 hours of Learn Premium content are available on the Unity Learn platform, and our library will continue to grow as we add exciting new content and update our tutorials to 2019 LTS and beyond.     

为了让您入门,我们为求职者和终身学习者重点介绍了一些最有用的Learn Premium内容,以开发这些需求的AR,VR和AI技能。 Unity学习平台 上提供了超过350个小时的Learn Premium内容 ,并且随着我们添加令人兴奋的新内容并将教程更新到2019 LTS及更高版本,我们的库将继续增长。

Artificial Intelligence for Beginners: Learn the most popular AI techniques used for creating believable game characters. The course features hands-on workshops designed to teach you about the fundamental AI techniques used in today’s games. By the end, you’ll have a good understanding of how AI works, how it’s used in games, and how you can use it in your own projects to take your game environments to the next level.

初学者人工智能 :学习用于创建可信游戏角色的最流行AI技术。 该课程设有动手实践研讨会,旨在教您有关当今游戏中使用的基本AI技术的知识。 到最后,您将对AI的工作原理,在游戏中的使用方式以及如何在自己的项目中使用AI从而使游戏环境更上一层楼有一个很好的了解。

ML-Agents: Hummingbirds: We’ve partnered with Immersive Limit to create ML-Agents: Hummingbirds, an intermediate-level course that teaches you how to implement ML-Agents Release 1 through exercises, code walkthroughs, and helpful discussions. Learn how to train neural networks to perform a challenging task —  getting hummingbirds with six degrees of freedom and complicated flight paths to their flowers. By the end of this course, you’ll have a good understanding of how you can harness the power of ML-Agents Release 1 to create intelligent agents and integrate them into your own Unity games and simulation projects.

ML-Agents:蜂鸟 :我们已经与Immersive Limit合作创建了ML-Agents:Hummingbirds,这是一门中级课程,通过练习,代码演练和有益的讨论,教您如何实现ML-Agents Release 1。 了解如何训练神经网络执行具有挑战性的任务-使蜂鸟具有六个*度和复杂的飞行路径来开花。 在本课程结束时,您将对如何利用ML-Agents Release 1的功能创建智能代理并将它们集成到您自己的Unity游戏和模拟项目中有很好的了解。

AR/VR courses: To help you get started with the technology to create augmented reality and virtual reality experiences, we’ve compiled this list of our top AR and VR learning content that will teach you everything from AR/VR basics to how to create marketing apps and construction site tours with Unity.

AR / VR课程 :为帮助您入门以创建增强现实和虚拟现实体验,我们整理了 这份清单列出 了我们最重要的AR和VR学习内容,它将教您从AR / VR基础知识到如何创建使用Unity进行营销应用程序和建筑工地游览。

Unity C# Survival Guide: This comprehensive guide to Unity C# can teach you how to code or strengthen the foundation you already have. If you are new to Unity C#, start at the beginning and proceed sequentially to get the best understanding of this object-oriented programming language. If you’re an experienced developer, you can skip ahead to the section that you’re most interested in mastering.

Unity C#生存指南Unity C#的 综合指南可以教您如何编码或增强已有的基础。 如果您不熟悉Unity C#,请从头开始并按顺序进行,以最好地了解这种面向对象的编程语言。 如果您是一位经验丰富的开发人员,则可以跳到您最需要掌握的部分。

High Fidelity Game Visuals: Learn how to create AAA visuals with this intermediate-level course, where you’ll dive into the roles of character artist, environment artist, and lighting artist and learn the approach taken by each artist to deliver high-fidelity game visuals. You’ll then apply your learnings through creative challenges in a streamlined Unity Project. 

高保真游戏视觉 效果:通过此中级课程学习如何创建AAA视觉效果,在此课程中,您将深入研究角色美术师,环境美术师和照明美术师的角色,并学习每位美术师提供高保真游戏的方法视觉效果。 然后,您将在简化的Unity项目中通过创造性的挑战来应用您的知识。


We’re excited to continue offering you access to all of this high-quality learning content and hope it helps you work toward your goals. Thank you for learning with us.

我们很高兴能继续为您提供所有这些 高质量的 学习内容, 并希望它能帮助您实现自己的目标。 感谢您与我们一起学习。


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